How to determine whether a pensioner is working or not working

How to determine whether a pensioner is working or not working

If a pensioner belongs to the category of the self-employed population, that is, is registered with the Pension Fund as an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer, etc., such a pensioner will be considered working if he is registered with the Pension Fund as of December 31, 2021.

Thus, the upcoming indexation of insurance pensions in February 2021 will apply only to pensioners who were not working as of September 30, 2021.

What benefits do working pensioners have in the Russian Federation?

At this time, the working pensioner will also receive investment interest on his pension account, but he will also increase the amount from which this interest will be taken due to mandatory insurance contributions, which will ultimately lead to his total old-age pension during the next indexation it will increase by a higher rate. It should be noted here that for indexing in this direction, it is necessary that insurance premiums were paid by the pensioner for a full 12 months continuously. This countdown begins from the day the labor pension is calculated.

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This is one of the categories of people who belong to pensioners. There are also certain exceptions that allow a person, subject to certain conditions specified by law, to retire at a younger age than previously specified. Any person who meets these requirements has the right to apply to the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund of Russia) to assign him an old-age pension.

The difference between the pensions of a working and non-working pensioner

We can say that for them this is just help from the state. Although in most cases it turns out that the pension is simply not enough, so the person is simply forced to look for additional work. And the abolition of indexation in 2021 will greatly complicate the lives of such people.

  • exemption of pensions from personal income tax;
  • receiving a tax deduction for the purchase of housing, payment for medical services, and so on;
  • exemption from property tax;
  • regional relaxations on land and transport taxes.

Pension for working and non-working pensioners

The retiree will then be a retiree when he/she receives economic assistance in retirement, whether it is contributory or non-contributory. But a pensioner should not be a pensioner. That is, a pensioner is a person who collects a pension, but since there are different pensions, not just for retirement, there may be pensioners who do not retire. For example, a young person could have a disability or a widow's pension and still not be fired.

The state has decided not to deprive pensioners of working pensioners. On the contrary, officials decided to stimulate older workers. Thus, quite recently the State Duma discussed such a topic as increasing pensions for working pensioners. Officials promised an increased pension in exchange for increased length of service. In order to receive an increased pension, a pensioner must work for at least 30-40 years. If a pensioner refuses to continue his work experience and goes on a well-deserved rest, then he will not receive an increased pension. In other words, with this innovation the state encourages pensioners not to go on vacation, but to increase their work experience.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners after dismissal

Reaching retirement age is not a reason to stop working. The financial situation in the country encourages citizens to remain in their jobs, even if they are entitled to an old-age pension. Thanks to this, they can simultaneously receive salary and pension payments. In addition, the longer a person works, the greater the amount of payments he can count on. But while a citizen holds a job, his pension payments are not subject to recalculation. A logical question arises: how are pensions indexed for working pensioners after dismissal?

Every citizen of retirement age has his own personal account in the country's Pension Fund. For the entire period of his work, he received pension points on which subsequent payment of pensions is based. They depend on the amount of contributions made by the employer. If a person works even after sixty years of age, points continue to be awarded (the maximum number of points is ten). You should also take into account the presence of an incentive pension coefficient. In connection with all of the above, the answer to the question - will the pension increase if a previously working pensioner quits his job - is positive. Taking into account all indexations and incremental coefficients, after dismissal he will receive higher payments.

When is a pensioner considered to be working?

There is no violation of the law here. Since the beginning of 2021, pension legislation has been amended. Now everyone who works and (or) performs other paid activities (the employer makes accruals and pays insurance premiums) and at the same time receives a pension is assessed from the point of view of the law as “working pensioners”.

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I have been retired for a year and a half now. During this period I did not work. I accidentally found out that I am still considered a working pensioner and cannot apply for indexation. I started to find out why. It turns out that I had previously published two articles (I write scientific articles). Apparently, the editor officially formalized deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the fee due to me. How legal is all this?

Another “surprise” from the Pension Fund for pensioners

The pitfall is hidden in the intricacies of accounting, in particular - submitting reports to the Pension Fund on the length of service, which all employers are required to provide about their employees every month.

It is on the basis of this information that Pension Fund employees receive information about who is working in retirement, and accordingly, benefits will not be indexed and who is not.

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Accounting employees adhere to general rules, and the category of working pensioners includes those citizens who have concluded an agreement of a labor or civil law nature with the enterprise.

But in March 2021, the Ministry of Labor published an official letter that made significant changes to the general practice of distinguishing pensioners into working and non-working citizens (03/16/2018 letter numbered 17-4/10/B-1846).

