Validity periods for certificates from the Pension Fund from the place of work and study

on the duration of the breadwinner’s insurance period, as well as on the cause and time of his death. Family members of a deceased breadwinner are considered dependent on him if they were fully supported by him or received assistance from him, which was their constant and main source of livelihood. In this regard, in order to avoid unreasonable payments of pensions to those young people who stopped studying for various reasons earlier than the established period, it is necessary to provide information about deduction or a change in the form of education to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence. Overpayment of pensions due to the fault of the recipient due to failure to provide such information will be subject to compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the new pension legislation, one of the main factors determining the right to an insurance pension and its amount is: the citizen’s insurance length, the amount of wages and the age of applying for a pension. In turn, length of service is divided into insurance and general work experience.

Validity period for pension fund certificates

An alternative way to confirm work experience If you need to provide the Pension Fund with information about your work history, but for some reason there is no work book, then only certificates will help. A work experience paper is an ideal option for getting out of the current unfavorable situation. This document must be obtained directly from your former employer. If you have worked in several places, then, naturally, you need to collect certificates about your work experience from all these organizations. That is, you should get a kind of work book, but only on separate sheets of A4 paper. In accordance with Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a certificate of work experience must be provided to a former employee of the institution no later than three days from the date of filing the relevant application.

The main way to confirm work experience for calculating pensions and other social benefits is to provide the relevant documents. This is especially true for the periods before 2021, when there was no unified system of personalized accounting. The main document in this case is the work book, information not reflected in which, however, can be confirmed by other papers from employers.

Request for a certificate to confirm work experience for the Pension Fund

If information about the employee’s length of service is not in the work book, or there are no corresponding records in the personalized accounting system, then there are other methods of confirmation, such as: certificates from the archive and witness testimony.

Other confirmation methods

  1. is used on the principle of deducting the start date from the end date of work activity, plus one day.
  2. If a citizen worked two jobs (part-time), then priority is given to that period of concurrent work activity, the calculation of which is most profitable for calculating a pension.
  3. To calculate any type of length of service, a work book is used - the first document that can confirm the periods of an employee’s work activity. To be submitted to the Pension Fund, it must be completed correctly, that is:
  • All entries in it must be reflected in the employer’s local documents - orders. The work book must indicate their details (number and date).
  • Records of dismissal must be sealed with the organization's seal. This rule does not apply to work for individual entrepreneurs, for whom, in principle, the presence of a seal was an optional condition for conducting the relevant activity.
  • Blots and corrections in the work book are unacceptable.

If a preferential pension is issued, for example, due to harmful working conditions, the certificate will confirm that the profession (or position) in which the citizen worked actually gives the right to early retirement.

What duties must be performed to care for a pensioner?

It is important to consider: this insurance period only determines the right to pension provision; the time of care is not included in the calculation of the pension amount. Law No. 18-FZ, which determines the allocation of federal funds for specific pension payments, provides for reimbursement to the future pensioner of the transfer of insurance contributions during this time. The compensation amount for non-insurance periods included in the pension period is determined individually in each case.

Is there any experience in caring for the elderly?

  1. Passport.
  2. Consent from the sponsored pensioner for a specific person, indicating the full name and passport information of both.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. SNILS.
  5. Extract from the medical and social examination report on disability.
  6. Certificate from a medical institution regarding the need for constant supervision (for a pensioner under 80 years old).

A preferential certificate is an official document confirming a certain length of service and its preferential nature. Without providing it, it is sometimes impossible to prove the fact of carrying out labor activities under certain conditions, which is especially important in the event of loss, damage to the work book or the presence of errors in it.

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Which students does the Pension Fund of Russia ask to bring a certificate of study?

The Ministry of Labor forms a form that is filled out typewritten or manually by an accounting employee or the manager himself. Employers often require this certificate to calculate disability benefits.

Certificate from the place of work to the pension fund about labor activity

In order to establish an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, to establish an increased fixed payment to the insurance pension for old age, disability, persons who have reached the age of 18 and are studying full-time in educational institutions, a certificate from the place of study, indicating the date of completion of studies, is provided with one times when assigning a pension or establishing an increased fixed payment, educational institutions with whom Agreements on information interaction have been concluded. These payments are made until the age of 23, while continuing full-time studies.

