When will there be an amnesty for migrants from Tajikistan in 2021?

When will there be an amnesty for citizens of Tajikistan in 2021

An “amnesty” was introduced for some citizens. True, many citizens do not know what the migration amnesty is for citizens of Tajikistan in Russia, as well as the fact who exactly can fall under it. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

After the last visit of the Russian President to Tajikistan, a decision was made to “open the road” to the country for Tajiks by holding a migration amnesty. Who will be affected by the innovation and what consequences of the procedure await citizens of Tajikistan when crossing the border of the Russian Federation?

Who is allowed to enter the country in February 2021

The border of Tajikistan is closed for February 2021, but not for everyone. An exception has been made for several categories of persons; they can enter the country during a pandemic. Vaccination can speed up the opening of borders, but the start date has not been announced.

When will the Russian border with Tajikistan open, if not in February 2021?

Quarantine restrictions due to the pandemic had a negative impact on the republic’s economy. Many residents of the country left to work in neighboring Russia. Money coming from those working abroad accounted for more than 30% of GDP. The main exporter of Tajik aluminum, TALCO, is losing profits due to falling prices on world exchanges. The somoni exchange rate has fallen. Experts believe that the consequences of the coronavirus will be a heavy blow to Tajikistan's economy, which depends on three key factors: agriculture, migrant remittances and aluminum exports.

The migration amnesty held from March 24 to April 24 was an excellent opportunity for citizens of Tajikistan to legitimize their position in Russia. Note that the program even affected those categories that were prohibited from entering the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the federal legislation of the Russian Federation, all foreign citizens arriving in Russia must comply with the established rules for entry and stay in the country. Compliance with laws is also an obligation. If various penalties for administrative offenses are applied to Russian citizens (fines, arrest for up to fifteen days, and so on), then foreigners face deportation. It is accompanied by a ban on entry for a certain period.

What is a migration amnesty

A compromise in resolving the issue was the limitation of the categories of citizens for whom legalization of status is permissible. Thus, the right was given to those who committed minor offenses, both on Russian territory and in relation to entry and exit rules.

DUSHANBE, December 21 – Sputnik. Tajikistan is offering an amnesty for some of its citizens who are denied entry into Russia due to minor violations, the republic’s ambassador to Moscow, Imomuddin Sattorov, said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

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Let us remind you that Russia, against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, has stopped regular and charter flights with other countries since March 27. The exceptions were export flights, as well as cargo, mail, ambulance and humanitarian aircraft.

Assistance will be provided to citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan who are staying in the Russian Federation beyond the period established by current legislation and who apply to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level in the period from March 25 to April 24, 2021. In accordance with the norms of legislative acts, an entry ban is imposed for various reasons. Their expanded list is laid down in the standards of Federal Law No. 114-FZ, Government Resolution No. 12.

In accordance with the federal legislation of the Russian Federation, all foreign citizens arriving in Russia must comply with the established rules for entry and stay in the country. Compliance with laws is also an obligation.

Migration amnesty for citizens of Tajikistan in 2021

For those who work and arrive on the territory of the Russian Federation, an amnesty comes and, by contacting the nearest police station, migrants can legalize their status. Even those who have been brought to administrative responsibility two or more times can count on amnesty.

What is the difference between them? A partial amnesty is a replacement of punishment from a harsh one to a more lenient one, but a full amnesty is a complete cessation of criminal prosecution. Many people who are hostile to the very idea of ​​releasing prisoners early mistakenly confuse amnesty with pardon.

Amnesty for migrants from Tajikistan in 2021

Ambassador of Tajikistan Imomuddin Sattorov met with Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Andrei Isaev. According to the press service of the Tajik diplomatic mission, during the meeting the parties discussed a number of issues related to cooperation between the two countries, and paid special attention to the problems of labor migration.

The main condition is to meet the requirements that fall under the program update. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs has no questions, the foreigner can apply for relief; he needs to have time to leave the country within the time frame regulated by regulations. Having submitted the appropriate request, a person, in the absence of aggravating factors, after a certain time - it is also stated by the terms of the amnesty, will be able to return to the Russian Federation and become legally registered.

Amnesty 2021 in Russia for Tajik emigrants will be

Further, based on the potential existence of the law, migrants will need work experience. It is not yet clear what exactly will be required. But in order to qualify for a good pension, you obviously have to work hard. Of course, in this case one should not count on any benefits in comparison with Russian citizens - otherwise such a rebellion will arise...

