What size, requirements, etc. for a photo for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

A passport is the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which he receives at the age of 14. The procedure for obtaining it is not too complicated, but it is still necessary to pay attention to some subtleties. One of them is a passport photo. In this case, the photograph has several differences from those required for other documents. Therefore, anyone who believes that this issue does not deserve detailed consideration is seriously mistaken.

What is an internal passport of the Russian Federation?

The Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is responsible for issuing the most important document in the life of a Russian. The law obliges every citizen of our country, upon reaching the age of 14, to submit documents and receive his/her basic identity card.

The passport has a limited validity period. This means that it must be replaced at 20 and at 45 years. You must contact the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no later than 30 days from the day on which the specified age was reached. In case of violation of this requirement, a fine of 2-5 thousand rubles is imposed.

We recommend that you understand in detail the features of obtaining, replacing and using a Russian passport.

How should a person be placed in a photo?

It is immediately worth noting that the requirements for a photo at the age of 14 on a Russian passport are identical to those that are put forward at any other age when replacing this document. The location of the person in the photo itself is very important. Here you need to maintain all proportions and distances, otherwise the image will not be considered correct. It should be remembered that the image must convey an accurate picture of what the citizen looks like.

The Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs puts forward the following requirements for a passport photograph:

  • the oval of the face of the person depicted in the photo must occupy at least 80% of the photo;
  • position of the face – exclusively frontal;
  • head size: length – 30-32 mm, width – 18-22 mm;
  • there must be a margin of at least 5mm at the top of the image;
  • gap between pupils – 7 mm;
  • the horizontal distance from the outermost point of the chin to the eye line is 12 mm.

If these parameters are not followed, the photograph will be considered invalid and will have to be redone.

A frivolous face leads to serious problems: a girl was denied a passport because of her smile

A Moscow resident's photographs were not accepted for an internal passport because of her smile. Not wide, thirty-two teeth, but modest and barely noticeable. Let's figure out what a photo should be like for document preparation so that no one can find fault with it.

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“They didn’t accept my Russian passport photo because I had a “too cheerful face.” “What should it be?” - I ask. It turned out to be “neutral”. That’s why, gentlemen, our whole country walks around with a neutral face to match the photo in the passport,” a Moscow resident ironically said about the problem she encountered when applying for an internal passport.

It turns out that every day employees of the passport office and OVIR send dozens of citizens to redo photographs for documents. The reasons are different: some people smile widely, others cover their ears with their hair, others wear too much makeup. You never know what else employees of government institutions might not like.

The girl was denied a passport because of the “smiling nature of the photographs”

The head of the passport department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Nikolai Sushkov, has nothing against smiles. “Passport offices are guided by the “Requirements for a personal photograph for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,” approved by a special resolution of the Russian government,” he commented. “Everything is listed there in detail - the size of the card, its color, and so on. According to this law, a slight smile in a passport photo is completely acceptable. In my opinion, this is correct. But the smile on official photographs should not look like a grimace that distorts a person’s appearance.”

The photo requirements for an internal passport, defined by the regulations, also do not say a word about smiles. So, gentlemen, smile!

It is curious that at the beginning of the 20th century there were no requirements for passport photographs. It was possible to paste into the document a photograph of all relatives and even pets.

Photo requirements for an internal passport:

  • Two personal photographs in black and white or color, size 35x45 mm, with a clear image of the face, strictly frontal, without headdress. The size of the oval face in the photograph must be at least 80 percent of the size of the photograph. The size of the head image in the photograph should be from 32 to 36 mm in length and from 18 to 25 mm in width.
  • It is permitted to submit photographs wearing hats that do not hide the oval of the face by citizens whose religious beliefs do not allow them to appear in front of strangers without hats.
  • For citizens who constantly wear glasses, it is mandatory to take photographs with glasses without tinted lenses.
  • If technically possible, photographing and obtaining photographs can be carried out directly at the unit.

Anna Blum
Russia photography

What should be the photo for an electronic passport?

A photo for a new Russian passport requires special consideration. Starting from 2015, Russian citizens become owners of a new type of passport. The program for exchanging paper documents that are already familiar to us into electronic ones is designed for 10 years.

This circumstance suggests that there is no need to reissue your identity card right now. This can be done when the deadline specified by law arrives. For example, when you need to replace a photo in your passport at 45 or 20 years old, when personal data changes, or in other situations when a new document is required.

