What you need to know about obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage

This article will talk about those who apply for citizenship only on the basis of marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation. For those who have a common child (children) with a Russian spouse , other conditions for obtaining citizenship apply. In another article, read about obtaining citizenship by marriage and child.

Some foreign citizens believe that just having a Russian spouse is enough to immediately, without any preliminary steps, apply for citizenship. It's a delusion.

Simply marrying a Russian or marrying a citizen of the Russian Federation is not enough for you to be immediately issued a Russian passport.

Family migrants go through the same stages as others. Namely, first they get a temporary residence permit, then they get a residence permit. And only after passing these two mandatory steps does a person receive the right to obtain Russian status.

The second point concerns the duration of the marriage. Documents for Russian citizenship by marriage will be accepted from you only if the union is already 3 years .

Excerpt from Article 14 of Federal Law 62 “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”

Let's look at examples. A citizen of Kazakhstan married a Russian. The family lived in Kazakhstan for five years and then moved to Russia. The wife began the process of obtaining Russian citizenship: she received a temporary residence permit and a residence permit. Since her union with a Russian citizen is already more than three years old, immediately after receiving a residence permit, she submitted papers for Russian citizenship by marriage. In this case, she did not have to wait any period of time before proceeding to obtain Russian status.

Example No. 2. A Ukrainian married a Russian citizen. Immediately after the wedding, he received a temporary residence permit, and a year later he was given a residence permit. Since the official union was only one year old at the time of receiving the residence permit, the man was not able to immediately apply for citizenship. In this example, the Ukrainian needs to wait another two years before he can apply for Russian citizenship.

One more nuance: documents for Russian citizenship on the basis of marriage will be accepted from you only if your Russian spouse has permanent registration in the Russian Federation. If your husband/wife only has temporary registration, then you will not be able to register on this basis.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit for family migrants

For migrants who have a union with a Russian man or woman, there is a simplification. They will not have to receive a quota for temporary residence permits.

Marriage to a citizen of the Russian Federation gives the right to a quota-free temporary residence permit.

Extract from Article 6 of Federal Law-115 “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”

  • RRVP

TRP for marriage: features of obtaining

  • Elena Voropaeva
  • 10.02.2021

Therefore, you can collect documents and immediately bring them to the migration division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can make a temporary residence permit even immediately after the registry office. At this stage, it does not matter how long ago the marriage took place.

Note! Documents for permission must be submitted in the region in which your Russian husband (wife) has permanent registration (stamp in the passport). If, for example, a Russian husband lives in St. Petersburg under temporary registration, but is permanently registered in Novorossiysk, then his wife will apply for a temporary residence permit in Novorossiysk. In St. Petersburg, her application will not be accepted. This requirement is specified in the law and has been in effect since 2021.

Excerpt from Federal Law-115

If a foreign citizen has a child with Russian citizenship, then you can skip the TRP stage and immediately apply for a residence permit.

How to obtain Russian citizenship if your husband is Russian

I am a citizen of Ukraine. married 4 years in Russian. I get a temporary residence permit and then citizenship? Or do I also need a residence permit? Answer: Yes, you definitely need a View. Hello, dear lawyers! My husband, a citizen of Ukraine, lived under a temporary residence permit for 3 years, I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, and in April our marriage turned 3 years old. The husband did not take advantage of the chance to obtain a residence permit on time, and has now applied for a temporary residence permit again, without leaving the country.

In this case, a foreign citizen must legally reside on the territory of the Russian Federation. Read the “Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation”. “Law on the legal status of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation and immigration registration of foreign citizens.” Ni Ka Thinker (7014) 3 years ago, how can you live legally for three years? Even though you are a wife MANGUP MANGUP Sage (11862) If you are a citizen of one of the CIS countries, then either travel outside the Russian Federation every 3 months, or look for an employer who has quota for attracting foreign labor and obtaining a work permit for IGs.

How to apply for Russian citizenship by husband or wife

Registration takes place through the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - where you are registered. In the capital, to submit documents, you need to contact the Multifunctional Migration Center - popularly called Sakharovo.

Migrants married to Russian citizens prepare a standard list of papers. Plus, to this list you will need to attach documents confirming the existence of grounds for simplified registration. In your case, this will be a marriage certificate and a passport of the Russian husband or wife .

Documents for obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage

An applicant wishing to obtain citizenship in a simplified manner needs to collect the following list of documents:

  1. Statement. The questionnaire must be prepared in two copies.
  2. Applicant's passport + notarized copy of the document.
  3. Residence permit, you will also need to make a regular copy of the document.
  4. Photos. To submit, you need to bring three photos measuring 3 x 4 cm. It is allowed to use both color and black and white photographs, but the paper must be matte, not glossy.
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty. Foreign citizens pay 3,500 rubles for document review. Payment can be made through a branch of any bank, but be sure to check all the data indicated on the check, since if there are errors in the receipt (for example, errors in spelling your full name), citizenship documents will not be accepted.
  6. A document confirming knowledge of the Russian language.
  7. Marriage certificate + notarized copy.
  8. Passport of husband/wife with Russian citizenship + copy of passport. The document must indicate permanent registration in Russia. Instead of the spouse's original passport, you can present a notarized copy.
  9. If you changed your full name, you will need the appropriate document. If it is made in a foreign language, you need to make a notarized translation.

