Find a person by last name, first name, patronymic and year of birth for free


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In life, for various reasons, we often lose contact with loved ones. We offer to find a person by last name, first name, patronymic and year of birth for free. We use more than 100 sites to search so that we can truly be useful to everyone. Free people search will help you find a person instantly!

Our advantages

  • a special bot analyzes information on the largest social networks (VK, Odnoklassniki, FaceBook, Instagram, and so on);
  • lack of registration;
  • all services are free;
  • the site contains information about more than 11,454,980 users;
  • many opportunities to search for a person;
  • We provide the opportunity to quickly contact a person or view his files on the page.

Before you start looking for someone you've lost contact with or gone missing without a trace, try to gather as much information about them as possible.

Is it possible to find out where a person works through a pension fund?

Olezhka: There are no such laws and there cannot be - unless a person voluntarily gives this information! Options for breaking through: a) Pension fund - costs 500 rubles - no question! In the flesh from which month - to the last deduction. b) The tax office - it’s worse there - it’s a mess - but the same thing is real! c) If he says that he works, let him give the name of the company - it’s not necessary to call the company (I can get through the company myself) - you just call the accounting department and introduce yourself as a bailiff (the loan was not returned) - they also give you information over the phone - with an option of 70%! Another option is to ask for a personal income tax certificate-2 at your place of work! d) If the market unloads cars - no way! The request may simply be thrown out - the basis for the request? They won't give you anything just like that! Points a) and b) are basically illegal! But all banks use them for loans! You can punch your passport - it’s easier and free - IFMS - on their website!

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How can you find out where a person works? Just ask him about his career. Usually people are happy to tell you where they work. Only this method does not provide a 100% guarantee that the information received will be reliable. Therefore, some people prefer to “punch” each other in different ways. Which ones exactly?

  1. Register on the State Services website using a simplified form.
  2. Upgrade your account by filling out and confirming your personal data.
  3. Log in to the site using your username and password.
  4. Go to the required tab along the following path: Catalog of services – Pension, benefits, benefits – Notification of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund.
  5. Arrange for the provision of services electronically or through a mobile application.

Therefore, before you find where a person works, using them, think: is this information worth becoming a lawbreaker? So, here are other places where information about people’s place of work can be stored, but an individual can make a legal request to these organizations only in his name by presenting a passport:

Thanks to us, you can find someone with whom:


Studied at school

Studied at university


To search our resources, enter the available information in the appropriate fields. If you want to view the entire database, you must enter at least one search criterion. After completing the search, you can immediately start communicating with someone you really missed and see how he has changed. To find a person by last name, first name, patronymic and year of birth for free

, enter all required parameters.

Is it possible to find out where a person works through a pension fund?

The simplest advice is to check with the person himself. All you have to do is ask questions about employment and wait for an answer. This option is the most effective and suitable for resolving the situation. Usually, people are happy to provide information, and in most cases, the information is reliable. However, there is no guarantee, so you may need to resort to other methods.

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It is recommended to open a search site, then write information about the citizen who is being targeted into the search bar. After that, study the results produced by the system. It is likely that somewhere on the Internet there is data about a person’s place of work. But, as practice shows, this is far from the most successful technique. Often it does not bring any results.

This is designed to deceive you. Simply put, these are scammers. A lot of information can be found completely free online. To do this, you need to enter the first 4 digits and the passport number 6 digits after the passport series into certain fields. This is the most effective and common scenario. How can you find out where a person works? Just ask him about his career.

The first number can use the values ​​3 and 4. This is a sign of the assignment of the state registration number of the record. 3 means that the sign refers to the main state registration number of the record of state registration of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP), 4 - to another state registration number of the record.

To quickly find a person

Enter all known data (last name, first name, patronymic, year and field, name of educational institution or military unit)

Enter all known data (last name, first name, patronymic, year and field, name of educational institution or military unit)

Explore the options offered and find your person. The search results contain links to people's pages on social networks. On the profile pages there are links to social accounts with the accounts of the people you are looking for.

Obtaining information about a citizen’s employment

The simplest advice is to check with the person himself. All you have to do is ask questions about employment and wait for an answer. This option is the most effective and suitable for resolving the situation. Usually, people are happy to provide information, and in most cases, the information is reliable. However, there is no guarantee, so you may need to resort to other methods.

Employment information is not secret, but sometimes a new employer or lender needs to verify its veracity. In practice, it is possible to find out whether a person is officially employed, but the methods may be official or unofficial. I tested all the methods on my data and got the necessary results, therefore, they can share information about existing options in this article.

