NSO set of social services - what includes and to whom it is provided, how to refuse

The concept of “Social package for disabled people”

Not a single regulatory act of the Russian Federation contains a definition of the concept of a social package (or NSU).
What is meant by it becomes clear from the context of official documents. A social package is one of the options for helping citizens of our country who are assigned a monthly cash payment (abbreviated as EDV), expressed in the form of a number of services established by law. EDV is addressed to those who need special government support. We are talking about disabled people, veterans of the Second World War and other military operations, military personnel from the Second World War, survivors of the siege of Leningrad and other categories of citizens. The NSO is part of the UDV and is indexed annually depending on the general level of inflation in the country for the previous year. The increase in the size of payments (if we are talking about the material expression of the set) occurs on February 1. Indexation according to a different principle is planned for 2021. The next pension reform that has started in the country involves the indexation of payments by 7.05%. This step will be taken on January 1, 2021.

Who is an applicant for a social package?

The social package was developed for special categories of residents of the country.

These include the following:

  1. disabled people who have been registered as 1, 2, or 3 disability groups;
  2. disabled children;
  3. persons who were prisoners in concentration camps and received injury or injury that caused disability;
  4. former military personnel who served for 6 months or more, who were not assigned to the army during the Great Patriotic War;
  5. persons who received a disability group as a result of participation in hostilities;
  6. persons who have the status of a WWII veteran and a resident of Leningrad during the siege;
  7. people who took part in atomic testing and suffered from radiation;
  8. close relatives of beneficiaries.

Beneficiaries who may qualify for social assistance from the state also include government employees.

These could be employees who became disabled while performing assigned duties - employees working in the system of enforcing punishments; police officers; military personnel; persons working at military facilities.

Set of social services for people with disabilities: rules for providing NSOs in 2020

The Russian government carries out fruitful and comprehensive activities aimed at improving the living standards of citizens. And one of the directions of such a policy is the provision of social assistance to certain categories of the population. Benefits for disabled people are issued based on the needs and capabilities of each social group. In particular, the NSO for people with disabilities in 2021 includes several areas, the costs of which are partially compensated from the state treasury or municipal budgets.

  • WWII participants who received injuries during wartime;
  • persons who were kept in concentration camps, which caused health problems;
  • law enforcement officers injured while on duty;
  • a child who received a disability certificate at birth;
  • citizens with 1st, 2nd and 3rd disability groups (regardless of the reasons for the illness).

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