Professional immigration to Canada through the Express Entry system

Pros and cons of emigrating to Canada from Russia in 2021

Immigration to Canada brings both advantages and disadvantages to a new resident. Moreover, he most often learns about the latter after the move. The country primarily attracts migrants for its natural beauty, economic and political stability, extensive labor market and friendly mentality of local residents.

Before deciding to emigrate to Canada, you should carefully study the basics of local legislation, traditions and rules of life in the local society, and also carefully choose a resettlement program. This knowledge will help the migrant avoid many problems and quickly adapt to a new society.

Pros of moving

Russians are driven to decide to move to Canada by the undeniable advantages of living there, which provide migrants with comfort and safety. Many of the migrants get the opportunity to realize themselves as specialists and make a career in their professional field. The positive aspects of life include:

  1. Standard of living. According to this indicator, Canada has been consistently holding a place in the top ten of the most developed, prosperous and prosperous countries in the world for several years.
  2. Immigration policy. As of 2021, no country can boast of greater loyalty to foreigners who wish to become its residents. Canada welcomes specialists from a wide range of professional fields. The right to immigrate is given to everyone who meets the established requirements and managed to score the required number of points in the chosen resettlement program.
  3. Low corruption . High salaries make citizens value their jobs, so bribery will not solve the problem in this country. If you offer money to a policeman, you can immediately end up in the police station.
  4. Nature . Canada is known for its forests, mountain ranges and crystal clear lakes and rivers. Thanks to these riches, it attracts a huge number of tourists. And the authorities pay great attention to preserving flora and fauna and maintaining environmental cleanliness.
  5. Safety. Migrants from Russia note the low crime rate in Canada. You can safely walk along city streets at any time of the day, and the police will instantly respond to any call.
  6. Infrastructure . In Canada, all urban infrastructure meets the highest requirements. Buildings, roads, sports and entertainment facilities, parking lots were built taking into account the principles of convenience and comfort for the residents of the country. And public transport lines connect all the most remote corners of the country.
  7. Conditions for business . Immigration to Canada for many Russians is associated with the opportunity to run their own business. The country's authorities encourage the development of entrepreneurship in every possible way. Businessmen are offered low loan rates and grace periods for taxes and loan payments.
  8. Product quality . Adherents of a healthy diet can purchase organic products in every supermarket.
  9. Gender equality . Citizens of the country can decide whether they belong to one gender or another at the age of majority. Canadian society shows miracles of loyalty in these matters.
  10. Multiculturalism . Immigration to Canada does not bring isolation and communication problems for immigrants. The country is home to many migrants who carry their own traditions and speak with a variety of accents.

Cons of moving

Of course, life in a foreign country is not as rosy as it might seem at first glance. Those who decide to leave for Canada forever will also face disadvantages that can complicate the adaptation process.

  1. Competition in the labor market . Even highly qualified personnel are faced with the need to persistently search for a decent vacancy. The labor market in some areas is oversaturated with offers.
  2. Living wage . The cost of living in the country is quite high. When planning a move, you should realistically assess your financial capabilities, counting on at least $1,500-2,000 per month.
  3. Drugs . Free circulation of soft drugs can frighten potential migrants. Even teenagers in Canada use marijuana, mushrooms or ecstasy.
  4. Medicine . Medical services in Canada cost a lot of money. If you don’t get insurance in a timely manner, you will have to pay about $200 for each doctor’s visit. And the queue for an appointment or testing can take months.
  5. Real estate value . Most often, emigrants live in large cities, so square meters there are very expensive. Recently, the government has begun to combat market overheating by introducing a 15% tax on purchases.
  6. Dear communication and internet . The monopoly in this area is shared by two companies, Bell and Rogers, maintaining high prices for services. On average, Canadians pay $60 a month for telephone calls and $80 for cable TV.

