Passport offices of the Novogireevo district: addresses, phone numbers and opening hours

Addresses and telephone numbers of passport offices

On this portal you can find out which passport office serves your home. The addresses of Moscow passport offices, as well as their opening hours and other contact details are displayed in the table below.

Department addressContact informationSchedule
Moscow, st. Alexey Dikoy, 3 8 [email protected] https://77.mvd.rf/ https://50.mvd.rf/ https://guvm.mvd.rf/ https://mvd.rf/Mon 9:00–18:00, break 14:00–14:45; Tue 11:00–20:00, break 14:00–14:45; Wed 9:00–13:00; Thu 11:00–20:00, break 14:00–14:45; Fri 9:00–16:45, break 14:00–14:45; Sat 9:00–16:00, break 14:00–14:45

In addition, there is a hotline for passport offices, which you can call for advice, where experienced and highly qualified specialists will answer all your questions.

Help desk of passport offices in Moscow – 8.

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What services are provided at the passport office?

A complete list of functions available at the passport office of the Novogireevo district is available in the table below.

List of available services
Administration of the Troitsk urban district
Obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation if you reach 14 years of age
Carrying out migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation.
Providing a monthly city cash payment
Assignment of monthly child benefit
Acceptance of applications for benefits on personal property tax, land and transport taxes from individuals
City Civil Registry Office (City Civil Registry Office)
Receipt by an individual of address and reference information in relation to another individual (citizen of the Russian Federation)
Entering into the city's register of resident parking permits an entry about a resident parking permit, information about changing the entry about a resident parking permit and about canceling a resident parking permit
Preparation of documents for the exchange of residential premises
Provision of residential premises of the city's housing stock under purchase and sale agreements with installment payments
Request for compliance of information about the number of the main identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation and information about the registration address at the place of stay or place of residence of the owner of such a document
Carrying out migration registration
Registration of a certificate of participation in the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots
Conclusion of social rental agreements for residential premises owned by the city, based on the results of the exchange of residential premises provided to citizens under social rental agreements
Registration of a citizen at the place of residence
Issuing an invitation to enter the Russian Federation
Issuance of marriage licenses to persons over the age of sixteen
Registration and issuance of a social card
Acceptance of a request for a certificate on the status of settlements for taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest (in terms of acceptance of a request for a certificate about the status of settlements for taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest paid
Labor activity of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation
Receipt by an individual (citizen of the Russian Federation) of address and reference information regarding himself
Providing information on property support (Only in the flagship)
Making changes to military registration documents in connection with a notification of a change in marital status, education, place of work or position, or a move to a new place of residence located within the territory
Conclusion of social rental agreements for residential premises provided under a warrant (additional agreements thereto)
Assignment of a monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living for certain categories of families with children
Issuance of personal military registration documents to replace lost or unusable documents or in connection with a change in surname, name or patronymic
Registration on the SME Business Navigator Portal (Only in the flagship)
Replacement of Russian passport due to gender change
Archival institutions subordinate to the Main Archival Department of the city
Information on licensing of activities in the field of use of pathogens of infectious diseases of humans and animals (except for the case if the specified activity is carried out for medical purposes) and genetic
Licensing of activities for the employment of Russian citizens abroad
Informing about the state registration of chemical and biological substances introduced into production for the first time and previously not used and drugs manufactured on their basis that are potentially dangerous to humans (except for medicinal products)
Replacement of a Russian passport due to reaching the age of 20 or 45 years
City district councils
Providing information on the priority of citizens registered with housing
City Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
Coordination of the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings and execution by the acceptance committee of an act on the completed reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises in apartment buildings and
Providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (in terms of providing, at the request of individuals, extracts from these registers, with the exception of extracts containing restricted information)
Informing about the issuance of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on project documentation
Registration and issuance of invitations to enter the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and stateless persons
Acceptance of applications for tax notifications for clarification of information about objects specified in the tax notification (in terms of accepting applications for tax notifications for relevant taxes paid by individuals)
Receipt by a legal entity of address and reference information regarding an individual (citizen of the Russian Federation)
Registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them (Only in the flagship)