To begin with, let us recall that the new document is radically different from its predecessor. In terms of information content, there are no particular differences. Except that the owner of the new passport format, upon individual application, can enter information about his TIN, SNILS and other documents that he considers necessary onto the chip.

This will allow you in the future not to carry all the papers with you at once, but to use only your ID card. Considering this circumstance, it is easy to assume that such a document will be issued using a special technology. This means that an ordinary photo for a plastic card will not be enough. The standards and parameters of a passport photo in this case will be slightly different.

But there should be no cause for concern, since there is no need to bring photographs with you to the migration service. All required images in the required format will be taken directly at the place of application, by an employee of the migration department or the MFC.

We propose to study in more detail all the key differences between the current ID card and the new electronic passport of the Russian Federation.

Clothes for passport photos

Photographs of people taken in any specialized form are prohibited. The best option is regular plain clothes. It is also important to consider other recommendations and requirements:

  • female representatives should avoid low-cut tops;
  • it is better for men to use light shirts and dark jackets;
  • Regarding decorations, there are no strict restrictions, but it is better to limit the use of shiny objects that can cause glare.

Important! The photo requirements for a new passport fully comply with the criteria that apply to the old ID card, so there is no need to study other standards.

We are preparing a photo for submitting an application through State Services

One of the ways to apply for the issuance of a main document is to apply through the State Services portal. When studying the question of what photographs are needed for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, we will see that in this case the photograph will have to be uploaded to the website in electronic format.

Please note that at the same time you will have to comply with all the parameters that are set for a photo printed on paper. Namely:

  • frontal position of the face;
  • head in the photo – at least 80%;
  • face size – 30-32 mm in length, 18-22 in width.

Considering the electronic submission of the application, it is necessary to comply with the photo requirements for the Russian passport for State Services:

  • uploaded file format – jpeg;
  • attachment size – no more than 300 kB;
  • the photo must be taken in 8-bit black and white or 24-bit color;
  • resolution should not be less than 600 dpi.

Learn all the intricacies and details of the procedure for submitting an application for a passport via the Internet using the State Services portal.

Passport photo size

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

  • Use the online chat in the lower corner of the screen.
  • Call: Federal number: +7 (800) 511-86-74

The requirements for a passport photograph of a citizen of the Russian Federation are defined in the provisions of the Administrative Regulations of the Migration Service. Regarding the approved criteria in relation to the size of the photo: the height must be strictly 4.5 centimeters, width - 3.5 centimeters.

The regulations allow the use of an option with image submission in electronic format, for which similar positions are provided. Additionally, you need to consider:

Permission.At least 600 pixels per inch.
File size.No more than 300 kilobytes.
File format..jpg.

In addition to the characteristics that determine the size of the photo, it is important to take into account other legal requirements.

Price and number of required shots

The first thing the applicant must remember is that the photograph must correspond to his age and real appearance. You cannot provide the migration service with an image that was taken a couple of years ago. You need to take a photo of your main document immediately before submitting your application.

How many photographs are needed to replace a passport is stipulated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 1997 No. 828: the document states that a citizen of the Russian Federation will need two photographs to submit an application.

As for the cost, it may vary slightly depending on the region, the location of the photo studio, the urgency of production and the qualifications of the photographer himself. In general, the price range ranges from 200 to 300 rubles. The faster you need to get a photo, the more you will have to pay for its production. But almost all workshops can prepare the image you need in almost 5 minutes.

About the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

An internal passport is the main document identifying a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation. In other words, it confirms the presence of Russian citizenship, being evidence of the citizen’s legal connection with the Russian state.

The passport contains complete information about the owner: information about the date and place of birth, marriage, children, military service, place of registration, that is, data that allows you to identify a person.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, sample, form and description of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation” dated 07/08/1997 No. 828 establishes the procedure for its receipt by every Russian citizen who has reached the age of 14 years.

In addition, an identity card serves as the main guarantee of respect for the rights and freedoms of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation; without it, it is impossible to use almost any of the services provided by the state (receive medical care or compulsory education, apply for a pension, get a job).

Read in more detail about the main functions and procedure for obtaining a Russian passport.

We take photos ourselves

Not everyone has the desire and opportunity to visit a photo studio to take the necessary pictures, even if it only takes 15 minutes. In this case, you can use one of the many photo editors that will allow you to prepare photographs for any documents. Let's consider the algorithm of actions using the example of one of the programs.

