How to obtain Ukrainian citizenship through repatriation

Methods of emigration to Ukraine for Russians in 2021

With the change of power in the country, the legislative framework also changes. Laws are reviewed and amendments made. Changes regarding extradition were not spared. It is worth noting that before submitting documents you will have to undergo a special medical commission. And refute the presence of diseases and addictions due to which the application will be denied. For example:

  • human immunodeficiency viruses;
  • addiction to drugs and alcohol;
  • presence of tuberculosis, etc.;

The first way for legal immigration is to have a relative who is a resident of the state.

The second method of emigration is possible when applying for refugee status. To obtain citizenship in this way, an emigrant must live in the country for at least 3 years, without leaving.

The third method is suitable for scientific workers, highly qualified workers and artists. Thus, the government encourages visiting specialists by issuing Ukrainian citizenship.

The fourth legal way to obtain a passport is to voluntarily contribute to the state's economy.

Entry only for healthy people

You will have to run around hospitals and collect several certificates. If you are seriously ill, your immigration application may be denied. The list of diseases that are not allowed into Ukraine has been approved by the Ministry of Health.

In order to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine, you need documents confirming that you do not suffer from alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction, tuberculosis, HIV and some other infectious diseases.

Is everything OK with your health? Then go to the Ukrainian embassy or consulate at your place of residence. Are you already in Ukraine?

Head to the State Migration Service (unit at your place of residence). These institutions will tell you how to write an application for immigration.

The application must be submitted in person! Please note: if, for example, a mother intends to immigrate to Ukraine with her children, she will need a statement from her husband (certified by a notary) that he has no complaints and is not against the children’s departure.

Well, then make sure that you have all the necessary documents.

Valentin Maksimov, legal lawyer: Having received such a package of documents, the migration service employee checks whether you brought all the certificates and copies, checks whether the documents are genuine, etc. In general, the application can be considered for a year. If everything is in order, you will be issued an immigration permit. Next, the foreigner should apply for an annual visa, come to Ukraine and contact the immigration service within five working days. She is obliged to issue you a permanent residence certificate within a week.

List of documents for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine:

  • Application for permission to immigrate to Ukraine.
  • Passport or ID card, plus a copy of this document.
  • Notarized translation into Ukrainian of all pages of the passport/identity card.
  • Grounds for immigration permission (marriage certificate with a citizen of Ukraine, confirmation of family ties with a citizen of Ukraine, etc.).
  • A document confirming the place of residence in Ukraine, as well as in the country of citizenship.
  • A receipt for payment of the state duty or a document confirming the availability of benefits for its payment.
  • 4 photographs 3.5x4.5 cm on matte paper.
  • A copy of the document on registration in the State Register of individuals - tax payers (if available).
  • Certificate of good conduct.
  • A request from the receiving party to issue your residence permit in accordance with the category of foreigners and stateless persons who arrived in Ukraine for temporary residence (unless otherwise provided by international treaties).
  • Confirmation from the receiving party (bank statement, certificate of employment). Simply put, proof that there is a person in Ukraine who has enough money to support an immigrant.

Necessary documents for moving to Ukraine

Immigration is a rather delicate matter that requires a lot of time and effort to obtain the coveted passport. To enter the country, you must obtain an entry permit.

The paperwork required for moving should begin with the translation of your passport. This procedure can be carried out at a notary's office. Authorized persons will make the translation and notarize it. When preparing documents in various authorities, several translations may be needed.

The next step for the migrant is to obtain a TIN (Tax Identification Number). To do this, you will need to provide the original and translation of your passport to the tax service and write an application. Registration takes several days. And then you need to open a bank account. This is where you will need your TIN.

Documents for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine

Obtaining a residence permit takes place in several stages and is divided into 2 types:

  • temporary;
  • constant.

A temporary visa requires staying in the country for a whole calendar year. And exactly 365 days from the date of receipt it loses its validity. Even if the immigrant was in the country for a total of, for example, a month. Permanent works for a long time.

Required documents:

  • translation of a Russian passport;
  • 3 photos 3.5*4.5;
  • certificate of family composition with a certified translation;
  • marriage certificate or divorce certificate, if available (translation required);
  • an extract from the court confirming no criminal record;
  • medical certificate;
  • application in 2 copies.

Samples of documents for emigration to Ukraine

Below is a list of forms and samples for filling out applications, petitions, questionnaires, certificates necessary for moving to Ukraine for permanent residence.

Sample applications for Ukrainian citizenship

Application for admission to Ukrainian citizenship (105 Downloads) Application for renewal of Ukrainian citizenship (56 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship by birth (92 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship by territorial origin (95 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship by territorial origin as a child (29 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship for a child with Ukrainian parents (43 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship as a result of recognition of paternity or maternity (16 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship as a result of the establishment of guardianship over a child (15 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship as a consequence adoption of a child (14 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship as a result of the adoption of an adult (10 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship for an incapacitated person (16 Downloads) Application for Ukrainian citizenship for an adult over whom guardianship was established as a child (17 Downloads) Application for the child’s consent aged 14 to 18 years to acquire Ukrainian citizenship (22 Downloads) Obligation to terminate foreign citizenship (54 Downloads)

Samples of applications for residence permits in Ukraine

Application for obtaining an immigration permit (185 Downloads) Application for obtaining a temporary residence permit (114 Downloads) Application for obtaining a permanent residence permit (One Download) Application for extending the period of stay in Ukraine for an individual (30 Downloads) Application for extending the period of stay in Ukraine for legal entity (12 Downloads) Application for issuing invitations to foreigners by an individual (23 Downloads) Application for issuing invitations to foreigners by a legal entity (16 Downloads) Application of the host party for a temporary residence permit for family reunification (38 Downloads)

Various sample statements

Application for departure for permanent residence from Ukraine (8 Downloads) Application for amendments to civil registration records (9 Downloads) Application for registration of place of residence (14 Downloads) Application for registration of place of residence of a minor child (12 Downloads) Application for removal from registration of place of residence (10 Downloads) Certificate of service in a military unit (12 Downloads)
Russians are moving to Ukraine.