Privatization by citizens of residential premises of the municipal housing stock
Registration and issuance of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation
Replacement of a Russian passport due to unsuitability for use
Issuance and cancellation of hunting tickets
Assignment and provision of a one-time benefit at the birth of a child
Assigning a monthly compensation payment for telephone use to families with three or more children
Issuance and replacement of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation
Assignment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of working pensioners
Providing information on franchising (Only in the flagship)
City State Housing Inspectorate
Registration and issuance of a travel document issued to a refugee containing an electronic storage medium
Information about licensing activities in the field of using ionizing radiation sources (generating) (except for the case if these sources are used in medical activities)
Entering into the register of parking permits for large families of the city an entry about the parking permit of a large family and information about the cancellation of a parking permit for a large family
Providing documents certified by authorized persons of the city district government on issues affecting the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant, including those in the archives of the city district government
Assignment of a monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first child
Assignment of additional maternity benefits
Free information (including in writing) to taxpayers, fee payers and tax agents about current taxes and fees, the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and adopted in accordance with it
Informing about the registration of a notice of the commencement of certain types of business activities
Prefectures of the city's administrative districts
Privatization of residential premises of the city housing stock
Issuance of certificates of residence (including seasonal)
State budgetary institution of the city “Multifunctional centers for the provision of public services of the city” (GBU MFC of the city)
Life situations
Replacement of a Russian passport due to a change in appearance
Fulfillment of requests from citizens and organizations of a social and legal nature
Transfer by citizens of privatized residential premises into city ownership
Providing information on tax and accounting (Only in the flagship)
Registration of citizens at place of residence
Reception of messages about the availability of real estate objects and (or) vehicles recognized as objects of taxation for the corresponding taxes paid by individuals
City Information Technology Department (City DIT)
Reception, consideration of applications (notifications) of insured persons in order to exercise their rights in the formation and investment of pension savings and making decisions on them
Obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in connection with the theft or loss of a passport
Providing documents certified by authorized persons of the prefecture of the administrative district of the city on issues affecting the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant, including those in the archives of the prefecture of the administrative district
Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the city
Providing access to citizens to the “Personal Account” subsystem of the state information system “Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city”
Providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products, as well as payment of compensation for their own
Providing information contained in the state address register
Federal LawOnly in the flagship
Registration of certain preferential categories of citizens in need of sanatorium-resort treatment to receive a free sanatorium-resort voucher in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the city
Establishment and payment of additional social security for flight crew members of civil aviation aircraft and a monthly supplement to pensions for certain categories of employees of coal industry organizations
Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments for children under the age of one and a half years
Issuance of a certificate of appointment of state social assistance in the city
Establishment of insurance pensions, funded pensions and state pensions for citizens who have left for permanent residence outside the territory of the Russian Federation
Providing subsidies for the purchase or construction of residential premises
Providing social support measures for paying for housing, utilities and communication services
Issuance of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the city
Replacement of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in case of change of surname, name, patronymic, information about the date and place of birth
Issuance of temporary residence permits in the Russian Federation to foreign citizens and stateless persons.
Submission of information about previously privatized property
Registration, issuance, extension and restoration of a visa
Replacement of a passport of a citizen of the USSR
Issuance of a certificate of participation (non-participation) in the privatization of residential premises
Providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (in terms of providing, at the request of individuals, extracts from these registers, with the exception of extracts containing tax secrets)
Checking the validity of the passport
Determining the presence or absence of citizenship of the Russian Federation for citizens, including minors
Accepting applications to turn off a radio point
Approval of permission to move in the tenant’s family members and other citizens into municipal premises of a specialized housing stock
Consideration of an application for disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital
Provision of federally owned land plots at auction
Making a decision on consent to the exchange of city-owned residential premises occupied by citizens under social tenancy agreements
Registration of a citizen at the place of residence
Registration of a citizen at the place of residence (organization)