Currently, the Ministry of Labor has begun to interpret labor relations in an expanded range. Thus, labor relations include not only employment on the basis of a contract, but also all situations where a citizen was actually allowed to work without concluding a contractual relationship.

Based on this information, we can conclude that information about work experience should be provided for all employees who work in the organization and are in an employment relationship, both formally and actually. This applies to managers, members of the organization, and property owners.

At the same time, the absence of accruals for insurance contributions does not mean that the employer should not provide information about such employees to the Pension Fund.

Topic: Working or non-working pensioner

Good afternoon. The company does not operate, the staff is only the general director, the salary is not accrued, we indicate it in the SZV. General Director is an old-age pensioner. 1) Is she recognized as a working pensioner? 2) General Director says that working pensioners will not have their pensions increased. Is it so?


, when a pension is already assigned, everything (including the insurance contributions themselves, transferred by the employer and length of service) becomes insignificant. Year of work – 3 points. Recommendation for those who may not be registered (work, but not registered). When indexed, the amount of the “addition” to the pension is more profitable than the accrued points (which are then taken into account when calculating). In the example, having looked at my calculations, I saw that they would add 675 rubles to my pension monthly, but how the points will be taken into account in the future is a question)))).

How can you increase your pension for a working and non-working pensioner?

choose a non-state pension fund that profitable invests the funds of potential pensioners and receives high income from them. This can be done using special ratings published on the Internet;

To get as many of the points mentioned above as possible, you must have not only a long work history, but also a decent salary. If you are paid very little today, you should not count on a high pension. Try to find a better paying job.

Allowances for former employees of Surgutneftegaz

The Surgutneftegas company cares not only about employees, but also about retirees who have worked for the company for more than 10 years. The following types of benefits and benefits are provided for older people:

  • A trip to the sanatorium complex.
  • Reimbursement of expenses in medical institutions in the amount of 50%.
  • Annual bonus of 10,000 rubles.
  • Partial reimbursement of costs for educating children in higher and secondary educational institutions.
  • Quarterly assistance to large families with pensions below the minimum monthly wage.
  • Additional payment for the regional coefficient.

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On the issue of guarantees for working and non-working pensioners

So, in Art. Art. 336.2, 336.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the age limit for working as a director or deputy of a scientific organization; in the Federal Code of Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation” for holding the position of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation – 70 years2; in the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” for tenure in the civil service - 65 years3, etc. Often, citizens who have reached retirement age face problems due to their ignorance of the rights and guarantees in the status of a working pensioner and the inability to understand the “benefits” of continuing to work or leaving it. It is necessary to understand this issue. Yes, para. 2 hours 2 tbsp. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract with old-age pensioners, and the employer, having learned about the employee’s registration of a pension, without knowing the norms of labor law, often seeks to renew the fixed-term employment contract with him.

allowing the conclusion of an employment contract. The general norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not contain an age limit, the achievement of which would be grounds for termination of employment relations. In Art. Art. 3 and 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide guarantees to individuals regarding the prohibition of discrimination of labor rights not related to the employee’s business qualities1, with the exception of the provisions provided for in Part 3 of Art. 3 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Restrictions may be established by federal laws in relation to certain categories of workers.

Increases for dependents

Every elderly citizen who has a dependent child or other persons has the right to claim an additional increase in pension payments. It does not matter whether the pensioner continues to work or not.

It is worth highlighting the basic rules for forming this allowance:

  1. The payment is made in favor of the one whose income was higher.
  2. Dependency does not require proof for children under 18 years of age. In other cases, an additional document is required confirming that the dependent lives with the pensioner.
  3. If there are dependents, insurance payments for old age or disability increase.
  4. The increase ends when the dependent gets married.
  5. In case of late application, the increase may be paid for the previous period, but for more than 1 year.
  6. If the information changes, the citizen must visit the Pension Fund within 3 days.

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Pension in Uzbekistan To apply for the corresponding increase, a citizen must submit an application and the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • Passport.
  • Pension certificate (SNILS).
  • Marriage certificate or other documentation indicating the fact of relationship with a dependent.
  • A certificate confirming that the pensioner lives with a dependent.
  • Work experience documents.
  • Other documentation according to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 16/19pa dated February 27, 2002.

The period for recalculating pension payments is 5 days. If the decision is positive, the increase is made from the beginning of the new month.

According to Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013, the amount of the allowance for one dependent is 1,519.64 rubles.