Each certificate of employment has its own expiration date, which is determined by the institution or organization requesting the document individually, and which most often does not exceed a two-week period - during this time the employee must have time to request the document from the organization and present it where needed.

Certificates from school: samples

Over the course of 11 years of study, parents and the student himself are at least once faced with the need to bring to one or another authority a certificate confirming his studies at a general education institution. Its validity period directly depends on why and who requires it, but usually it is valid for at least one month.

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A certificate stating that you are studying at school is an official document that may be required to be presented by various institutions or organizations. Usually it is issued by the administration of the institution to the parents or the student himself and is valid for a certain period.

Who issues the certificate

It is not necessary to put a stamp on the document, since from 2021 legal entities are exempt from the obligation to certify their papers with seals and stamps (however, in this case it is advisable to include the organization’s details (address and telephone number) in the document, otherwise the certificate may simply not be issued accept where it is provided).

Does a resigned employee have the right to request a certificate?

A document called “ Certificate of Employment ” may be needed in a variety of cases. Very often, the employee needs it to present it to government organizations, social security authorities, banking and credit institutions, etc. The certificate is confirmatory in nature and may contain information about the employee’s salary, position, length of service and work experience, etc.

For reference: officials in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2021 No. 03-04-05/36096 indicated that a certificate of income received by individuals and withheld tax amounts in form 2-NDFL can be classified as specified in Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, documents accordingly must be issued within three days after the employee submits an application.

What is the validity period of a pension certificate from a pension fund?

Be honest with your pension fund. The Pension Fund does not check how you care for a pensioner, but this does not mean that the state does not control you. You must notify the state of any changes, otherwise you will be forced to return the money due for care in court.

Sample certificate for a pension fund

After submitting a certificate, payment of a survivor's pension continues until the person receiving this pension reaches 23 years of age. If a student is expelled from full-time study, graduates, or reaches the age of 23, the payment of such a pension stops, and the parent’s fixed payment is reduced.

An important question: how to apply for benefits for caring for an elderly person over 80 years of age through State Services and is this allowed at all? On the government services website there is no possibility of submitting documents for this payment, but to enter the personal account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need an account from the unified government services portal - this is a unified system of government websites. Moreover, users of the single portal have the opportunity to easily go to the Pension Fund website. Just go to the PFR page on the State, in the “Website” line, click “Go”.

An important question is whether the length of service is valid and how much they pay for caring for an 80-year-old pensioner - yes, in addition to the monthly payment, the caregiver is awarded pension points. For each year - 1.8 points. They are included in the length of service when calculating pensions. Thus, there is no special procedure for how to arrange the care of an 80-year-old pensioner so that the length of service is applied - it goes in any case.

Why do they refuse?

To apply for a benefit for caring for an 80-year-old pensioner, you must contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration of the elderly person - where he receives his pension. The money is transferred along with the pension, the recipient is your ward. He himself will transfer this amount to you in full or part of it - as you agree.

It is now clear how one can obtain confirmation that a person was caring for a relative in need of care. In real life, citizens have problems with completing this paper. In particular, if we are not talking about obtaining the status of “nurse” through the Pension Funds of Russia.

And sometimes it happens that a person, due to life circumstances, requires temporary care. For example, during rehabilitation after treatment. This arrangement does not provide for dismissal, but you can take academic leave from the university.

How to register?

It is prohibited to falsify this document. If you have questions regarding the procedure for issuing a certificate, you can always contact either an experienced legal consultant or the MFC. They often tell you how to get this or that paper. And certificates of care are no exception.

  1. You got a job, applied for unemployment benefits or a pension. Within 5 days, visit the Pension Fund and write a statement about termination of care. You now have income and are no longer entitled to compensation. Payments will stop starting next month. During this month, the pensioner will receive them in full for you, even if you wrote the application at the beginning of the month.
  2. You received a one-time remuneration (fee, paid internship, etc.). Within 5 days from the moment the money is transferred to you, personally notify the pension fund about this. The contract with you will not be terminated, but compensation for the month when you received income will not be accrued.
  3. A sponsored pensioner died. Report this to the Pension Fund within five days. You will no longer receive compensation and length of service.

