Increasing pensions for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 from April 2021: indexation of pensions, amount of additional payments and increases

Since April, Russia has been increasing the social pension for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, children with limited physical capabilities and other categories of beneficiaries. In 2021, payments are indexed by 3.4 percent. We have recalculated exactly what the increase will be in rubles.

Indexation of social pensions from April 1, 2021 will be 3.4%. The corresponding draft government resolution was prepared by the Ministry of Labor.

“The percentage increase was not chosen by chance. Let us remind you that it was previously assumed that pensions for disabled people would increase by 2.6%. This amount was included in the Pension Fund budget. But the economic situation in the country has made adjustments,” says ​​agency columnist Dmitry Danilov.

In accordance with current legislation, social pensions are indexed taking into account the growth rate of the pensioner’s cost of living over the past year, that is, 2020.

The Ministry of Labor calculated that in 2019 the cost of living for a pensioner was 9,002 rubles. At the end of 2020, this value increased to 9,308 rubles. The difference was 3.4%.

In this regard, from April 1, 2021, the indexation of social pensions for disabled people will also be 3.4%.

Let's calculate how payments to disabled people will increase in ruble equivalent.

How much will pensions for disabled people increase from April 1, 2021?

Let us immediately note that we are talking only about social or state pensions. They are received by those who, due to various circumstances, do not have enough work experience to receive an insurance pension.

Those disabled people who receive an insurance pension will not have an increase from April 1, 2021. For them, indexation has already taken place on January 1. In addition, since February 1, the size of the EDV has already increased.

Below are the amounts of the social pension before and after April 1, 2021, taking into account indexation by 3.4%. These are the basic sizes. In some places, these amounts may be increased based on the size of the regional coefficients.

How pensions are calculated for disabled people of group 2

The amount of a disability pension depends on many factors, including:

  • availability of work experience;
  • dependent citizens;
  • living in the Far North or areas equivalent to the KS.

If these factors are present, the amount of the pension changes accordingly.

In addition, when receiving a pension, the amount of which does not correspond to the established minimum subsistence level in the region, a citizen has every right to apply for an additional payment.

How will the social old-age pension change?

Men and women who have reached the age of 70 and 65 years, respectively (citizens from among the indigenous peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years) will receive the following increase in social pension

The increase will be 190.61 rubles.

Those citizens whose social pension is less than the pensioner's subsistence level (PMP) in the region have a social supplement that allows them to increase their pension provision to this level.

Amount of disability pension for group 2 in 2020

From April 1, 2021, the size of the disability pension benefit will change. Indexing will be carried out based on the inflation rate for 2021. However, there is a high probability that the size of the pension for disabled people of group 2 will remain the same. This assumption is due to the established law, which states that there is no indexation for working pensioners. Statistics show that the majority of people with disabilities belonging to group 2 work.

In addition to the basic disability pension, persons with disabilities may qualify for additional payments.

The disability pension for group 2 in 2021 will be approximately 5,653.71 rubles .

Compared to 2021, the amount will be increased by 369.87 rubles.

How much will the disability insurance pension increase in 2022?

If a disabled person has work experience, he can receive an insurance pension. The amount of the benefit changes annually through indexation. In 2021, the increase was 6.3%. And the growth parameters for 2022 and the planning period of 2023 and 2024 are laid down in the draft Budget of the Russian Pension Fund, which the Russian Trilateral Commission reviewed in the summer of 2021. According to this document...

The insurance pension for non-working pensioners, including disabled people of the second group, will be indexed by 5.9% from January 1, 2022.

✓ The cost of one pension coefficient will increase to 104 rubles. 69 kopecks

✓ The size of the fixed payment from January 2022 for disabled people of group II increased to the following amounts:

• Without dependents – 6,401.10 rubles; • With 1 dependent – ​​8,534.81 rubles; • With 2 dependents – 10,668.51 rubles; • With 3 dependents – 12,802.22 rubles.

Group II disabled people who have worked for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 years in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North, as well as having an insurance period of 25 years for men or 20 years for women, have a corresponding increase in the fixed payment.

To calculate how much the disability insurance pension will increase from January 2022, you need to multiply its current size by 1.059.

The calculation formula is as follows:

Amount of disability insurance pension in 2021 x 1.059 = Amount of pension in 2022.

Recalculation of pensions for disabled people

According to the law, in our country the recalculation (indexation) procedure is carried out for both social and insurance payments. The volume of insurance coverage for a particular citizen increases depending on the level of inflation, contributions to the Pension Fund by the official employer, and an increase in the profitability of the fund itself. Social payments grow as the cost of living increases, as well as the indexation of the daily wage along with a set of social services and various allowances.

1 group

In 2021, pensions of citizens with disabilities belonging to the first category of disability were indexed by 4%. The increase affected non-working pensioners. Disability pension insurance has a fundamental feature - the length of work experience for assignment is not important, one working day is enough. In the absence of any length of service, the pensioner is assigned a social benefit.

The amount of the insurance pension depends on the individual pension coefficient (IPC, point) and the cost of one such coefficient on the day of its appointment. The cost of the point itself is indexed annually. It is planned to abolish the IPC, but this step is still at the preparation stage.

The fixed payment (FV) also increases. In 2021, the total amount was 5334.19 rubles. For disabled people of group 1, it is equal to 10668.38. The amount of the allowance for dependents depends on indexation - for each (no more than three) a third of the total amount is due.