Rights of working and non-working pensioners

When you get a job, the payment of the social bonus automatically stops, and the pensioner does not receive them for the entire time he is working, and after that if, due to certain circumstances, his pension begins to correspond to the subsistence level. That is, for working pensioners, even if their pension is below the subsistence level, they are not entitled to pay a social supplement. In this regard, it is impossible to guarantee that his total income will be at the same level or higher, since he can get even the lowest paid job. To date, no documents for receiving a pension upon reaching retirement age and continuing active work have been established at the state legislative level; the package that is submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is the same as for pensioners who have decided to retire.

Working pensioners are not entitled to a social supplement to their pension. Pension legislation provides for the payment of a social supplement to pensioners in the event that the pensioner’s total monthly income (and it includes pensions and various social benefits) is less than the pensioner’s subsistence level in the region of his residence.

Social types of surcharges

There are two types of social benefits, namely:

  • federal;
  • regional.

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Federal increases were discussed in previous chapters, so in this chapter we will talk in more detail about regional increases.

To assign a social supplement, a number of conditions must be met, namely:

  • A pensioner should not work.
  • An elderly person must reside permanently in the country.
  • Such additional payments are provided only to low-income citizens of retirement age.

Now let's move directly to the main list of social (regional) types of surcharges, so:

  1. Reworked length of service is provided for those citizens who receive pension payments at a later date.
  2. In case of loss of a breadwinner.
  3. Mothers of many children.
  4. Allowances for disabled children and other categories of citizens with disabilities.
  5. Honorary pensioner donors.

In most cases, the list of benefits differs in different regions of the country. For example, in Moscow there is an additional “Luzhkov” allowance for indigenous residents. In other regions there are other types of surcharges that should be clarified with the Pension Fund.

Mortgage loan for pensioners in all its nuances and bank offers in 2021

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to obtain or issue a mortgage without interest. In fact, interest-free loans do not exist. Even if the bank announces that the interest on the loan is 0%, there are various fees that the client must pay and which affect the cost of this loan product. A special point is the reverse mortgage, about it at the end of the post.

Some special features are provided for military pensioners, i.e. for those citizens who were considered military personnel. A special savings and mortgage system was developed for them. Participants in this system can apply for and receive a mortgage loan under more favorable lending conditions. Moreover, according to the terms of this system, military pensioners receive a certain amount each month from the state budget, which is used to repay the mortgage loan.

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Non-working pensioners

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Latest news about pension increases for non-working pensioners in 2021

In the spring and summer, the government plans to index monetary relief two more times. If everything goes well, then pensions will be constantly increased and this will gradually improve the lives of those pensioners who, after going on vacation, were unable or did not want to continue working.

The social pension is much lower and amounts to no more than 9,042 rubles. The planned increase in pensions for non-working pensioners will add an average of 2.4% to each type of payment. This is exactly the amount that all elderly people who do not work but rest after their many years of work can count on.

How to recalculate a pension for a non-working pensioner in 2021

An increase in pension payments after 80 years of age is made without a request. Today, every Russian pensioner receives a pension payment in the amount of 4,805 rubles. In the case of those who are 80 years of age or older, they receive double the amount. However, only those who receive an insurance pension have this right.

Today, the pension payment consists of several parts, namely a fixed one and two independent ones. The latter types include insurance and savings. Note that the insurance pension is the most common in the Russian Federation and is guaranteed by the state. Citizens receive it in the following cases:

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What benefits are there for non-working old-age pensioners?

In addition to the condition of 22% of income, the pensioner must fulfill one more - he cannot have debts on utility bills. However, if debts for the apartment have accumulated, the pensioner still has the opportunity to receive a subsidy. Typically, the relevant authorities offer such a person to enter into an agreement on the procedure and timing of debt payment.

In addition, the subsidy can only be provided to those pensioners who have the right to dispose of this premises. This means that housing must belong to pensioners on the basis of ownership or under a social tenancy agreement.

To work in retirement or not

This innovation did not find support in 2021, however, it is possible that in the future other measures will be taken to reduce or completely cancel pension payments to working recipients. It is already proposed to reconsider the above-mentioned bill to completely abolish security or, as the Ministry of Finance proposed, to abolish at least a fixed payment to the insurance pension.

However, for working pensioners, starting from 2021, the indexation of pensions due to all other pensioners has been cancelled. The state considered this fair to working pensioners and a more profitable option for reducing the expenditures of the Pension Fund budget.

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