State duty for a residence permit in Russia: details, receipt

Residence permit

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As soon as a foreign citizen crosses the border of the Russian Federation, he undertakes to immediately determine the purpose of the visit. This can be either a private visit or work. However, if he wants to stay in the country longer or even obtain citizenship and stay in it forever, he needs to obtain a residence permit. After arriving in the country and submitting all the necessary documents, he waits for a response, and if it is positive, then he must pay the state fee for a residence permit, otherwise his documents will simply be canceled and the person will be forced to leave the country.

General information about residence permit

First of all, you need to understand the concept of a residence permit and what it gives to a foreigner. To begin with, this document is of particular importance, and allows a citizen of another country not only to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also to work in it. And also, the document allows you to endow a migrant with rights that are enjoyed by all subjects of the Russian Federation.

After receiving a residence permit, a foreigner is allowed to:

  • travel freely around the country;
  • work according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, without completing additional documents;
  • undergo training in schools and universities, in government-funded places;
  • use social services;
  • cross the border of the Russian Federation, without restrictions.

Based on the above, it can be understood that the state fee for a residence permit is mandatory when preparing documentation, because it confirms the seriousness of the foreigner’s intentions.

Stages of obtaining a residence permit

If a foreigner is confident in his intentions and is ready to obtain a residence permit, he must understand that in order to fully complete the procedure, he will need to live in the Russian Federation for at least 12 months, without traveling abroad. This restriction is imposed only for the first year of residence, and is subsequently removed. At the same time, there are special categories of citizens who follow a simplified scheme for obtaining a document. In their case, the state duty for a residence permit is calculated separately, depending on the circumstances. In other cases, migrants undertake:

  • Complete the collection and execution of all documents within the time limits specified by law.
  • After receiving all the documentation (TRP), live in the country for at least 12 months.
  • Provide supporting documents and certificates from your official place of work.
  • Pass a medical examination and get registered.
  • Submit an application for a residence permit.

And also, it is necessary to take into account that every migrant who has received a residence permit is obliged to report annually to the regulatory authorities to undergo special checks and confirm their resident status. In practice, he may be required to provide documents confirming his stay in the country, as well as various certificates from work, including a tax certificate.

Application for residence permit in 2021

To obtain a residence permit 2021, you must provide a set of documents. This set is small, but you should approach the selection of each paper responsibly so as not to be refused. Naturally, the responsible person is obliged to point out inaccuracies in the preparation of documentation when submitting a set of papers for obtaining a residence permit 2021. However, correcting errors may lead to delays. To obtain a residence permit, the following documents are required.

1General passport.
2Application completed according to the sample.
3A document confirming registration at a specific address on the territory of populated areas in Russia.
4Certificates of absence of dangerous infectious diseases, including HIV, as well as confirmation from a narcological clinic of the absence of drug addiction.
5Certificates of passing an exam on knowledge of Russian, as well as the history and legislative framework of Russia. Police department employees authorized to consider applications for residence permits 2021 accept certificates of various types. This may be a certificate of successful passing of exams in one of the specialized centers operating under migration departments. A foreigner can also provide a document confirming graduation from school or college in Russia with the results of state certification in Russian, jurisprudence and history.
6A residence permit is granted only if there is confirmation of official employment and receipt of official income from work or personal savings. The amount of income should not be less than the established subsistence level. If the applicant brings confirmation of a bank deposit, then its amount must cover the duration of his stay in Russia .

If a person does not work, he must bring a certificate of disability or incapacity to work to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

7The applicant takes a photograph and brings to the migration service 4 photographs measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm. Clear, non-blurred photographs in which the applicant’s face occupies at least 80% of the total area of ​​the photograph are welcome.
8A receipt indicating that money has been deposited into the treasury for the service as a state duty.

According to the law, only citizens who successfully pass tests in subjects studied at school receive the status of “residence permit”. First of all, this is knowledge of Russian, which is assessed according to several indicators. This includes speaking, listening, the ability to read a text and understand its meaning, knowledge of lexical and grammatical norms of the language. Reaching the threshold of 75% of the total test volume by the examinee allows him to apply for a residence permit.

On the history and knowledge of the legislative foundations of the Russian state, tests are also carried out in the form of tests. The test taker must also score at least 75% correct answers to the questions. Preparation for passing the tests is carried out in centers at migration departments. Staff explain to visitors how to behave during exams and how much time is allocated for each subject. Typically, one test under the 2021 residence permit program takes half an hour or 40 minutes.