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“Therefore, upon Putin’s arrival, we should not ask for an amnesty for 120 thousand people denied entry, but create a normal legal environment so that migrants are not forced to work illegally.” Also create conditions for protecting the rights of migrant workers in Russia. Because practice shows that even legally working migrant workers are deported from the Russian Federation and there is no mechanism or opportunity to appeal them, says Latifov.

Migration amnesty for Tajiks

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In fact, an amnesty for Tajiks is an excellent opportunity to legalize their legal status, which allows them to legally stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, they can take advantage of the lifting of the ban that prevents them from entering the country. But the amnesty is not available to everyone, but only to a certain category of Tajik citizens who meet certain criteria.

Legal amnesty for illegal migrants is being discussed in Russia

  • violated the regime of stay by not leaving the country after the expiration of the temporary stay for 30 days ;
  • brought to sanctions during their previous stay in the country because they committed two offenses within 3 years.

Migration amnesty for citizens of Tajikistan in 2021


First of all, the absence of a document that confirms the legality of his stay in the Russian Federation. Failure to comply with the conditions of arrival in the Russian Federation, travel outside its borders, or stay on its territory is also a violation. The minimum that a violator faces is penalties.

Note. The prerequisite for the introduction of a migration amnesty was the visit of the President of the Russian Federation to Tajikistan. After the negotiations, it was decided to “open the way” to Russia for labor migrants legally.

A citizen of Tajikistan, being the owner of housing located on the territory of the Russian Federation, has the right to independently submit documents for his own registration. In this case, accounting will be carried out at the address of this residential premises.

When will there be an Amnesty for Migrants of Tajikistan in 2021

In the event that a preliminary online check or a written request shows the presence of a foreign citizen’s data on the sanctions lists, it will be possible to cancel the decision to restrict entry or ban only in court if there are sufficient grounds.

At the same time, the resolution notes that outdated migration legislation lacks a repatriation character, and therefore it is necessary to adopt an appropriate law indicating the widespread use of a mechanism for simplified acquisition of citizenship. Another proposal is to grant an amnesty to those migrants who were deported from Russia with a subsequent ban on entry, if they have direct relatives left in the Russian Federation - Russians, especially children, and if they have not committed serious offenses.

The amnesty, according to Dokuchaeva, is expected to be extended to several categories of migrants. For example, these are migrants - former citizens of the USSR and their descendants who lived in Russia for five years, who became illegal immigrants due to imperfect legislation or due to difficult life circumstances. They must obtain a residence permit (residence permit) or citizenship in a simplified manner. Those who have been in the Russian Federation for more than three months are offered to be issued a temporary residence permit (TRP) without taking into account quotas.

The need to forgive “involuntarily illegal immigrants” is spoken of in the resolution of the International Conference “Immigration Amnesty as a Mechanism for Solving Russia’s Demographic Problems.” It was organized within the framework of the project of the Forum of Migrant Organizations (FPO) “Right to the Motherland”, for which a presidential grant was received, together with the Institute of Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of CIS Countries.

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Every year, Kyrgyz passport holders send about two billion US dollars home, which is comparable to the size of the entire budget of the Asian state. Unfortunately, the lion's share of migrants are in Russia illegally and risk being blacklisted. It is these migrant workers who count on regular migration pardons from the Russian authorities.

When will there be an amnesty in Tajikistan 2021

In Kulyab, two amnestied persons were detained in connection with the theft. The detainees were released under an amnesty a week ago. Muattara Juraeva may be subject to amnesty A well-known Tajik TV presenter, a candidate for deputy of the lower house of parliament of the republic in the elections of the year Muattara Juraeva, detained by anti-corruption on October 15 on suspicion of fraud, may be subject to amnesty. Lawyer of Zaida Saidov released under amnesty Fakhriddin Zokirov, lawyer of Zaida Saidov, released 3 November under an amnesty law after nearly eight months in custody.

The law will be applied to ten Fakhriddin Zokirov, the lawyer of Zayd Saidov, was released on November 3 in accordance with the amnesty law after almost eight months in custody. Zokirov, who was held in the State Committee's pre-trial detention center. The first prisoners included in the amnesty were released today on November 3. According to the Department of Execution of Criminal Sentences of the Ministry of Justice of Tajikistan, among them were women from the colony, which In Tajikistan, the amnesty will not be applied to 27 female prisoners.