Fulfillment of social and legal requests of citizens related to the preparation and provision of archival certificates, archival extracts, archival copies and information letters on archival documents stored in the jurisdiction of the Chief Archive
Issuing a certificate of average per capita family income or income of a single citizen living alone and the cost of living in the city for the purpose of providing free legal assistance
Issuance and replacement of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation
Assignment of a monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods for families with 5 or more children
Obtaining address and reference information regarding an individual
Submitting a notification of identified contradictions in the event of detection of errors, inaccuracies or other inaccurate information established in the process of familiarizing with information regarding oneself, in order to eliminate them
Licensing of activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation
Assignment of a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child
Department of City Property of the City (DGI of the City)
Assignment and provision of an annual allowance for summer recreational recreation for children of certain categories of military personnel and employees of certain federal executive authorities, dead (deceased), missing in action
Removal of a citizen from registration at the place of residence (organization)
Removal of a citizen from registration at the place of residence
Registration and issuance of a City Large Family Certificate and its duplicate
Registration, issuance, extension and restoration of visas for foreign citizens and stateless persons
Providing information on ongoing enforcement proceedings against an individual
Providing address and reference information
Receiving applications from insured persons for voluntary entry into legal relations under compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for a funded pension
Providing compensation for expenses associated with moving from the Far North and equivalent areas to persons who are
Provision of residential premises of the city's housing stock under social rental agreements or under agreements for free use to city residents registered with the housing register
Issuance of permits to attract and use foreign workers, as well as work permits to foreign citizens and stateless persons
Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the city, branch of the federal state budgetary institution "Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography"
Providing information contained in the register of disqualified persons
Assignment of a monthly compensation payment to disabled children who have lost their breadwinner and disabled persons from childhood up to the age of 23
Informing insured persons about the status of their individual personal accounts in the compulsory pension insurance system in accordance with the Federal Laws “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension system
Providing social support measures in monetary terms or in the form of social services
Recognition as a refugee and provision of temporary asylum in the Russian Federation
Provision of federally owned land plots without tendering
Registration and issuance of a travel document to a refugee containing an electronic storage medium
Providing information on technological connection (connection) to electricity, gas and water supply networks (Only in the flagship)
Providing, according to specified parameters, information on the forms and conditions of financial support for small and medium-sized businesses (Only in the flagship)
Informing citizens about the provision of state social assistance in the form of a set of social services
Issuance of a fan passport (Only in the flagship)
State registration of the birth of a child
Assignment of a one-time benefit to women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy
Issuance of repeated certificates of state registration of acts of civil status and other documents (certificates) confirming the fact of state registration of acts of civil status upon written requests of citizens
Making compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens
Assignment of an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the period of study
Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation
Establishment of monthly cash payments to certain categories of citizens in the Russian Federation
Getting a passport for the first time
Conducting examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses (in terms of issuing Russian national driver’s licenses in case of replacement, loss (theft)
Conclusion of additional agreements to contracts for the use of residential premises of the city’s housing stock and amendments to them
Conclusion of a social tenancy agreement for the provided residential premises under a warrant based on a decision of a local government body (authorized person)
Federal state control (supervision) in the field of migration, including federal state control (supervision) over the stay and residence of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation and federal state control (supervision) over compliance with the rules for attracting work (services) by employers and customers foreign workers to the Russian Federation and the use of their labor, for the implementation of labor activities of foreign workers
Providing information on financial support (Only in the flagship)
State registration of marriage by citizens of the Russian Federation
Assignment of a monthly compensation payment to mothers who gave birth to 10 or more children and receive a pension
Deregistration at the place of residence
Reception of notification of selected tax objects in respect of which a tax benefit is provided for the property tax of individuals
State registration of death
Establishment and payment of additional monthly financial support for outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation
Answers to frequently asked questions
Receiving questionnaires from citizens for the purpose of registration in the compulsory pension insurance system, including receiving applications from insured persons for exchange or issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate