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Document structure

  • information about the organization that issues the certificate (corner stamp with details or full name of the company);
  • information about the recipient (full name and position of the employee);
  • information about the job (profession, rank, when the employee was hired and fired);
  • the purpose and basis of the certificate (where it is provided and at whose request or application);
  • certification signatures and seal.

What is this document and why is it needed?

The certificate is issued by the organization where the person last worked. Each organization makes a copy of the work record book during employment, so the personnel officer of the last employer can issue a certificate using the copy.

The procedure for filling out the certificate is established by the administrative regulations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the issuance of information about the work activity of a registered person contained in his individual personal account (Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 46pa dated 01/21/2021). The form duplicates the data from the work book, it contains the following information:

Deciphering the STD-PFR does not cause any difficulties for those who are familiar with the work book form. The design requirements are similar. The paper form is certified by an authorized person of the PFR branch with his signature, the electronic statement is certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature by an authorized official of the territorial body of the PFR.

What does the statement look like?

The Ministry of Labor, by order No. 618n dated September 17, 2021, approved the new form of the STD-PFR certificate, changes were made to the order of the Ministry of Labor No. 23n dated January 20, 2021. The main difference from the previously valid extract is the reflection of information about the registered person’s labor activity for periods up to December 31, 2021. Previously, the Pension Fund of Russia accumulated data only starting from 01/01/2021, and data for earlier periods was contained only in paper work books. Now, as of December 14, 2021, the worker independently chooses for which period of STD-PFR he should request. The main thing is that any changes in work occur during the requested period - change of position, employment, dismissal or transfer. If no work-related events occurred, there will be no information on the statement.

  • A certificate from the tax service, which will report the income of a person who is not engaged in any business.
  • A certificate stating that the required contributions to the pension fund have been paid.
  • A document from the Pension Fund for individual entrepreneurs about their income.
  • Confirmation of payment that the single tax on a certain type of activity has been paid in full.
  • Pay slips, books that were issued by structures under the trade union.
  • An application drawn up in the SPV-2 form.
  • Papers from the boss that confirm the payment of civil contracts.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the Certificate of Work Experience provided to the pension fund is nothing more than an official document certified by an authorized person; the document contains information about the period of work in the organization and changes in positions.

When will it be needed?

A pension certificate is necessary, first of all, in situations where the work book of a newly minted pensioner is either lost or not filled out properly. A duplicate can be easily issued, but there is a high risk of losing your seniority, and this will negatively affect your future pension.

Sample certificate from school of care for elderly children over 14 years old

  • Personally
  • Through a legal representative
  • By mail
  • Through MFC
  • Through EPGU
  • On the official website of the department
  • Personally
  • Through a legal representative
  • By mail
  • Through MFC
  • Through EPGU
  • On the official website of the department

Certificate from School About Permission to Care for Elderly

Compensation to individuals of retirement age who provide social services is assigned in the specified amounts based on the subsistence level for persons who have lost their ability to work. From January 1, the cost of living for persons who have lost their ability to work is 894 UAH.

  • two statements of the established form - from the citizen who will provide care, and consent to care from the pensioner himself (Appendices No. 1 and 2 to the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated April 13, 2016 No. 166n);
  • passports and work books (if available) of both the 80-year-old pensioner himself and those caring for him;
  • conclusion of a medical institution on the need of an elderly citizen for constant outside care;
  • permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, trustee) and the guardianship authority to provide care during free time from school (for children from 14 to 16 years old);
  • a certificate from the organization where the child is studying, confirming the fact of full-time education.

An application for care and a statement of consent can be submitted electronically in the citizen’s Personal Account on the Pension Fund website.

Important! When a teenager is employed (during the holidays or after graduation), it is necessary to notify the Pension Fund about this within 5 days by submitting an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund where the pensioner being cared for receives a pension.

Unemployed able-bodied citizens, including schoolchildren or students, can apply for a compensation payment for caring for a pensioner who has reached the age of 80, or for pensioners who are younger but need constant outside care (according to a medical opinion).