Do not forget that the format of a child’s passport photo and an adult’s image is subject to the same requirements. So, let's move on to the practical part:

  1. Install the program on your PC.
  2. Upload the photo to be processed to obtain a passport format.

  3. In the menu on the right, we select which document we are preparing the photo for. In this case, the program itself will set the parameters of the image that needs to be obtained as an output.

  4. The next step is to click on the “Next” arrow. The program will take you to the section where you need to make adjustments to the distances between the pupils indicated above.

  5. Defining the jaw line.

  6. The next step of the procedure on how to correctly take a photo for a Russian passport is to establish the top line of the head.

    Next, the program will display a preliminary sample image with the specified parameters and prompt you to click the “Next” button.

  7. At the final stage, you have the opportunity to work a little with the photograph. For example, change the background, clothes, or slightly retouch the image.

After completing all the necessary manipulations, save the photo to your computer and print it. Although you can perform the last operation without saving.

When saving a photo, the program will show all the parameters you are interested in. Do not forget that the size of the Russian passport photo in pixels must be at least 600 dpi.

What size and quality should you adhere to?

According to the requirements of Russian migration legislation, there are a number of rules that should be followed regarding the size of the image and its quality characteristics. As already mentioned, a specialized program allows you to select the document you need, after which it will automatically set the necessary parameters. But you can do this manually:

  • The size of a passport photo should be 3 by 4 cm, many believe. But on the website of the migration service there are clear instructions in this regard: the photo size is 35 by 45 mm. The photo editor itself will prompt you to set this value. Don't forget about the proportions of the head, the upper border and the distance between the pupils.
  • A color or black and white passport photo doesn’t really matter. This parameter can also be set manually. The main thing is that the image is clear.
  • It also matters whether the passport photo paper is matte or glossy. In this case, you need to choose glossy.

Photo requirements for State Services

The State Services do not impose any exorbitant photo requirements. The required download conditions are:

  • photo format – JPEG;
  • image weight from 200 to 300 KB;
  • photo size in width and height – 3.5 and 4.5 centimeters;
  • image resolution - 450 dpi;
  • the photo can be color or black and white (color photography is done in 24-bit color space, black and white in 8-bit monochrome space).

Only clear photographs taken no earlier than 6 months before uploading are uploaded. The person in the photo should be positioned from the front and look directly into the camera. The face should occupy at least a third of the entire photo. Not loading:

  • dark photographs with poorly distinguishable facial features;
  • photographs with faces expressing obvious emotions (laughter, crying), the facial expression should be calm;
  • photos in which the posing person covered or completely closed his eyes;
  • photographs with people posing in a headdress (with the exception of wearing a headdress due to religious preferences), or wearing dark glasses (lenses are allowed, but they should not create glare when reflected from the flash);
  • photo in uniform (the person posing must be dressed in civilian clothes);
  • a photo in which the posing person’s face is enclosed in an oval;
  • photographs with an inappropriate background (a uniform gray-white or light blue background is acceptable).

Thus, documents can be refused acceptance not only because the photo size does not correspond to the established standard. The photo may be accepted for uploading by the automatic system, but if the specified parameters are not met, it will be rejected by the reviewer. To avoid this, it is better to take a photo for State Services online on the portal itself, after only slightly adjusting it in a photo editor.

Secrets of successful photos

Considering the fact that we have to use a passport quite often, and it is issued for a long period of time, we would all like the photo to turn out as successful as possible. To do this you need to know a few secrets. But first, let us remind you that, in addition to size requirements, there are also recommendations regarding how the passport holder should look in the photo.

First of all, let’s figure out whether it’s possible to take passport photos wearing glasses. Yes, this option is allowed, but only if the citizen wears glasses on a regular basis. Do not forget that your passport will be used to identify your identity, and therefore the photo should reflect reality as much as possible.

If you adhere to the requirements for how to take passport photos correctly, then you should remember that in this case you must definitely choose glasses with transparent lenses, which should not reflect or give glare. This means that your eyes should be clearly visible in the photo, moreover, it should be possible to determine their color. If you wear models with tinted glasses, still try to have regular glasses in stock for photography.

As for the passport photo wearing a headdress, it can only be present in the photo if your religious principles require it. But here it is important to remember that the accessory should be worn so that it in no way hides the oval of the face.

The question of how to look beautiful in a passport photo is asked by all applicants without exception. To ensure a successful photo, try not to show any obvious emotion. At this moment, you need to close your lips and open your eyes. Keep your head straight. There should not be any even barely noticeable tilts or turns.