Immigration procedure to Ukraine

When moving for the purpose of permanent residence in the future, a visitor is obliged to adhere to Ukrainian legislation. The moving process begins with obtaining a visa.

The first visa that needs to be issued is issued for a year. If an immigrant wishes, it is possible to collect the necessary package of documents and obtain the right to reside in the country permanently.

Next, an important step is obtaining an immigration permit to Ukraine. The last step involves obtaining citizenship. To go through each of these stages, you will have to spend time and effort collecting the necessary certificates and statements. To obtain information specifically for each case, it is better to obtain advice specifically from the authorities authorized for migration issues.

The procedure for obtaining permanent residence in Ukraine

To move to Ukraine, a Russian will need an immigration permit. Afterwards, an immigration visa is issued at the diplomatic mission in Russia, with which the Russian crosses the border and obtains a residence permit.

After submitting the application, candidates undergo an interview at the Embassy. The purpose of the interview is to determine the true intentions of a Russian citizen who wants to move to Ukraine. Therefore, the questions that will be asked to the applicant may seem tricky and provocative to him.

The immigrant visa is valid for 12 months. However, the applicant must contact the local migration police to obtain a temporary permit no later than 7 days after entering the country. If a migrant does not contact the department to apply for a residence permit within the required period, the Russian risks receiving the status of an illegal migrant and being deported from the country. A migrant is entitled to a year of stay in the country in order to obtain Ukrainian status based on the timing of consideration of documents by the competent authorities.

A permanent residence permit is issued 3 years from the date of receipt of a temporary residence permit. After receiving permanent residence, a foreigner must register at his place of residence within 10 days.

To obtain Ukrainian citizenship, a migrant must pass biometric data, an exam in the Ukrainian language, and his identity is thoroughly checked for violations of the terms of stay and any other illegal actions.

Attention! Men of military age who move to Ukraine without a family are checked especially carefully and are reluctant to issue status.

How to obtain permission to immigrate to Ukraine

To immigrate, an applicant must obtain a quota. This issue is controlled by the country's legislative branch. Each applicant must be present at the time of filing or transfer the required package of documents to another authorized representative if there is a good reason. When a citizen immigrates with a minor child, permission from the second parent is attached to the list of documents required for the move.

Method of quota distribution

An immigration permit is issued subject to a quota. Distributed as follows:

  • Research assistants receive first;
  • then specialists whose work the economy needs;
  • then persons investing at least $100,000 in the country's economy;
  • the next are citizens who have close relatives on the territory of the state;
  • repatriates;
  • persons in refugee status.

Documents for obtaining an immigration permit

You need to prepare:

  • copy of Russian passport;
  • 3 photos measuring 3.5 x 4.5;
  • document on place of residence (permanent registration in Russia and temporary registration in Ukraine);
  • official documents on family composition;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • paid state duty;
  • medical certificate.

List of documents and where to submit

Applicants who apply for Ukrainian status while in Russia apply to the diplomatic mission of Ukraine, i.e. the Consulate. There they apply for an immigrant visa and a migration permit.

If a Russian already lives or is in Ukraine, the documents are processed at the migration service.

List of papers required for moving and obtaining Ukrainian status:

  • application - a form for issuing an immigration permit, filled out in Ukrainian;
  • original passport and copies of all its pages that contain information about the applicant;
  • notarized translation of an internal civil passport;
  • papers confirming the basis on which the applicant relies: invitation, certificates of adoption of a child, marriage certificate and others;
  • papers on renting housing or purchasing real estate where the applicant will live in the country;
  • registration documents in Ukraine and Russia;
  • 4 photos size 3.5*4.5 cm;
  • notarized translation of a certificate of family composition, birth certificate, marriage registration certificate;
  • medical certificates confirming the applicant’s absence of alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction and serious infectious diseases;
  • certificates of no criminal record in Russia and Ukraine;
  • a certificate of availability of a bank account with a sufficient amount to live in the country or any other confirmation of the applicant’s solvency;
  • notarized consent of the spouse to take children abroad if the Russian plans to move with the children;
  • Ukrainian Taxpayer Identification Number, if available;
  • a petition from the receiving party if the applicant is moving by invitation or his stay in the country is temporary;
  • a sponsorship letter from the host party and papers confirming the sponsor’s availability of housing and funds to provide for the Russian guest;
  • papers that prove the Ukrainian origin of the migrant (for foreign Ukrainians who apply for a residence permit based on ethnic origin): birth certificate, registration of a direct relative who has lived in Ukraine for a long time;
  • a petition for a foreign organization of ethical Ukrainians in which the applicant is a member;
  • pension certificate (for pensioners);
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee for consideration of the application and additional migration fees, if any, or papers confirming the availability of state duty benefits.

How to obtain Ukrainian citizenship

Now the procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship for a Russian citizen will become easier. In August 2021, President Zelensky signed a decree to simplify the procedure for Russian citizens persecuted for political reasons.

The main condition for obtaining citizenship is the existence of the grounds that are provided for by Ukrainian legislation. They may be:

  1. Belonging to the citizenship of Ukraine. A citizen of the Russian Federation can use this right if he lived on August 24 or November 13, 1991, and has documentary evidence.
  2. By territorial origin. It is necessary to document the fact of birth or residence in the country during the existence of the USSR.
  3. Acceptance of citizenship through official marriage with a citizen of the country for more than 2 years.
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