Amnesty for migrants from Tajikistan to the Russian Federation in 2021

Let us recall that the issue of excluding Tajik labor migrants from the “black list” of persons prohibited from entering Russia was discussed during the official visit of Tajik President Emomali Rahmon to Moscow in April this year.

“The issue of amnesty for Tajik migrants was discussed between the heads of Russia and Tajikistan during Emomali Rahmon’s working visit to Moscow. The Tajik authorities offered Russia an amnesty. Moscow accepted this proposal,” Ibragim Akhmadov, press secretary of the representative office of the Migration Service of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population of Tajikistan in Russia, told ALOQA Tajikistan.

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Migration situation in the Russian Federation

One of the last mass migration amnesties in Russia was announced in March-April 2021, when a number of interstate agreements were reached on the eve of Putin’s visit to Bishkek. One of them concerned labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan, who at that time, according to official data, numbered about 640 thousand people, and about 200 thousand of them had problems with the Federal Migration Service. Within a month, those who violated the terms of stay could leave the territory of the Russian Federation without imposing any sanctions, and then enter back and work legally again. More than 100 thousand citizens of Kyrgyzstan took advantage of this opportunity.

Spring. Kyrgyzstan. Amnesty

Leaving the country illegally is not an option - information about violation of the period of stay remains in the database and is displayed upon subsequent legal entry. Or rather, in the denial of it. The only way out of this situation is to take advantage of the migration amnesty. This is not a law. If I may say so, this is a humanitarian action of the Government of the Russian Federation and law enforcement agencies, which allows violators to legalize themselves and work legally.

Within a year, a migration amnesty will be announced for illegal immigrants from the former republics of the USSR. It is planned to simplify the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for them. Now they must bring a certificate of termination of Ukrainian citizenship. According to the new rules, it will be sufficient to notify that the application for termination of citizenship has been sent to the embassy. The corresponding decisions will be made within a month, said Yevgeny Bobrov, chairman of the HRC migration commission under the President. According to the new rules, this is a three-year-old. It is not worth catching and expelling them, Kucherena believes, since repressive methods cannot restore order in this area. The amnesty, according to the police social activist, will bring much more benefit to the country - people will start paying taxes on their earnings. Not to mention the fact that they will acquire civil rights and live a normal life.

A representative of the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in a conversation with a Sputnik Uzbekistan correspondent, denied information that Moscow police officers were instructed not to initiate administrative cases against labor migrants from Tajikistan. The media wrote that these measures were allegedly taken in connection with the current migration amnesty, which began on March 25 and will last until April 24. According to the order of the Internal Affairs Directorate for various districts of Moscow, police officers should not initiate administrative cases against citizens of Tajikistan if they are caught for violating migration legislation in Moscow. As the grounds for deprivation of the right to enter are eliminated, the foreign citizen will be allowed to enter the country without any restrictions. In some cases, he is allowed to visit her after the expiration of the ban established by the legislator. Get it done in a month: how Tajik migrants can avoid missing out on amnesty in Russia According to the latest data, the procedure will last one month, and will be completed on April 24.

News 2021 amnesty for citizens of Tajikistan

From March 25 to April 24, all illegal citizens of Tajikistan who have grounds for amnesty must come to the local police departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on any day, including Saturday and Sunday, undergo a fingerprinting procedure, get fingerprinted and have their photo taken.


The amnesty does not apply to citizens of Tajikistan who have been banned from entering the Russian Federation for other offenses (for example, a foreigner does not have the right to enter the Russian Federation if he has an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime on the territory of the Russian Federation, etc.) .

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The portal reports that there is no law or government regulation on this issue, which could be referred to if necessary, and is not planned. The amnesty will be carried out on the basis of an internal order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When will there be an amnesty in Tajikistan?

Their stay in the country was violated, but there were no serious problems with the law, the court did not convict them. In addition, two more categories of persons are included in the amnesty: those who were denied entry for two violations, and those who were denied entry for an identified violation of the conditions of stay,” Kozhenov explained. Note. The visa is issued on a paid basis.

Convicts who, due to the severity of the crimes committed, are not subject to full release under this bill, can count on a reduction in their terms of imprisonment, the press service of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan noted in a statement.

In addition, the amnesty does not apply to persons sentenced to life imprisonment, those sentenced to death whose sentence was commuted to imprisonment, and persons who committed a crime while serving their sentence.

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Persons who have served two-thirds of their sentence for committing serious crimes or those convicted of committing especially serious crimes, if they have served at least three-quarters of their sentence in prison, are exempt from further punishment.

