Sample of filling out an application form for temporary asylum for citizens of Donbass

Sample Application for Temporary Asylum for Ukrainians - Guides, Instructions, Forms

those fleeing to Russia are asking for temporary asylum. Sample of filling out a migration card of the Russian Federation, the intention to seek this particular status, then he must indicate this in the application form.

21/10/2011, 17:10 Alena Hello, my husband must confirm income for re-registration of temporary residence permit on April 15, 2014 requests for temporary asylum in Russia. Every day, about 5,000 people. A sample of filling out the form is available in every branch of the Federal Migration Service; it is also available for applying for the service of filling out the form at any company; the apus application reviews and a Russian-English translator for the phone.

which tags: citizenship, Ukrainian crisis stories from the morgue via torrent and antivirus sheet music on your computer for free. Federal Migration Service in Moscow program 10 fingers and suppositories Ginalgin 10 instructions for use. FMS. June 7, 2015 In order to obtain temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation, a citizen of Ukraine must apply.

June 16, 2015 sample filling

Sample of filling out an application for extension of temporary asylum 2021

  • A foreign citizen submits an application for temporary asylum to the FMS office;
  • The FMS calls the citizen, conducts a conversation with him, and fills out a questionnaire. The questionnaire, in addition to basic data, also contains information from the biography of the foreign citizen and the reason for his flight from the country;
  • The foreigner undergoes a medical examination and fingerprint registration;
  • The last step in obtaining asylum is registration of migration registration with the Federal Migration Service.

It is worth noting that these are only those actions that a foreign citizen must perform. The hardest work lies with FMS employees. They must check all documents, establish their authenticity, collect missing data, study the reasons why the citizen fled his homeland and decide whether it is possible to provide him with temporary asylum or not.

  • Documents for granting temporary asylum

Identity document of a foreign citizen;

  • A document confirming the family relationship between foreign citizens who arrived together (required only if the applicants are relatives and have different surnames);
  • Any papers establishing identity and family ties (birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.);
  • Standard application. It is quite simple, only the most basic data is recorded in it. All other information will be obtained later during the interviews.
  • Features of providing temporary asylum:

  • If necessary, a foreign citizen is provided with an interpreter who helps with interviews and paperwork;
  • There is no state fee for preparing an application and registering temporary asylum;
  • During the entire period of registration of temporary asylum, a citizen of a foreign state cannot be deported to his homeland;
  • You can apply for asylum either in person or through a representative (for example, a guardian). Remote submission of documents is not possible;
  • If a foreigner cannot prepare any documents or perform certain actions, then an authorized FMS employee is obliged to help him;
  • The maximum period for consideration of an application for temporary asylum is three months from the date of submission of the application.

Application for temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation Extension of temporary asylum in Russia This part states a request to provide temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation;

  • Next, the citizenship of a specific foreign state or, if the foreigner has no citizenship at all, the country of previous residence is indicated;

If a foreign citizen, in addition to himself, asks for temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation for members of his family, then the application states “They came with me...” and lists all minor family members (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, degree of relationship with applicant);

  • In the final part of the application, the foreign citizen states that he and his family members have become familiar with the rights and obligations established by the Federal Law of February 19, 1993.

This decision is made by an authorized body, which is the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. This period can be extended many times, since restrictions in this aspect are not defined at the legislative level. However, renewal periods do not exceed 12 months. In order for the procedure for extending the period of temporary asylum to take place, a foreign citizen must write a special application where he expresses the corresponding desire.

The specified document is submitted to the Federal Migration Service. A citizen of a foreign state is registered with this body. Certain requirements must be met to allow the temporary asylum to be extended. The person must set out in writing the specific circumstances in connection with which the issue should be resolved in a positive manner. In this case, asylum is provided only on the territory of Russia.

If a citizen of a foreign state has received temporary asylum in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation, he must register.

  • obtaining citizenship of any other country;
  • end of hostilities;
  • bringing to criminal liability.

who has reached the age of eighteen, a member of his family.

Sample application form for temporary asylum

including those who inherited it from relatives (in a direct ascending line). Ethnic Germans (late settlers).

The main goals of refugees in Germany Despite the country’s understandable desire to ensure an influx of qualified personnel and capital, the difficult history of the state and its good will make it possible for persons belonging to the last two categories to obtain citizenship. Work and salary levels in Germany According to the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, Germans are:

    German citizens; persons who are accepted into Germany with the status of late migrants, their spouses and descendants.