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear whether it is possible to smile in order to look good in a photo: no, you cannot. A smile is an emotion, and they should not be in the picture.

Recommendations for women

The biggest problem for the fair sex is hairstyle. Some even go to the salon to get a hairstyle that they think will be ideal. This idea can be considered an excellent way out of the situation, but only if you remember a few points:

  • Choose a classic hairstyle. Don't forget that fashion changes faster than your passport photos. Therefore, what you consider a good haircut today may become old-fashioned in a year.
  • Try to use less hairspray and other styling products. In the photo it will all look as if you overdid it with preparation.
  • The rule regarding whether it is possible to take passport photos with your hair down is: it is possible, but only so that it does not cover the face, so that the oval, eyes and chin are clearly visible.

Don't forget that colored shadows and too bright lipsticks will be out of place. Cosmetics are designed to simply hide imperfections and highlight your strengths. Pay special attention to your eyebrows. They are the first thing that catches your eye in the picture. Achieve their symmetry and outline them a little with a pencil. Eyeliner and a good coat of mascara won't hurt either. And definitely avoid dark and rich lipsticks - they give your face an angry expression.

Advice for men

Whether it is possible to be photographed with a beard for a passport in Russia is not stated in any legislative document in our country. Everyone must decide this question for themselves, relying only on its practical side.

If you intend to have facial hair before your next passport renewal, then there are no problems - feel free to go to the photo shoot. If a beard is an indicator of your laziness today, and tomorrow you intend to shave it off, because you prefer to walk with an absolutely smooth face and just now did not have time or did not want to shave, then it is better to postpone the shooting for another day.

A man's passport photo should also reflect his real appearance. At its core, a beard is a change in appearance. And if in ordinary life you do not wear it, but in the photo you appear unshaven, then for the rest of the time, when presenting your passport, you will have to prove that you are you.

Clothing recommendations

What clothes are best to wear for passport photos is also determined by the official status of the document. Give preference to plain and dim things. For men, it is best to choose a suit or just a shirt without a jacket. Light blue, pink, dark blue, dark gray will look good.

Women should not wear too much jewelry. The top of the outfit should not have too much cleavage as the bottom of the photo will be cut off and you may end up with too little clothing left in the photo. In any case, you need to think about what you will wear for your passport photo in advance.

Under what conditions can you change your passport photo on time?

Any passport photo must meet certain requirements. The timing of the execution of a new document directly depends on this.

For females, conditions are established on the basis of which their hair must be removed. In some cases, the curls can be loosened if they do not cover the face
. Among other things, there should be no foreign objects in the photographs - the background is white.

As for men, they are often interested in the question of being photographed with a beard. If stubble is a stylistic attribute of appearance and the citizen wears it on an ongoing basis, then a photo can be taken

It is not recommended to remove your beard when shaving it later
. Because of this, he changes his appearance and some organizations may refuse to provide various services.

The general requirements for quickly replacing a photograph in a passport are as follows:

  • clothes in neutral colors;
  • positioned strictly from the front;
  • free oval face.

Sample birth certificate

Where will the photo be located in the passport?

The photograph is pasted into the document by an employee of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the time of filling out the passport. If we are talking about an old-style ID, which contains 20 pages, then page number 3 is reserved for the photograph.

Approximately 2/3 of it is intended for personal information about the owner of the document. The third part of the sheet on the left side is highlighted for the photo. The place where the photograph should be pasted is usually outlined with corners.

In the new passport format, the photograph is placed on the front side of the plastic card.

To have a good understanding of your identity card, carefully study the contents of your Russian passport.

Which photos can be considered bad and which are good?

In a correctly taken photo, the human head takes up about 80% of the entire image. The face is not hidden by hair, the eyes are open, they are not covered by massive frames or glasses with tinted lenses. The facial expression remains neutral, there are no hats on the head. In this case, the photo was taken against a light background, with optimally selected brightness, without the presence of shadows or foreign objects in the frame.

An image that may not be accepted usually does not fit within the established parameters:

  • wrong size chosen;
  • the person smiles too much;
  • there is a lot of free space in the picture;
  • a noticeable turn of the head;
  • the face is hidden by hair or excessively massive frames;
  • There is a red eye effect and other defects.

To take the correct image and fulfill all the requirements, examples of passport photos will help, which will definitely be useful to everyone who has to go through this process.

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