The migration amnesty held from March 24 to April 24 was an excellent opportunity for citizens of Tajikistan to legitimize their position in Russia. Note that the program even affected those categories that were prohibited from entering the Russian Federation.

When will there be amnesty in 2021 for Tajiks

He and his son worked at a construction site in Surgut. Last year they were expelled from Russia for violating immigration laws. But at home we were never able to find a suitable job. Occasionally I renovate someone's house for pennies. In the meantime, the Tajik authorities need to create new enterprises and jobs or...

View comments. The authorities of Tajikistan provided the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs with all the necessary documents for an amnesty for Tajiks who, for various reasons, are prohibited from staying on Russian territory. The issue of excluding Tajik labor migrants from the “black list” of those banned from entry was discussed during the official visit of Tajik President Emomali Rahmon to Moscow in April this year. Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed with the proposal of his Tajik colleague to declare an amnesty for citizens of Tajikistan who, for various reasons, are prohibited from staying on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What it is

  • legal regulation of illegal migration;
  • the procedure for liability of foreign guests for violations of the rules of stay and periods of stay on the territory of Russia;
  • a system for monitoring the lawful behavior of persons from other countries in Russia.

Who does it apply to?

Note. A separate procedure for staying on the territory of the Russian Federation is provided for persons staying in the country with an overdue period of stay. To receive a migration amnesty, they just need to contact the FMS office and extend their stay in Russia.

14 Apr 2021 vektorurist 1312
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When migrants from Tajikistan can count on amnesty in Russia

“The issue of amnesty for Tajik migrants was discussed between the heads of Russia and Tajikistan during Emomali Rahmon’s working visit to Moscow. The Tajik authorities offered Russia an amnesty. Moscow accepted this proposal,” Ibragim Akhmadov, press secretary of the representative office of the Migration Service of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population of Tajikistan in Russia, told Sputnik Tajikistan.

Let us recall that the issue of excluding Tajik labor migrants from the “black list” of persons prohibited from entering Russia was discussed during the official visit of Tajik President Emomali Rahmon to Moscow in April this year.

Amnesty 2021 when will it be in Tajikistan

Three of them have already returned to their homeland, the remaining 16 people are in the state reception center. Late at night on April 30, an Iraqi airline Fly Erbil from Baghdad landed at Dushanbe airport. There were 84 Tajik children and teenagers on board. Tajik citizen Dilshod Sattorov, who was kidnapped in Moscow by unknown persons, appeared in the court of the Lyubertsy district of the Russian capital.

Siyovush Safarov, a summer migrant from Tajikistan, has just learned that parliamentary and presidential elections will be held in his homeland next year. He became aware of this during a campaign meeting between representatives of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan and migrants in Moscow. The terrorist suspects liquidated during a special operation by Russian special services on the night of May 22 in the city of Kolchugino, Vladimir Region, were presumably citizens of Tajikistan.

Migration amnesty for citizens of Tajikistan in Russia and who it affected

If an emigrant wishes to enter into an employment agreement based on a contract, he must obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and also officially register with the tax office. Then the citizen must obtain the documents necessary for work or renew outdated ones.

Emigrants who were deported from the country due to serious and harmful offenses and who have an outstanding criminal record cannot be eligible for amnesty, and they must wait until the end of the embargo on crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

Migration amnesty in 2021

Reference! Only upon proper fulfillment of all specified conditions and compliance with the time frame, all previously introduced prohibitions can be canceled. At the initial stage of updating the program (November 2021), more than 50,000 people were covered. It is planned that its new stage will cover a target audience of at least 150,000 citizens of Moldova.

  • regardless of how long he lived in the country, without legal grounds, the migrant must leave the “shadow” within 30 days. If these frameworks are ignored, problems will arise with the preparation of permits, and the amnesty will be cancelled;
  • a non-resident has overstayed the number of days for which he has the right to live and work in Russia;
  • an emigrant who had a taboo on crossing the border with the Russian Federation due to the fact that he had no more than two administrative violations;
  • citizens of Tajikistan deported for non-compliance with the regime for visiting our country.

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// Our correspondent, Anatoly Znamensky, managed to find out that Russian residents are looking forward to not only a criminal amnesty for people who have committed illegal acts, but also other types of pardons for various categories of citizens. For example, people are really looking forward to a credit and tax amnesty, which will free some citizens who have fallen into a debt trap from the exorbitant burden of their debts.