In Germany, a program was developed for persons living outside the country who have German roots (the Expellees and Refugees Act (BVFG), which allows assistance to Germans who suffered during and after the end of the Second World War). The first law on the reception of migrants, facilitating the opportunity to return to their historical homeland, was adopted back in 1954.

Grounds for granting temporary asylum

The law provides only two grounds for granting a foreign person temporary asylum:

  • the person has grounds to be recognized as a refugee, however, the absence of an application for recognition as a refugee;
  • the person has grounds to be recognized as a refugee, however, for humanitarian reasons, these persons cannot be expelled from the country;

Humane reasons mean:

  • the person’s health condition does not allow him to return to his place of previous residence, due to the lack of access to the necessary medical care in his country of residence.
  • a real threat to the life, health, freedom of a person in his former place of residence due to hunger, emergency situations, war or other local conflicts;
  • there is a real threat to the person that he will be subjected to unfair punishment in his place of previous residence, by applying torture or other inhumane punishment to him;

Please note that this list is not exhaustive; each case is considered individually.

Fill out an application form for temporary asylum

Citizens of other foreign countries who have received a certificate in the general manner have the same rights. To obtain temporary asylum, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application and the necessary package of documents to the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service. Also, when you have a legitimate certificate of temporary asylum in your hands, you will need to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy at the nearest medical institution. If required, displaced persons are provided with an interpreter.

Immigrants to Russia submit an application to the territorial bodies of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (FMS). To obtain asylum, an application is submitted and documents are presented: When submitting an application, a foreigner (and members of his family) undergo a fingerprinting procedure.

Every citizen of a foreign state has the right to count on temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation. Receiving full and qualified medical care; Training in special

Documents for granting temporary asylum

What documents must be provided to obtain a certificate of temporary asylum in the Russian Federation? First of all, fill out an application according to the sample. Those interested can print the form themselves by visiting the FMS electronic resource and downloading the document from it. The next step should be to contact the migration service, which is located in a specific territorial office, and provide them with a completed application form. This is all you need to do to get temporary asylum.

You must have a passport, some kind of documentary evidence of family relationships, a migration card and photographs. This package of documents opens up new opportunities for foreign residents to live in the Russian Federation.

Documents for temporary asylum in the Russian Federation

All documents written in a foreign language must be translated into Russian. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is obliged to make copies of the applicant’s identity document and verify the identity of the applicant to the person depicted in the photograph in the specified document.

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After this, the applicant’s identity document is returned to him. The documents that are submitted by a foreign citizen to substantiate an application for temporary asylum in the Russian Federation are transferred to the official for inclusion in the relevant personal file, but some of them, at the request of the foreign citizen, after making copies of them, can be returned to him.

Procedure for granting temporary asylum

This procedure is regulated at the government level by a special resolution. According to it, a person in need of temporary asylum must:

  1. Fill out and submit an application for temporary asylum in the prescribed form. The document is drawn up in Russian, but if the person submitting the application does not speak Russian, in this case it will be necessary to use the services of a translator. For minor applicants, the application must be filled out by a parent or guardian, and in the absence of such, by an official of the migration authority. The application, in addition to autobiographical data, must indicate the motives and circumstances that prompted the person to submit such an application to the migration authorities.
  2. After filling out and submitting the application to the relevant department of the migration service, an interview is conducted with the applicant, in which the migration service official once again orally, using a questionnaire, finds out the motives and circumstances that prompted the person to make such an application.
  3. After the interview, the person is issued a certificate of consideration of the application for temporary asylum. This certificate will serve as confirmation of legal stay in the country for the entire period of consideration of documents, i.e. for three months.
  4. If the order is followed and there are grounds for acquiring status, the issue will be resolved in your favor. In case of difficulties in the procedure, need help or appeal a refusal, you can always contact our migration lawyer.

Application form for temporary asylum

If the surname was changed earlier, for example, after marriage, then you need to indicate the maiden name and the date of registration of the marriage.

In the same paragraph, you must indicate the reason why you left your home country. For refugees, the phrase sounds like this: “at the moment in Ukraine there is an unstable political situation that poses a threat to life due to military operations.” Next, fill in all other points, following the questions and answers.

The second section is dedicated to family members. Please note that if all close relatives apply for refugee status, then only one of them will fill out the form.

In the next paragraph, you need to remember all places of residence over the last 10 years in which the applicant stayed for more than 3 months. Paragraph 4 should provide information about all documents that can verify the identity of the applicant. This includes: passport, driver's license, education diploma.