Russian legislation allows certain categories of citizens not to take mandatory exams. These include men who have reached the age of 65, women who have crossed the 60-year age threshold. Russian-speaking citizens with official status do not undergo mandatory testing. Also persons participating in the program for the relocation of compatriots. Foreigners with the status of a highly qualified specialist do not need to take the exam. Persons related to Russian citizens are entitled to obtain a residence permit 2021 without passing tests.

It has become easier to obtain a certificate of residence in Russia; in addition to the categories of citizens that were defined earlier, one more has been added. An additional simplified scheme applies to foreign investors, those who have invested significant funds in the economic development of the state. Thus, with the help of the program, the President and the Government of Russia want to improve the country’s economy.

Categories of foreigners who have access to a simpler permit procedure have been retained. These are highly qualified specialists, citizens of the Republic of Belarus, native language speakers, and persons who have been granted refugee status. Additionally, the group whose members have the right to have a residence permit includes persons participating in the resettlement program, as well as those who have temporary asylum in Russia for political reasons.

The simplified procedure brings citizens many advantages compared to the procedure for obtaining a residence permit in past years. A foreigner does not need to first apply for a temporary residence permit; mandatory residence in the Russian Federation for a year is also not required.

Citizens born on the territory of the RSFSR who can confirm this fact receive a certificate in accordance with a simplified procedure. They do not need to obtain a temporary permit in advance. Some believe that they can take advantage of this right if they were born in the USSR or had a USSR passport. This is not true: a residence permit 2021 according to this rule is issued only for former residents of the RSFSR.

Duty amount

As you may already understand, the state fee is a mandatory step when obtaining a residence permit in the Russian Federation. It is important to note: before filling out a receipt in 2021, you should carefully read all the points indicated on it, otherwise errors may occur when filling out and the document will be invalid. You can pay the state fee for a residence permit 2021 at any branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

An important point will be the amount of the contribution, because it may vary depending on the city or the conditions for obtaining the document. At the moment, the amount does not exceed 3,500 rubles. More detailed information about the amount of the state duty can be obtained from the local Federal Migration Service.

The amount of state duty for obtaining and renewing a residence permit in 2021

The basis for the requirement to pay the duty is the provision of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, namely subclause 18 of clause 1 of Article 333.28. The established amount is the same for all applicants for a residence permit, regardless of their gender, age or citizenship.

The state fee for the initial issue of a residence permit in 2018 is 3,500 rubles. It remained unchanged compared to 2017. The state fee for renewing a previously obtained residence permit is a similar amount.

The only case in which the fee for issuing a new residence permit form is not charged is the replacement of a previously issued document if the following shortcomings were discovered:

  • entries made improperly;
  • discrepancy between the data about the person to whom it was issued and the actual data;
  • technical defect.

The receipt for payment of the state fee is valid for three years from the date of transfer of funds. If for some reason the migrant did not use it and did not apply for a residence permit, then before the expiration of this period he can apply for a refund. To do this, you also need to write an application and attach a receipt and a copy of your passport to it.

State duty for residence permit

It should be understood that when collecting all the documents and going through special procedures, the foreigner will be forced to pay not only the state duty, but also many other taxes. To be honest, the state fee for registering a foreign citizen is the smallest part of the costs that a foreigner will face. After all, his responsibilities also include mandatory payment of fees even after receiving residence permit documents.

Here you can add health insurance and a policy that every resident of the country should have.

Payment Methods

A wide range of opportunities are provided for depositing money into the treasury.
The safest option is considered to be through a bank teller. It is enough for a bank employee to submit a receipt or just your details. He will do the rest himself and issue a check. We recommend: Conditions for granting a residence permit without a temporary permit

You can pay yourself through an ATM of any bank using the available details and the passport of a foreign citizen. Step-by-step actions (using the example of a Sberbank ATM):

  1. Insert the card into the ATM. After entering the password, go to the “All operations” menu:

  2. Find the “Payments and Transfers” field:

  3. Next, go to the “Taxes, fines, duties” section:

  4. Click the “Passport, visa, citizenship” button:

  5. In the service provider selection section, click “Fees”:

  6. Define category:

  7. Indicate through which body the document is processed (Ministry of Internal Affairs):

  8. In the “Region” section, scroll to select the region where the residence permit will be issued:

  9. The system will prompt you to check the correctness of the entered data:

  10. Next, scroll through the menu, select the appropriate item for the type of state duty (residence permit (RUB 5,000)):

  11. Further, the procedure for entering consumer personal data will differ for different Sberbank ATM systems. For example, indicate an identification document, last name, first name, patronymic, etc.:

  12. Complete the sections following the instructions in the software. Write personal information of the person who is applying for a residence permit. As a result, a window will appear with a message that the payment has been prepared.
  13. Carefully check the information again (all recipient data must correspond to the receipt or payment details), click the “Pay” button. Be sure to print out the receipt.