2 groups

Pensions for working disabled people of group 2 have ceased to be indexed in accordance with the presidential decree. It is recalculated only in connection with dismissal from work. For those who do not work, everything remains the same - the accumulation of points in the account from employer insurance contributions plays a significant role. Indexation of the point value has changed the volume of accruals. The IPC became equal to 81.49 rubles. The PV also increased, the total amount of which, as already mentioned, amounted to 5334.19 rubles. For the category of persons under consideration, this amount is the final amount (without reduction or increase, as for the third and first categories, respectively).

For citizens living in the Far North, an increase is provided through the use of one of the regional coefficients (depending on the specific place of residence). Persons with limited health are entitled to an increase in the amount of payments if they worked in difficult conditions for a certain number of years. Here, only one increase option is used to choose from - thanks to the regional coefficient or thanks to the northern experience.

The social pension is designed for non-working disabled people of the second category. Its size depends on the established cost of living; from April 2021 it is 5334.19 rubles.

3 groups

Recalculation is carried out when:

  • the group was promoted or removed;
  • changed place of residence;
  • the number of dependents (if any) has changed;
  • labor activity was terminated;
  • an application to refuse social recruitment was written and submitted.

The insurance pension may change, since the calculations take into account the physical disability and disability group. The basic portion for the third category of disability is equal to half the original amount, i.e. for 2019 – 2667.09 rubles.

News today about indexation for working pensioners

“Once again, the LDPR faction proposed a new form of how the issue of returning the indexation of pensions, at least for working disabled people, could be resolved. Some time ago, a similar decision was made in relation to those pensioners who are guardians. They receive guardianship funds and previously their pension was not indexed due to the fact that they were insured persons. We also proposed that disabled workers be removed from the list of insured persons so that their pensions would be indexed,” he said.

According to the parliamentarian, citizens with disabilities have a small pension, and when working, they receive a small salary.

“At the same time, they lose because of non-indexation, and they are demotivated. Although, once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that for a working citizen, income tax and contributions to three social funds are paid - the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund and the Medical Insurance Fund,” Nilov clarified.

Demotivated working pensioners either prefer to quit and not work at all, or express dissatisfaction and the degree of social tension increases.

“But water wears away stones, indexation is due on January 1, so we really hope that in one form or another the issue related to the indexation of pensions, at least for certain categories of citizens, will be resolved,” the deputy head of the faction emphasized.

It turns out that working pensioners in Russia face injustice twice. The first time is when their pension is not indexed, the second time is when their pension is recalculated on August 1.

“The employer pays contributions for a working pensioner. Accordingly, he earns additional insurance points,” the deputy said.

How will monthly cash payments to disabled people change in 2022?

The amount of EDV is set by the government and depends on the disability group and category of the beneficiary. The value of the UDV is indexed annually from February 1 , based on the level of inflation.
In 2021, the increase was 4.9%. The draft Budget of the Russian Pension Fund plans to increase the EDV from February 1, 2022 by 4.3%.

This table shows the sizes of EDV and NSU for disabled people of group II before and after indexation:

date Taking into account NAS, rub. Excluding NSG, rub.
until 1.02.2022 2 919,02 1 707,36
from 1.02.2022 3044,54 1780,78

See also how the size of the pension for disabled people of the first group has changed >>

The cost of NSO from February 2022 will increase to 1263.76 rubles per month:

✓ medicines, medical products and medical nutrition for disabled children (973.38 rubles per month), ✓ voucher for sanatorium treatment for the prevention of major diseases (150.58 rubles per month), ✓ free travel on suburban railway transport or intercity transport to the place of treatment and back (139.80 rubles per month).

Indexation of pensions for disabled people of group 2 in 2020

Indexation of pensions is carried out exclusively for disabled citizens. Accordingly, in 2021, indexing will most likely not be carried out for citizens with the status of “group 2 disabled”.

However, the authorities decided to index pension savings after the pensioner terminated his employment contract and retired. Despite this, the amount of the increase in recalculation will not be so large, approximately 300 rubles.

Let us recall that the indexation of working pensioners was suspended by the authorities due to the difficult economic situation in the country. Recently, the issue of resuming indexing has been actively discussed even when disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are working. However, there is no specific answer or solution to this issue at the moment.

Rules for registering pensions for disabled people

Indexation for non-working disabled people occurs every year taking into account inflation. There is no need to submit an application to the territorial department of the Pension Fund. For those who work, recalculation is made for the previous year, taking into account the increased IPC. Registration of recalculation with the submission of the appropriate application and package of documents is required only when personal data changes, on which the amount of accrued funds may depend.

The package of basic documents is as follows:

  • statement;
  • conclusion of a medical and social examination;
  • a photocopy of the work record book certified by the employer;
  • SNILS;
  • photocopy of passport.

Pension Fund employees may request other documents depending on what caused the review.

Additional benefits for disabled people of group 2

If they have at least one day of work experience, persons with disabilities can contact the Pension Fund office to find out a profitable option - receiving a social or insurance pension.

For disabled people of group 2 who need constant care, a compensatory additional payment for care is provided.

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Also, citizens of this preferential category have the right to receive housing and communal services subsidies, thereby getting rid of 100% of utility bills. If the total income of all family members is less than 10,000 rubles minus housing and communal services, a citizen should contact the social security authorities.

As benefits for persons with disabilities, a set of social services (for the amount established by law) is offered, which are free:

  • medications;
  • Spa treatment;
  • travel

Additional funds can be obtained by refusing a set of social services that are not in demand for a citizen. This will result in an additional increase of 1,121 rubles.

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