Next, you need to remember the exact route of arrival in the Russian Federation and describe it in the fifth section.

Providing asylum in the Russian Federation to foreigners: methods, obtaining, extension

If a foreign citizen, in addition to himself, asks for temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation for members of his family, then the application states “They came with me...” and lists all minor family members (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, degree of relationship with applicant);

  • In the final part of the application, the foreign citizen states that he and his family members have become familiar with the rights and obligations established by the Federal Law of February 19, 1993.

When submitting this application, a foreign citizen must submit all the documents he has - identifying the applicant, confirming marriage, birth of children, etc., as well as documents justifying his application for temporary asylum in Russia.

The first section requires reliable information about the applicant. If the surname was changed earlier, for example, after marriage, then you need to indicate the maiden name and the date of registration of the marriage. In the same paragraph, you must indicate the reason why you left your home country. For refugees, the phrase sounds like this: “at the moment in Ukraine there is an unstable political situation that poses a threat to life due to military operations.” Next, fill in all other points, following the questions and answers. A smart migrant is a talent for Russia! Keep up with the times, read the Migrant Newsletter! Be the first to know about news and changes in legislation. Knowledge is power!

Confirmation of this status is the corresponding certificate of temporary asylum. At the end of the validity period, the permit can be extended by going through the entire procedure again. If a citizen arriving from Donbass wants to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, he needs to contact the Federal Migration Service department and fill out a form from the person applying for refugee recognition. This document contains six sections, which can be very difficult to correctly enter information into.

What documents must be submitted to obtain temporary asylum? Where can I get application forms and questionnaires? The FMS says, get it on the website. I couldn’t find it on the FMS website, only the application form.

Application for temporary asylum in the Russian Federation An application for temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation is drawn up on paper in one copy and has the established form.

How to correctly fill out an application form for temporary asylum

Temporary asylum is also often called “political asylum” because migrants are forced to use it for political reasons.

  1. Citizenship of the foreign country from which he arrived;
  2. Do not have citizenship of any state at all;

Who is eligible for temporary asylum?

What citizenship should a foreign citizen who wants to find temporary asylum in the Russian Federation have?

Who is eligible for temporary asylum?

The Government of the Russian Federation has established a list of citizens who have the citizenship of another state or who do not have citizenship at all, who can count on being granted temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation. 2. Other surnames, first names, nicknames used along with the surname, 3. Gender of women. 4. Date of birth (day, month, year) 02/06/1989 5.

Place of birth (state, city, locality) Ukraine, city.

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Samples of filling out documents for extending temporary asylum in Russia

Return to Contents Procedure Algorithm To extend the period for granting temporary asylum, a person does not have to pay a state fee.

Foreign citizens who previously took advantage of temporary asylum in the Russian Federation have certain rights. The following cases are of a similar nature in relation to the country to which deportation is potentially possible:

  1. emergency situations that are caused by man-made or natural factors and occur as a result of a conflict that flared up at the domestic or international level.
  2. the presence of famine in the country;
  3. epidemics;

The period of temporary asylum is extended if there is a threat even after their return to the country to which the citizen belongs.

For example, if a person is threatened with:

  1. torture;
  2. cruel types of punishment;
  3. unreasonable interrogations and other actions that relate to abnormal and illegal treatment of a person.

Application for temporary asylum sample form

A foreigner is deprived of the right to a temporary residence permit if he commits a crime in the Russian Federation for which he is convicted.

He will also have to leave Russia if he provided false information and provided false documents.

After a positive decision is made, a certificate of provision of a temporary residence permit is issued within one working day. To apply for refugee status, a foreigner must contact the Federal Migration Service and provide documents: If a positive decision is made on the application, the foreigner is assigned refugee status, which is valid for three years, and is issued a refugee certificate. Book on registration of special military registration forms.

Sample Statement on Marital Status for Purchasing an Apartment. Specify the details according to the sample, write a letter about the error.

What is a boarding pass, but in practice it is usually in your hands after boarding the plane.

Providing temporary asylum to citizens of Ukraine

Such a procedure can be provided to a foreign person who does not have refugee status and is unable to leave the Russian Federation. The period for granting temporary asylum can be issued for a year, after which, if there is a due desire, an extension of temporary asylum will be required. The Russian Federation has carried out a number of simplifications that have reduced the processing time for applications from Ukrainian citizens to provide this opportunity. This was provoked by events that rapidly developed in Ukraine during 2015-2016. Now you can obtain temporary asylum documents within three days.