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The amnesty will not be applied to prisoners who are serving sentences for serious and especially serious crimes, such as murder, causing serious harm to health, kidnapping, human trafficking, rape, torture, crimes related to terrorist and extremist activities, against the foundations of the constitutional building and security of the state and others. Persons who have already been released under an amnesty, those recognized as dangerous repeat offenders, those sentenced to life imprisonment, and some other categories will not be included in the amnesty.

Amnesty migration Tajikistan 2021 Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • conveyed false information about themselves or the goals and objectives due to which a foreign citizen seeks to enter the territory of the Russian state;
  • violated customs or sanitary rules when crossing the border of the Russian state.

In addition, Tajiks must undergo a fingerprinting procedure, which involves submitting fingerprints for personal identification. Citizens can submit a forgiveness to the representative office of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, located on the territory of Tajikistan, if they are located within the republic.

Will there be an amnesty in Tajikistan in 2021?

According to him, according to the norms of the Constitution of the republic, declaring an amnesty is the exclusive prerogative of the country's President Emomali Rahmon. According to him, today it is impossible to confidently announce that in November, in honor of the celebration of the th anniversary of the Constitution of Tajikistan, an amnesty will be declared in the country. Then more than 12 thousand people were released or had their sentences reduced.

An amnesty for those called political prisoners is being prepared in Tajikistan. A corresponding document is currently being prepared; the list of those who are eligible for amnesty is in the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor General's Office. However, it has not yet been announced what date the amnesty will be held. Meanwhile, the press secretary of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Sayod Rakhimov, claims that there are no political prisoners in Tajikistan since all those convicted were found guilty under specific articles.

Capital amnesty 2021: how it will happen

But the question often arises: if the consideration of the application was delayed and was not approved within one year while the law is in force, what will happen to the applicant? We did not find an answer to this question, however, given the fact that the application was submitted within the period of validity of the amnesty law, then punitive measures should not be applied to it.

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  • RVP will be completely removed from the legalization process. This status is no longer needed in Russia - both the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the government think so;
  • There will be more grounds for obtaining a residence permit;
  • Migrants will begin to be issued ID cards. The document will include all the information about its owner, including fingerprints, patent number and even place of work.

DUSHANBE, May 29 – Sputnik. Russia may initiate a legal amnesty for illegal and semi-legal migrants who are among the socially vulnerable groups of the population due to the coronavirus pandemic, RIA Novosti reports, citing law enforcement agencies.

The analysis covers short-term (until the end of 2021) and medium-term periods (the next 2-3 years). The document proposes various ways to solve possible problems in the migration sphere, in particular, the creation of a labor exchange for foreigners.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which, until June 15, many restrictions on the stay of migrants in the country were suspended. In particular, foreigners stranded after March 15 did not have to renew their documents.

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Citizens wishing to visit Russia have the opportunity to check in advance the possibility of access to the country. Such information can be obtained by contacting the Main Directorate for Migration Issues. To do this, just send a request to the appropriate structure or visit the department’s website.

When will there be an amnesty for migrants from Tajikistan in 2021?

Will there be an amnesty in 2021 for migrants from Uzbekistan? Of course, he waits for some time until all this is formalized, because, naturally, the Ministry of Internal Affairs should also check this person through its own channels, whether he is wanted and so on,” said source. Nowruz was held in an embassy style at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow. Moreover, if a foreign citizen already has an expired migration card, then he will not be held administratively liable and will not be punished in the form of expulsion. In case of loss/absence of a migration card, a citizen will be issued a duplicate of it (if necessary, also with an extension of the period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation). Lift the entry ban An equally important point of the announced amnesty was the possibility of lifting the entry ban in relation to certain categories of citizens of Tajikistan included in this list.

  • conveyed false information about themselves or the goals and objectives due to which a foreign citizen seeks to enter the territory of the Russian state;
  • violated customs or sanitary rules when crossing the border of the Russian state.

Methods for registering Tajiks at their place of residence in 2021

Those. withdrawal is carried out as information is received by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Moreover, information can come from both a legal entity and an individual. For example, a Tajik who lived in a Russian hotel left it. The hotel administration sent a notification of his departure to the authorized body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the MFC the next day before 12 o'clock. After this, the Tajik was deregistered.

How does deregistration of a Tajik occur at the place of residence in 2021?

  • the notification does not meet the requirements for form and content (presence of errors, unreadable text);
  • not all required documents have been submitted;
  • the validity of the identification document presented by the Tajik has expired.

May 05, 2021 semeiadvo 1046
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