Another method of payment from a card is remote payment through Sberbank online -
Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Log in to your personal account:

  2. On the main page at the top, click “Payments”:

  3. In the new window, scroll down the page and find the view:

  4. Next - Passports, visas, citizenship, civil registry office:

  5. Make a choice in favor of “Duties (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Traffic Police)”:

  6. Read the system prompts, click the “Payment of duties” sign:

  7. Fill in the fields as follows: indicate the card from which payment will be made, leave the category of services unchanged, the transfer is made to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, select the region for obtaining a residence permit from the drop-down list. Click Continue:

  8. Check your area of ​​residence:

  9. Click on the pointer and, scrolling through the list, select the column “Residence permit 5,000 rubles”:

  10. Decide what document you will use to confirm your identity, for example, a temporary residence permit, a passport of a foreign citizen, etc. Enter the number, series, etc.:

  11. Check that the fields are filled in correctly. In the last name, first name, patronymic field, write the details of the applicant for a residence permit, if you are not paying for yourself - “Continue”:
  12. Review your payment details carefully. The recipient’s details must match those indicated on the receipt – “Continue”:

  13. The final stages are re-checking the details of the sender and recipient, payment and printing of the check. If a check is lost, a duplicate can be found in the transaction history:

In 2021, you cannot make a tax payment through the State Services portal. Here it is only possible to view the status of the application for a residence permit.

State duty for exams and medical examinations

As already mentioned in the previous block, material costs will increase as documents are collected. Thus, a foreigner is required to undergo a medical examination, for which it is also necessary to pay a large sum. An important point is that this procedure is only possible in certain medical centers that have been accredited by the Federal Migration Service. On average, this will cost 6-8 thousand rubles, depending on the subject.

At the same time, the law obliges every migrant to pass a special test for knowledge of the Russian language, history and law. Here, it all depends on the migrant’s nationality; some subjects may not be accepted. This procedure will cost 5 thousand rubles, and even then only if you manage to pass everything the first time. Otherwise, a retake will be required, the cost of which will vary from 50 to 80% of the total amount.


So, to obtain a residence permit in 2021, you need to know that:

  • A receipt for payment of the state fee is an integral part of the procedure for obtaining permits.
  • Data for issuing a receipt can be obtained on the website of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • It is possible to obtain a certificate of completion of a medical examination only in centers that have passed state accreditation.
  • The exams you take and the number of exams you take will depend on the documents you provide as well as your actual nationality.

How to fill out the state duty payment receipt correctly

You must fill out the receipt very carefully, because a mistake made even in one number or letter can lead to many delays. A document containing crossed outs or corrections will not be accepted for payment.

The main element of the receipt for payment of the state fee for a residence permit is the details. They will be different for each region of Russia. You can get reliable information about them at the nearest migration office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All necessary information is posted on a special stand. You can also get a sample receipt there.

The following information is entered in the appropriate fields of the form:

  • name of the recipient, for this case it is the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • TIN, KPP, OKTMO, BIC and KBK of the recipient;
  • purpose of payment;
  • information about the payer;
  • amount and date of payment.

A faster way to find out the data for transfer is to use the website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. On its main page, from the list of offered services, you must select the “Receipts for payment of state duty” section, and then fill out the fields of the form that appears. The program will ask for information about:

  • place of residence;
  • in the form of a duty;
  • information about the person making the payment: full name, tax identification number, address.

Important: when generating a receipt for payment of the state fee for a residence permit, the payer must indicate exclusively the person who is applying for its issuance.

A document generated in this way can be saved, sent by email, or printed immediately.


An important point: the details for paying the state fee for a residence permit will vary depending on the region of the Russian Federation. Basic information can be obtained from the local authority of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; as a rule, they are posted on information stands. You can also find out the exact details if you download the receipt from the website of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; when downloading, you will receive an already completed receipt with the correct details of your region. The second method will be more accurate, since you will not have to fill them out manually. There you can generate a receipt for any type of state duty.

Where can I find out the details and get a receipt of the state duty for a residence permit?

Different regions have their own details, so you need to be very careful about this. You can find out about them during a consultation with a specialist from the migration department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. Also, the recipient’s data can be found on information stands that are available in every department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But we would like to warn you right away that there are a lot of numbers and they need to be rewritten in such a way as to exclude mistakes, otherwise the migrant risks sending money to the wrong address.