Having issued a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory, a citizen can freely get a job; for this he will need a special permit - a work patent. Employment of foreign citizens provides a guarantee of self-sufficiency for yourself and your family. Of course, there are some restrictions, for example, in terms of receiving a monthly benefit. Indeed, in order to receive such benefits, a citizen must have refugee status.

ATTENTION : pay attention to the issue of compliance with the laws and regulations of the country that has granted you asylum because For violations, foreign citizens may be expelled from the Russian Federation. Migration consultation with our lawyers will give you an understanding of the situation.

When receiving temporary asylum from the Federation, a Ukrainian or a citizen of another state can count on the accrual of certain social benefits, as well as the provision of a job. In order to obtain the coveted permission, you need to start with the simplest thing - writing an application. Anyone who wishes to do so must submit it to a specific territorial body of the FMS. In addition to the certificate itself, the citizen must apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy; this can be done at a medical institution located nearby. After completing the documents, it will be possible to register a marriage with a foreigner in Russia. Do not forget that any refusal by an authority to process documents can be reversed through an appeal against the actions of the FMS, either through a complaint to a higher authority or in court.

You can issue a certificate of temporary asylum using the services of the FMS electronic website. This is much faster and more convenient, saving both time and travel costs. Upon receipt of the document in question, a person receives a so-called green ticket to work. This means that he can freely move within the Federation and look for the most suitable job vacancy for him, and create his own business.

Questionnaire for temporary asylum

In accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens”, a temporary residence permit is not issued if the foreign citizen 9) after three years from the date of entry does not have residential premises in the Russian Federation on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation; Thus, you do not have to own the housing, but for example, you can use the housing on the basis of a rental agreement.

Promotion record. On providing financial assistance. In case of refusal to assign a district title.

Note You are not a native speaker of the Russian language if you did not have relatives in a direct ascending line who previously lived in the RSFSR, the Russian Federation, and you do not have the right to a simplified form of obtaining citizenship. 2. For a citizen of Ukraine who has a certificate of temporary asylum, is the application form for an individual entrepreneur filled out as for a foreign citizen? Or as a citizen of the Russian Federation? 2.1.

As a foreign citizen 3.

It is also necessary to fill the Temporary Shelter. Questionnaire for a citizen of Ukraine. Questionnaire. Questionnaire (Appendix No. 5).

Application form for extension of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation

In this case, the extension of the period for granting by 1 year is considered from the moment the application is submitted. ©, 2011-2019.

All rights reserved. When copying information link is required.

How to correctly fill out an application for extension of temporary asylum sample Please how to correctly write an application for extension of temporary asylum! The specified document is submitted to the Federal Migration Service. A citizen of a foreign state is registered with this body.

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The application must be in writing, but any form of application is permitted. N 274) The application is submitted no later than 1 month before the expiration of the period for provision of temporary asylum.

of the Russian Federation in terms of eliminating the gap in legislation in the field of labor activity in Russia. General power of attorney from the employer for the Federal Migration Service

Sample application for extension of the period for granting temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation

Each individual case is considered individually, and the final decision is made by the Federal Migration Service, which is determined on a territorial basis.

Return to content Contents

  • 1 A little about the procedure
  • 1.1 Procedure algorithm
  • 2 Important terms
  • 3 Simplified procedure
  • A little about the procedure Based on the Law of the Russian Federation, a country can grant a citizen of a foreign state asylum for a certain time. The period can be no more than 1 year.

    In this case, an individual decision is made for each foreign citizen. Return to Contents Procedure Algorithm To extend the period for granting temporary asylum, a person does not have to pay a state fee.

    but they are delaying the extension of temporary shelter and we are not... 08/31/16 Extension of temporary shelter - Nikolay, Yegoryevsk, st. Sovetskaya, 116 8(496-40) 4-05-18 143980, Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny, st.

Sample of filling out an application form for temporary asylum for citizens of Donbass

The period of temporary humanitarian asylum can be extended for many reasons. One of the most important reasons is the serious illness of a foreign citizen or stateless person.

At the same time, attention is focused on the fact that in the deported country he will not receive proper medical care, and his life will be at risk.

Usually, the country in favor of which deportation is possible means the country of citizenship. If the period has expired, in order to extend it, there must be a real threat to a person’s life.

However, authorized persons may be guided by humanitarian motives, on the basis of which people in need are not subject to the deportation process (other than their own desire).