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On our service for searching people by last name and other data

All necessary functions are implemented

  • You will be able to contact the person. In the user card you will see a page on VKontakte or another social network, write a message or add as a friend. Now you definitely won’t lose touch, arrange a meeting, and see someone you care about live.
  • You do not need to register. All options and filters are available completely free of charge. You receive data posted on the Internet for free access and view it on one page - more convenient than searching for information on different sites.
  • You will look at the media files uploaded by the person. The bot pulls up photos and videos that the user posted on VKontakte, YouTube, Odnoklassniki or other services - you can easily recognize the user and see how he has changed since your last meeting.

How to find a phone number using passport data

There are many ways to find contacts:

  • reference books (book and digital);
  • search engines;
  • paid Internet services;
  • social networks and instant messengers;
  • police.

You have paid and free options to search for people and information about them.


Well-known reference books have turned from paper into electronic ones. If you need a subscriber's landline phone number, then a paper directory may well be an effective way, but more often everyone is looking for mobile phones. Many databases are freely available, so you should look for the right person, knowing your first and last name, in such databases.

To find a person’s phone number, enter in the search bar: how to find out a phone number by last name, in the search results you will get a lot of database aggregators where you can search for contacts.

The method will be effective if the subscriber has been using the SIM card for a long time and has not given it to anyone for use. If he avoids publicity or is in hiding, it is unlikely that he will be found simply by his last name.

An ordinary paper directory can be considered an official source with reliable data; databases of mobile numbers are presented by illegal services (cellular operators do not have the right to disclose personal information).

! Be careful! Paid access to such databases does not guarantee up-to-date information. You can top up a scam account and end up with zero results.

You should also take into account the possibility that your friend uses a SIM card issued to another person, so studying the database is ineffective.

Search engines

Search robots collect information from social networks, message boards, forums, and other sites. The user enters information when registering on various services, this can become a clue to finding the phone number of the desired person. This option works great when searching for young people, since they use the Internet more actively than others.

Paid services

There are many paid services on the Internet that provide information about a person. The cost of the service starts from 100 rubles, but the technique often remains ineffective.

Messengers and social networks

A special feature of the popular Skype messenger is that a mobile number is entered in its profile. If you know the subscriber's nickname, you can easily get his mobile number.

If you find the right person on social networks, study the profile for information. If the phone number is not listed or hidden, ask his family or friends to give you the contact. This is often one of the fastest and easiest ways to find a number.

Law enforcement

If there are important grounds for searching a person, you can submit a statement to the police station. The government agency has its own database, which is regularly updated, which gives a chance to quickly find it using various criteria, including passport data.

For police representatives, mobile operators and communication store managers provide information freely. You can try this option yourself, but usually civilians are denied such information. If you have tried all available options, but cannot contact the police for one reason or another, call a detective agency. It is professionals who are the last hope to achieve a guaranteed result.

Detective agency

Not the most affordable way to achieve your goal, but almost 100% effective. Detectives have their own methods of searching for people with or without a passport. If you need to quickly find a friend, contact the detective agency "Center" in Moscow.

6 advantages:

  1. results within half an hour;
  2. complete confidentiality for clients;
  3. absence of territorial restrictions;
  4. We search for a number using your passport and other information;
  5. We determine the owner by phone number;
  6. guarantee of results.

We accept applications by phone and have accounts in popular instant messengers. Please call +7 (977) 909-41-02, or come to the office: Moscow, st. Neverovskogo, 9.

We work as quickly as possible and guarantee results.

Basic methods of verifying the authenticity of registration

Information on registration of citizens is subject to storage in a unified electronic database of the migration service. If you need to check the presence of such marks and the authenticity of documents, you must contact the territorial unit of the Main Directorate for Migration. Today, there are several options for filing an application, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

This is important to know: What are the dangers of temporary registration for a homeowner?

Online method

In recent years, the method of remotely obtaining the necessary information has been gaining popularity. To use it, you just need to have access to the Internet and know the address link of the site. Many people want to find out a person’s registration using passport data online because of the advantages of this option. The undoubted advantages include:

  • simplicity and accessibility of the method;
  • significant time savings;
  • full compliance with the request.

You can use the online service anywhere as long as you have a working Internet connection. The disadvantage of personal contact is the need to have a reserve of time necessary to visit the unit and communicate with specialists. At the same time, the possibility of “live” communication allows you to receive a larger amount of information and advice.

How can you find out your registration via the Internet on the website of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • Go to home page;

  • find the “Online Services” section;

  • go to the subsection “Services on migration issues”;

  • select the desired service.

Next, in the dialog box that appears, you need to fill in the passport details, that is, the series, number and date of issue of the document. From the drop-down list you will need to select the type of registration and the address to be verified. The final stage will be confirmation of the request by entering the code from the picture, which allows the system to determine the absence of external interference.

Important: sometimes there are malfunctions in the service, which makes it impossible to receive the service, but such cases are rare and the functioning of the service is restored after some time.

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