When applying for Russian citizenship by marriage, you do not need to confirm your income or renounce your previous citizenship.

The list of papers indicated above is required to be presented from those applicants who are applying for registration in Moscow. The list may vary slightly in different regions, so before applying for citizenship, check the list of required certificates with your migration department.

In another article, we talked in detail about the preparation of documents for citizenship.

The application is filled out on a standard form. Samples are attached at the end of the article. How to fill out an application for Russian citizenship.

Your documents will be reviewed within three months . You will receive the decision by mail. If you don’t want to wait for the letter, then after the deadline has passed, you can start calling the migration department at your place of registration and find out if there is a response to your application.

After receiving a positive decision, all that remains is to take the oath and get a Russian passport .

Find out from our material what to do after receiving citizenship.

Legal assistance to foreign citizens

In accordance with Article 14, part 2, paragraph “b” of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ, a list of documents for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens who have a residence permit in the Russian Federation and have been in residence for at least three years married to a citizen of the Russian Federation living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

List of documents:

1. Application in 2 copies. (The application form must be filled out legibly by hand or using a typewriter or computer in Russian. The use of word abbreviations and abbreviations is not allowed. All answers to the application questions must be comprehensive.)

2. A document identifying the applicant and his citizenship and a copy thereof.

3. Residence permit and its copy.

4. Marriage certificate and its copy.

5. Passport of a spouse who has Russian citizenship with a mark of registration at the place of residence (and its copy), or a copy of this passport, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries.

6. If the applicant changes his last name, first name or patronymic, a document is submitted indicating the change in last name, first name or patronymic.

7. A document confirming the applicant’s knowledge of the Russian language at a level sufficient for communication orally and in writing in a language environment.

Proficiency in Russian at the specified level is confirmed by one of the following documents:

– a document of an established form (its duplicate) confirming receipt of education (not lower than basic general education) on the territory of a state that was part of the USSR before September 1, 1991,

or – a document on education (its duplicate) or a document on education and qualifications of the established form (its duplicate), confirming the receipt of education on the territory of the Russian Federation after September 1, 1991;

or – a certificate of passing state testing in Russian as a foreign language (in an amount not lower than the basic level of proficiency in the Russian language), issued on the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad by an organization engaged in educational activities, which is included in the list determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation educational organizations conducting state testing in Russian as a foreign language;

or – a document on education issued on the territory of a foreign state in which Russian is one of the official languages ​​(for citizens of this state) (Republic of Belarus).

or – a decision to recognize the applicant as a native speaker of the Russian language, adopted by the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on recognizing a foreign citizen or stateless person as a native speaker of the Russian language.

The following are exempt from submitting documents confirming knowledge of the Russian language:

– men who have reached the age of 65 years and women who have reached the age of 60 years;

– incapacitated persons;

– disabled people of group I.

8. 3 photos (matte, 3 x 4 cm in size)

9. Receipt for payment of state duty - 3,500 rubles.

When submitting an application together with a minor child, the following documents are additionally provided:

the child’s passport (if available) and its translation into Russian (if necessary),

child’s birth certificate and its translation into Russian (if necessary),

a document confirming the child’s residence on the territory of the Russian Federation (residence permit or temporary residence permit for a child, residence permit or temporary residence permit for one of the parents or only parent indicating information about the child, an extract from the house register or a copy of the apartment card, a copy financial personal account, a copy of the detachable part of the notification form about the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay),

consent of a child from 14 to 18 years old to acquire Russian citizenship . The authenticity of the child’s signature is certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries or certified by the signature of an official and the seal of an authorized body in the presence of the child.

consent of the other parent to the child’s acquisition of Russian citizenship . Such consent is not required if the child lives on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3 photos (matte, 3 x 4 cm in size) – for children over six years of age.

All documents submitted along with the application that are not in Russian must be translated into Russian.

The accuracy of the translation or the authenticity of the translator's signature must be certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries.

If the applicant submits copies of other necessary documents, they must be certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries .

To be recognized as valid in the Russian Federation, documents issued by a competent authority of a foreign state must be legalized or have an apostille affixed , unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

and fill it out yourself or use the services of a specialist.

The application is filled out in your presence, printed in 2 copies for submission to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, sent by email to your address or copied to your flash card.

The application is completed in approximately two hours.

The cost of filling out the application is 5,000 rubles.

The cost of legal advice is 5,000 rubles.

The cost of document preparation services is from RUB 30,000.

The cost of legal support for filing documents is from 60,000 rubles.

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