We recommend the safest methods: take a receipt from the inspector or print it via the Internet on a special resource - https://guvm.mvd.rf/services/payment.

We go to the service page “Receipt for payment of state duty” and select the desired region of the Russian Federation.

Details for the state duty for a residence permit

A form to fill out will appear in which you must indicate the name of the locality, district, region of registration, type of duty and amount, last name, first name, patronymic of the sender, his TIN and postal address.. In the “Type of state duty” field, select “State duty for issuing or extension of the validity of a residence permit for a foreign citizen or stateless person—5,000 rubles.” After filling out all the fields, you need to enter the code from the image and click the “Complete” button.

You can print or save the receipt in PDF format or send it to your email.

It looks like this, naturally the amount is no longer relevant.

Sample receipt for payment of state duty for a residence permit.

How to pay the fee

Today, there are several options for paying the state fee for a residence permit. The easiest way is to contact the nearest Sberbank branch, where, by the way, you can find entire folders with sample applications, details and receipts of state fees for a residence permit.

For migrants who prefer convenience, there is an online payment option. This method allows you not only to pay the state fee, but also to monitor the overall progress of the consideration of the case for issuing a residence permit.

Migrants faced with the question: where in Moscow can they pay the state fee, should know the following options.

In the bank using the details, for example, Sberbank


  • You can ask for samples of statements and details specific to this particular subject of the Russian Federation.


  • time costs for the operation;
  • the possibility of making a mistake in filling out if you do not carefully study the sample.

Payment online

Sberbank, like many other banks, provides the opportunity to pay for various services, including government services, online, even from a smartphone.

Through the official website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Perhaps the most reliable payment method is through an online cash register. The form is checked automatically, which means it will be almost impossible to make a mistake. In this case, you can make payment at any time of the day.

Via terminals

This method is suitable for advanced users, as well as people who do not want to stand in bank queues. All you have to do is come to the branch and use the terminal. In a special window, you will need to enter all the data (as in the application and receipt) and make the payment.

State duty for a residence permit in 2021

The first thing you will come across is the inscription “The application for a residence permit has been submitted in accordance with...”. The following is a list of reasons on the basis of which a residence permit can be issued. The item that is suitable must be highlighted. The symbol commonly used is a cross.

If there are several reasons for obtaining a document at once, then the mark is still placed only opposite one.

For those migrants who have a temporary residence permit (TRP), the basis is the status of a temporary resident in Russia. For this reason, a check mark is placed opposite the offer of residence in the Russian Federation on the basis of a temporary residence permit.

Here indicate the day, month, year, name of the state and place of your birth. Take the data from your first document (birth certificate) and fill out the following lines:

  • Date of Birth. Just write everything in numbers: 12/10/1980. There is no need to spell out the month in words. This may be perceived as a mistake.
  • Country of birth. Enter the name that it bore at the time of your birth (for example, Georgian SSR, not Georgia).
  • Place of Birth. Completely rewrite the data from your document. It would be more correct to find out in what sequence to enter the data. Usually written from largest to smallest, i.e. from city to village. Sometimes the inspector may ask you to write the data differently.

Simply indicating affiliation with a state is not enough. Non-residents of the country who were born before 1991 (in the countries of the former USSR) indicate:

  • State. The modern name is written.
  • Basis for purchase - according to residence. It is written that previously there was affiliation with the USSR, the loss occurred due to the cessation of existence.
  • Year of receipt. The exact number is not required.
  • Place of stay. For example, Ukraine.

To fill out this item, copy the following data from your passport:

  • Number and series of the document. If there are alphabetic characters, then indicate them too. Some countries' documents do not have a number - if this is your case, just put a dash.
  • Date of issue. In the format: day, month, year.
  • Name of the authority that issued the document. Rewrite the information specified in your passport in the appropriate line.

The information is printed on one side of the sheet. The story is about close relatives. It can be:

  • wife or husband;
  • parents;
  • children, including adopted children;
  • siblings.

Place information about your relatives in the same order as in the application form.

If someone close to you died, it is still worth mentioning about him. The date of death does not matter. It happens that a migrant does not know information about a particular relative. Then it is written “I have no information.”

We are talking only about the last three years. For example, you submit papers for a residence permit and the application itself on 10.2020. Subtract 3 years from this date. It turns out 10.2017. Enter this month and year in the “Reception date” column.

Migrants who are officially employed or studying enter all information about the organization.

Unemployed foreigners (or those who cannot confirm the fact of employment) write “Did not work”. But the column “Address of place of work” must be filled out, so the address of the place of residence is indicated. If a migrant has permanent registration and has a delivery address to register, then information is provided about two points.