  1. Write an application on behalf of the guardian and the consent of the ward, prepare accompanying documents and come for a personal appointment at the Pension Fund department. You need to contact the department that assigns and pays the old-age pension to the pensioner under its care.
  2. Submit an online request through the electronic service on the official website of the Pension Fund.
  • for personal applications - the applicant’s passport;
  • application for compensation payment;
  • conclusion of a medical institution on the need of an elderly citizen for constant care;
  • consent of the pensioner to guardianship;
  • employment history;
  • a certificate from the educational institution about the guardian’s full-time education (if necessary);
  • a certificate confirming the actual termination of the guardian’s work;
  • certificate of non-payment of unemployment benefits or insurance pension;
  • information about the curator’s place of residence.

How to apply

If you want to receive elder care benefits, you cannot officially work or receive any income, pensions or social benefits. It is prohibited to open an individual entrepreneur and register with the employment center.

For care, family ties and living together do not play a role. Strangers have the right to look after the elderly and receive payment for it. The category of disabled persons entitled to financial assistance from the state includes:

Certificate of study of dependents - to increase pension

For example, “studying from September 1, 2021” or “study period from September 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021.” The period of obtaining education also includes the vacation period following the completion of the final (state final) certification.

What is the validity period of a pension certificate from a pension fund?

on the duration of the breadwinner’s insurance period, as well as on the cause and time of his death. Family members of a deceased breadwinner are considered dependent on him if they were fully supported by him or received assistance from him, which was their constant and main source of livelihood. In this regard, in order to avoid unreasonable payments of pensions to those young people who stopped studying for various reasons earlier than the established period, it is necessary to provide information about deduction or a change in the form of education to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence. Overpayment of pensions due to the fault of the recipient due to failure to provide such information will be subject to compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

There is also no prohibition on the number of certificates issued - as many as the employee needs, they are required to issue them (maximum after 3 days). You just need to write an application or submit a request from the Pension Fund.

RP = ZR x SK, where: RP is the estimated size of the labor pension; ZR - the average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2021 - 2021 according to individual (personalized) records in the compulsory pension insurance system or for any 60 consecutive months of work on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies. The average monthly earnings of the insured person are not confirmed by testimony; SK is the length of service coefficient, which for insured persons:

Validity period for pension fund certificates

I’m going to submit form 16001 to 15ku one of these days, and a certificate from the Pension Fund dated November 23, 2021, i.e. We took it a month and a half ago. It so happened that the liquidator went abroad and returned only now, so we could not certify Form 16001, and we took a certificate from the Pension Fund in advance.

Such a certificate may also be required in the event of employment at a new place of work, in the absence of a work book. Thus, a certificate of work experience is an official document certified by an authorized person, containing information about the organizations in which the person worked, the length of work experience in each of them, and changes in positions.

Supplement to pension for student in 2021

  • Confirmation that pensioners are the parents of the child(ren). Typically, this proof is a birth certificate.
  • Confirmation that the child is a dependent child. For this purpose, certificates may be attached indicating that the child lives with his parents; documents on the income of parents and their child. If the child lives separately from his parents, then an agreement with the educational institution will also be required stating that the education is paid, the parents pay for the child’s accommodation, etc. This will be the basis for understanding that increasing the parent’s pension for the child becomes practically the main source of funds for living and studying.
  • Employees of the Pension Fund, in accordance with the law, make a decision regarding the submitted application within 10 days from the date of its receipt.
  • After the decision is made, the pensioner is informed of the refusal or that the payment has been approved and assigned.

How is the confirmation of preferential length of service carried out?

Has the right to receive a pension on preferential terms in accordance with List No. 2, Section XVI CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, TECHNICAL UPGRADE, RESTORATION AND REPAIR OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND OTHER OBJECTS, position code 229000a -13201.

Validity period of the certificate of work experience

  1. A citizen previously employed under an employment contract, personally.
  2. Based on a court ruling issued at the request of a participant in a lawsuit for the restoration of seniority or the assignment of a pension.
  3. A legal entity regarding an employee.

On the eve of the new academic year, the regional pension department draws the attention of recipients of old-age and disability insurance pensions who have dependent children studying full-time at an educational institution, as well as recipients of a survivor's pension of the specified category about the need to timely submit documents confirming their training to continue paying a survivor's pension and a fixed payment to the old-age and disability insurance pension in an increased amount.