2. Other surnames, first names, nicknames used along with the surname, 3. Gender of women. 4. Date of birth (day, month, year) 02/06/1989 5.

Place of birth (state, city, locality) Ukraine, city.

Extension of temporary shelter

As stated earlier, temporary asylum is granted to a person for a year, but can be extended for the same period an unlimited number of times. To do this, the person needs to re-apply to the migration authority with which he is registered and apply for an extension of temporary asylum. The application shall indicate the circumstances justifying this extension.

This application is submitted one month before the expiration of the next calendar year from the date of provision of temporary asylum, however, for good reasons, this period can be extended, but not more than by a month.

If there is no justification that something threatens your life when returning to your country, you can easily be denied an extension. After all, the procedure for granting temporary asylum itself is not an alternative to registering the stay of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Indicate in the application what persecution, persecution, punishment, threats from your state may begin upon return, provide detailed arguments for the reasons. For valid reasons for missing the deadline for submitting an application, indicate illness, ignorance of the law, lack of financial opportunity, loss of work, and possibly climatic reasons, if any. The list of valid reasons is not fixed by law and is open, so think about what obstacles there could be in your situation.

In the absence of justification of humanitarian reasons or grounds for granting refugee status to a foreign citizen, temporary asylum is not granted, and the period for which temporary asylum was granted is not extended. The same applies if a foreign citizen or stateless person misses the deadline for filing an application to extend the period for granting temporary asylum without valid reasons (clause 12).

Procedure for obtaining temporary asylum

According to Part 1 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Refugees”, the provision of temporary asylum is carried out in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 274 of 04/09/2001. This document determines how to obtain temporary asylum in the Russian Federation, establishes the terms for its provision, the rules of loss and deprivation and other standards that must be taken into account. Since granting asylum requires going through several stages, it is useful to consider each of them in more detail.

Where to contact

Unlike persons wishing to become refugees in the Russian Federation, persons seeking temporary asylum can only apply to the migration authorities to obtain this status. Thus, according to clause 2 of the Procedure approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 274 of 04/09/2001, the decision to grant asylum is made by the territorial division of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place where persons applying for the corresponding status applied with an application.

Submission and consideration of an application

The basis for granting foreigners the right to temporary residence is their application for temporary asylum submitted to the migration authorities. It is submitted using a special form - the registration form of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for temporary shelter is determined by Appendix No. 1 to FMS Order No. 81 of March 25, 2011.

Such an application indicates the personal data of the applicant, information about the migration authority that accepted the application, family members who arrived in the Russian Federation with the applicant, as well as the request for status itself. According to clause 106 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Federal Migration Service No. 352 of August 19, 2013, such an application is submitted by every person over 18 years of age. When accepting an application, authorized migration officials check the identity documents of migrants and also accept other documents that they submit in support of their requests.

After receiving the application, authorized employees conduct a survey of applicants and an individual interview, the results of which are displayed in the questionnaire and questionnaires.

After the interview, foreigners are subject to mandatory dactyloscopic registration - fingerprinting.

The application is reviewed by the migration authorities within 3 months. At this time, the migrant is issued a certificate of consideration of the application, in the form established by Appendix No. 2 to FMS Order No. 81 of March 25, 2011. This certificate is a document confirming the legality of the stay of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Consideration of the application involves additional interviews, a comprehensive study of the circumstances that motivated the request, verification of the authenticity of the information specified in the documents and identification of circumstances that prevent the applicant’s deportation from the territory of the Russian Federation. As a result of the review, the migration authorities make a decision to grant or deny temporary asylum. The decision itself is sent to the applicants within three days.

Refusal to accept an application

In practice, persons who apply to migration authorities to obtain temporary asylum often have to face an unmotivated refusal to accept and consider their application. We would like to draw the attention of such persons that the law does not provide grounds for such a refusal: if it was nevertheless received, we recommend that they contact higher authorities to appeal the actions of employees of territorial migration authorities.

Certificate of temporary asylum

According to clause 8 of the Procedure approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 274 dated 04/09/2001, on the basis of a decision to grant asylum, persons to whom it is granted are issued an appropriate certificate within 2 days in the form established by Appendix No. 3 to FMS Order No. 81 dated 03/25/2011.

The certificate is a document identifying its owner - both an individual and a taxpayer: document type code for a certificate of temporary asylum, according to the Directory approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia N ММВ-7-11 / [email protected] dated October 30, 2015. , is indicated as "19".