Check the box next to the option that suits you. If you have several educations, i.e. graduated from both college and university, then indicate which has a higher level.

For example, if you have two higher education diplomas, then check the box that you think is the most significant.

To avoid mistakes, it is worth understanding the wording used in the statement table:

  • preschool education is a kindergarten, a nursery does not count;
  • Primary general education is considered to be grades 1 to 4;
  • from grades 5 to 9 – this is basic general education;
  • 11th grade is classified as general secondary;
  • Secondary vocational means graduating from college or technical school;
  • higher education includes several points: studying at a higher educational institution for 4, 5 or 6 years;
  • specialty;
  • bachelor's degree;
  • master's degree;
  • personnel training within the walls of the university;
  • graduate school.

Form RECEIPT FOR residence permit (state duty 2021)

Form RECEIPT FOR RVP (state duty 2021)

  • Application form for a residence permit (for citizens over 18 years of age)
  • Form for information about changes in personal data (Appendix 1 to the application for a residence permit (for citizens over 18 years of age)
  • Form of information about close relatives of the applicant (Appendix 2 to the application for a residence permit (for citizens over 18 years of age)
  • Form of information on labor activity (Appendix 3 to the application for a residence permit (for citizens over 18 years of age)
  • Application form for a residence permit (for citizens under eighteen years of age, or citizens declared incompetent or limited in legal capacity)
  • Form of information about changes in personal data (attachment to the application for a residence permit (for citizens under eighteen years of age, or citizens recognized as incompetent or limited in legal capacity)
  • Application form for replacement of residence permit
  • Form for information about changes in personal data (attachment to the application for replacement of a residence permit)
  • Application form for issuing a duplicate residence permit to replace a lost (stolen) one
  • Form for information about changes in personal data (attachment to the application for a duplicate residence permit to replace the lost (stolen) one)
  • Application form for correction of typos and (or) residence permit errors
  • Form for information about changes in personal data (attachment to the application for correction of typos and (or) errors)
  • Application form for refusal to receive government services for issuing a residence permit
  • Application form for a temporary residence permit (for citizens over 18 years of age)
  • Application form for a temporary residence permit (for citizens under eighteen years of age, or citizens declared incompetent or limited in legal capacity)
  • Application form for a temporary residence permit in connection with the replacement of an identity document (change of personal data)
  • Application form for refusal to receive government services for issuing a temporary residence permit
  • Application form for issuing a duplicate temporary residence permit to replace a lost (damaged, stolen) one
  • Application form for extension of the deadline for submitting documents
  • Application form for correction of typos and (or) RVP errors
  • Application form for a temporary residence permit (Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations)
  • Application form for a temporary residence permit (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations)
  • Application form for issuing a duplicate temporary residence permit to replace a lost (damaged, stolen) one (Appendix No. 4 to the Administrative Regulations)
  • Application form for a temporary residence permit in connection with the replacement of an identity document (change of personal data) (Appendix No. 5 to the Administrative Regulations)
  • Form of a mark in the identity document of a foreign citizen or stateless person about a temporary residence permit (Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 06/08/2020 No. 407)
  • Form of a document on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation issued to a stateless person (Appendix No. 3 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 06/08/2020 No. 407)
  • Application form for citizenship (for citizens over 18 years of age)
  • Application form for citizenship (for citizens under eighteen years of age, or citizens declared incompetent or limited in legal capacity)
  • Application form for citizenship in a simplified manner - for applicants who apply to a diplomatic mission or consular office
  • Application form for citizenship in accordance with Article 41.2 62-FZ
  • Sample application for Russian citizenship (Decree 187)

Refund of state duty and payment of extension

It often happens that a migrant's life circumstances work against him. Therefore, when preparing documents and paying fees, he is forced to abandon the idea of ​​​​obtaining permits for residence and go home. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such cases, and the migrant has the right to return the funds spent.

Important Refunds are only possible in cases where documents have not yet been submitted for consideration or a refusal has not been received.

Settlements with intermediaries

There are often cases when an intermediary company promises to save a migrant from the need to pay fees and other steps in paperwork. But if we look at the issue in more detail, it becomes clear that the duty is still paid, the amount is simply taken from the funds transferred to the intermediaries.

And it is also necessary to take into account that if a migrant expected to save personal time and avoid going through a medical examination and exams, then the company will not be able to help him. According to the letter of the law, each migrant is obliged to independently undergo these procedures. Therefore, there is no point in overpaying for intermediary services that can only offer consulting services.

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