Supplement to pension for a dependent: amount and conditions of assignment

Attention! The state makes an annual increase in additional payments for persons supported at the expense of other citizens. The growth of increases directly depends on how much insurance and social pensions increase annually.

In what cases do they pay extra for a dependent?

The additional payment is provided to unemployed and working pensioners who have received insurance benefits, as well as to disabled people of any group. A supplement to the military pension for length of service or disability may be requested

For your information: if a pensioner has work experience in the Far North, then state financial support for dependents can be increased to 2,491 rubles. 39 kop. To do this, it is necessary to meet an additional condition - the work experience for women must be at least 15 years, for men - 20.

An increased subsidy (fixed portion) is available to persons receiving a pension for long service or in the presence of a disability group. In this case, the condition for raising a dependent, i.e., a disabled family member, must be met. Subsidies are awarded if wards do not have capable parents.

Additional payments for student children

Russian legislation establishes cases in which pensioners who have dependents in their care have the right to receive additional payments. The procedure is carried out by increasing the basic rate in the amount of 1/3 for each incapacitated citizen. There is also a limit on the number of disabled persons - 3 people.

Parents whose children are under 18 years of age receive an increased fixed supplement to their insurance pension, regardless of confirmation that the children are studying. Because in this case, the child’s birth certificate is sufficient, which is the basis for paying the parents an increased pension.

For students and students

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Validity period of a certificate from a university (full-time study) for submission to the Pension Fund. Link to law.

We remind you that the survivor's pension and increased pension are paid to the recipient until the dependent reaches the age of 18 on the basis of the child's birth certificate. To continue paying a survivor's pension and an increased pension after the child turns 18, the pensioner must confirm the status of a disabled dependent, which is confirmed by the child's educational certificate if he is studying full-time in basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities. In this case, the type and type of educational institution in which the child is studying does not matter. This can be a public or commercial educational institution, on a paid or free basis.

Sample certificate from the place of study for the pension fund

The certificate of study must contain the following information: date and registration number, last name, first name, patronymic of the student (in full) indicating the date of birth. The name of the educational institution and the fact that the training is full-time in the main educational programs must be indicated. The certificate must also contain information about the period of study (beginning and completion) and the basis for issuing the certificate (No. and date of the order for enrollment in the educational institution). If the certificate is not issued on letterhead, the corner stamp of the educational institution must be present.

Certificates are provided annually by students studying outside the republic and students of educational institutions of the republic with whom agreements have not been concluded, in order to exclude deductions (or transfer to distance learning - OZO) from the number of full-time students, in which the right to a pension in the event of loss of breadwinner (regardless of the date of graduation from the educational institution noted on the certificate)..

Additionally, depending on the purpose and place of presentation, a certificate from the school can confirm or deny certain facts. Such certificates have a “narrow” focus. For example, during court proceedings. The validity period of a school certificate depends on the purpose of obtaining it, but cannot be less than one month.

Only the administration of the educational institution in which the student is studying has the right to issue a certificate of study at school Mandatory contents of the certificate: - full name of the educational institution and its address; - Full name. the student and his date of birth; - number of the class in which he studies; - position, full name and the signature of the employee who issued the certificate; - seal.

How to arrange care for a pensioner

  • name of the territorial body of the Pension Fund;
  • data of the citizen caring for an elderly person (last name, first name, patronymic, residential address, telephone and passport details);
  • note whether the person is currently working and whether he receives any cash income, including unemployment benefits, pension benefits;
  • information about the pensioner being cared for;
  • data on the representative (if there is one);
  • at the end of the application you must put a date and a personal signature with its obligatory transcript.

Appointment dates

The law allows ten days for consideration of the application. If a negative decision is made, the applicant must receive notification of this within five days. In case of refusal due to a lack of any documents, they can be provided within three months, and the date of acceptance will still be considered the day the application was submitted. Payment of benefits for caring for a pensioner or disabled person is assigned from the month of application, but not before the right to compensation arises.

21 Jun 2021 semeiadvo 32

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