The certificate is issued on paper and cannot be issued in the form of an electronic document. It contains the personal details of the owner, the date of issue of the document and its validity period, the name of the authority that issued it, the personal file number, information about children and other relatives, and photographs of the owner and his children are pasted in.

According to Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Refugees”, after the certificate is issued, the passport of a foreigner with the status of temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation or another document proving his identity is subject to transfer and storage in the migration authorities. In addition, the owner of the certificate has an obligation to complete migration registration in the manner prescribed by law.

Temporary asylum status

The legal status of persons who applied for and received temporary asylum is determined by the provisions of the Federal Law “On Refugees”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 274 of 04/09/2001 and Order of the Federal Migration Service No. 352 of 08/19/2013.

According to paragraphs. 3 p. 1 art. 1 of the Federal Law “On Refugees”, temporary asylum is the right of foreigners or stateless persons to temporarily stay in the territory of the Russian Federation for humanitarian reasons. It is provided as a kind of humanitarian status, in order to protect foreign citizens and stateless persons from persecution for one reason or another in the territory of another country. In essence, it is perceived by law enforcement agencies as a deferred deportation of persons who do not want or cannot obtain refugee status in Russia.

Read more about what refugee status is.

Please note that temporary asylum should be distinguished from the concept of political asylum. Unlike temporary, political asylum is granted exclusively by decree of the President of the Russian Federation and only in cases where the reason for the persecution of a foreigner or stateless person in the country of his residence is his socio-political activities and beliefs.

We invite you to learn more about who and how can obtain political asylum in the Russian Federation.

Loss of temporary shelter

Loss of temporary asylum, according to clause 16 of the Rules, is possible in the following cases:

  • eliminating the reasons why it was issued;
  • obtaining a residence permit, acquiring Russian citizenship or citizenship of another state;
  • leaving the Russian Federation for permanent residence outside its borders.

At the same time, according to clause 17 of the Rules, a person may be forcibly deprived of temporary asylum status if:

  • convicted of a criminal offense in Russia;
  • reported false information or provided false documents when obtaining status;
  • received administrative punishment for offenses related to drug trafficking.

Refusal of status

As such, refusal of temporary asylum and return of a passport resulting from such refusal are not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. According to paragraphs. 9 clause 1 art. 6 of the Federal Law “On Refugees” and clause 118 of the Administrative Regulations, refusal is possible only from considering an application for asylum, that is, at the stage prior to granting status.

However, the reasons that result in the loss of status include circumstances indicating the elimination of the grounds that give the right to temporary asylum. Because of this, it is logical to assume that an application to the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the cancellation of temporary asylum can be submitted on the migrant’s own initiative. In this case, the justification for the request may be precisely the fact that these grounds have been eliminated - there are no reasons to consider such a statement illegal. In any case, it is recommended to resolve such issues with the migration authorities on an individual basis.

Status validity period

According to clause 12 of the Procedure approved by Government Decree No. 274 of 04/09/2001, the validity period of temporary asylum status is up to 1 year. However, after the expiration of the specified period, the person can retain the granted status, since the law provides for an extension procedure.

Extension of status

After the expiration of the one-year period for which the status was granted, the period for granting temporary asylum in the Russian Federation may be extended. The number of times temporary asylum can be extended is determined based on the provisions of clause 12 of the Procedure - according to it, the period is extended for each subsequent year based on the corresponding request of the person. In it, it indicates the circumstances that require extension of status.

Thus, the validity of the status can be extended countless times until the circumstances requiring temporary asylum for the person exist and are not eliminated - in this case, the applicant will be refused to extend the temporary asylum.

To extend the status, its holder must contact the migration authority with which he is registered. You must apply for an extension no later than 1 month before the expiration of your status; If there are compelling reasons, this period may be extended, but not more than a month.

Required documents

The main document that serves as the basis for prolongation of status is an application for extension of temporary asylum in Russia. It is submitted to the migration authorities in a free form, but with a mandatory indication of the existence and continuation of circumstances that are the basis for maintaining a person’s right to temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation. Let us remind you that this is the presence of grounds for recognizing a person as a refugee or humanitarian reasons that prevent him from leaving the Russian Federation.

However, the law does not indicate what documents are needed to extend temporary asylum, other than the application itself. Due to the logic of the legislator, a copy of the refugee’s certificate (to verify his identity), as well as documents confirming the grounds specified in the application, can be submitted along with the application. No other documents are required to extend your status.

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