Reception and recording of notifications about the start of activities by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for the production of primary fire extinguishing equipment, mobile fire extinguishing equipment, fire extinguishing installations, etc. (Only in the flagship)
Issuance of extracts from the register of federal property
Calculation (recalculation) of housing and utility payments
Providing information on government procurement (Only in the flagship)
Conducting training events on business issues (Only in the flagship)
Issuing a marriage license to persons over the age of sixteen
Registration and issuance of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing an electronic storage medium
Providing housing accounting information
Replacement of a Russian passport due to the discovery of inaccuracy or erroneous records
Registration accounting
Obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in case of acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation
Acceptance of a request for an act of joint reconciliation of calculations for taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest (in terms of acceptance of a request for a report of joint reconciliation of calculations for taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest paid
years old, living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled people of groups I or II
Assignment and provision of monthly benefits to children of military personnel and employees of certain federal executive authorities who died (died, declared dead, declared missing) while performing their duties
Provision of residential premises of the city's housing stock under rental agreements, including in non-subsidized buildings of the city's housing stock
Registration of a foreign passport
Consideration of applications for recognition as a refugee on the territory of the Russian Federation and applications for temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation
Assignment of a monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses for housing and utilities for families with three or more children
Assignment of a monthly compensation payment to a person caring for a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood under the age of 23
Assignment of a one-time benefit to the pregnant wife of a serviceman undergoing military service on conscription
Providing information on issues of labor and civil legislation (Only in the flagship)
Providing social support measures for paying for housing, utilities and communication services
Issuance of a compulsory health insurance policy
Assignment of a monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living for families with three or more children
State institution - Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the city and region (GU - OPFR for the city and region)
Control over compliance by citizens of the Russian Federation and officials with the rules of registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation
Issuing a certificate of receipt, the amount of benefits, compensation and other social payments, or issuing a certificate of non-receipt of these payments
Assignment of a monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods to families with
Issuance of a temporary residence permit
Assignment of a one-time benefit to women registered in city medical institutions before 20 weeks of pregnancy
Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief for the City
Granting forced migrant status and extending its validity
Providing residential premises to citizens with musculoskeletal diseases - disabled people using wheelchairs
State registration of legal entities, individuals as individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farm) households.
Registration, issuance and replacement of a certificate of participant in the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation
Informing about the situation on the labor market in the city
Assignment and provision of monthly compensation payments for the maintenance of children for full-time students in state professional educational organizations, state educational organizations of higher education
Providing information on banking products (Only in the flagship)
Granting forced migrant status and extending its validity
Providing monthly monetary compensation for payment of local telephone services to certain categories of citizens - telephone network subscribers
Assignment of an additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child to young families
Registration and issuance of patents for foreign citizens and stateless persons to carry out labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation

Here you can change your passport, get a foreign passport, and also find out about the readiness of citizenship at the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and more.

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See also:

  • Passport offices of Babushkinsky district: addresses on the map and telephone numbers for inquiries
  • Passport offices of the Presnensky district: addresses on the map and opening hours

How to write a complaint to the passport office

In case of any violations by the employees of the passport office, the client has the right to complain about the passport office to the management or to higher organizations. To do this, you need to write a complaint about the actions of the passport office employees. You can do this in the following ways:

  • file a complaint in person at the department or at the Russian Migration Service;
  • send a registered letter of complaint by mail;
  • complain about the actions of passport office employees electronically on the website of the regional representative office of the Russian Migration Service.

A sample complaint can be obtained from this link. You can also file a complaint against the passport office with the prosecutor’s office, but you must submit it in writing in person, by registered mail or remotely on the prosecutor’s office portal.

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