Canada Immigration Programs

Over the past few decades, Canada has maintained a loyal immigration policy, making it popular among immigrants from all over the world. During this time, the government has developed and implemented several effective federal programs that attract qualified personnel from abroad. Along with them, the country also has provincial programs that allow certain regions to solve the problem of labor shortages in their area.

Each program establishes its own requirements for the qualities of applicants in terms of experience, education, and language knowledge.

Emigration can only be successful if the program is chosen wisely. That is why many potential migrants use advice from intermediary firms that can:

· Help draw up an application;

· Calculate IELT scores;

· Assess the applicant's chances of participating in the program.

FSWP (Federal Skilled Worker)

The FSWP is intended for those with no work experience in Canada, but who are highly qualified and meet the following requirements:

  • Availability of confirmed educational documents;
  • Invitation from the employer;
  • Fluency in English or French;
  • Work experience in the specialty for at least one year.

CEC (Canadian Experience Class)

The program is suitable for representatives of narrow specialties with experience working in Canada. They have to:

  • Have a conversational level of language;
  • Work for at least a year in any Canadian company.


Immigration under this program is possible for personnel who are ready to work in one of the provinces. It can be used by specialists without higher education who have working professions. To participate in the program you need:

  • Have relatives in the province or an invitation to work;
  • Complete training in the province;
  • Provide guarantees for guarantors with Canadian citizenship;
  • Give reasons for your choice to emigrate.


This province actively attracts investors and holders of in-demand specialties. Its residents prefer to speak French. Quebec authorities provide migrants with active support in adaptation. 3 months after resettlement, they receive the right to unemployment benefits, free study of language, culture, traditions and local legislation, and can use the help of lawyers and psychologists.


The province is interested in replenishing the labor market with educated and experienced personnel from the oil and gas sector, significant reserves of which have been discovered on its territory. This is why Alberta is so popular among migrants from Russia receiving education in this area.


To come to this region, a foreign specialist only needs to receive an invitation from an employer. Manitoba companies are ready to provide vacancies for workers from almost any field of activity. The presence of relatives or support from the local Russian-speaking community can be an additional argument in favor of emigration.

In addition to the general provincial program, Manitoba also has an independent program in the small town of Morden. This individual approach is explained by the presence of several factories in the city that are in dire need of labor resources. The conditions for participation and the list of professions under the city program differ from the requirements put forward by the province.

Detailed description of immigration to Manitoba


The Atlantic Pilot Program is currently the easiest way to immigrate to Canada. It contains simplified conditions for participation according to key parameters, including requirements for experience, language proficiency and education. A program has been developed to replenish the population and labor shortages in the Atlantic regions of the country.

To make the task easier for potential migrants, each province publishes a list of employers willing to cooperate with foreign specialists. Having received an invitation from any of them, you can plan your move and obtain a residence permit.

Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

The new immigration program was a five-year pilot program introduced in 2021, which should serve the purpose of attracting workers to rural communities and northern regions of Canada. It applies to cities:

  • with a population of less than 50 thousand people;
  • located 75 kilometers from populated areas with a population of over 100 thousand people.

To work in Canada: employment through training

Another way to go to work in Canada from Russia is to get an education at a Canadian educational institution. The application for training is drawn up based on the results of a remote interview and exams.

After university you can get a job and stay in the country forever. Photo:

The university must be commercial - tuition is paid by the applicant or his parents. The average cost of a year of training is $25,000.

Additionally, expenses for accommodation, food, insurance, and social needs are taken into account. According to the rules of the study visa, accommodation on the territory of the boarding house is allowed.

After successfully completing your studies, you must leave the country and reissue your visa for a work visa.

Best cities to immigrate to Canada

Immigration to Canada is inextricably linked with the choice of place of residence. The largest Russian community is concentrated in several large cities, offering residents the most comfortable living conditions.

  1. Toronto . It is Canada's most populous metropolitan area. It can be compared to New York. It is expensive, but gives residents many different opportunities.
  2. Montreal . The second largest city. Its inhabitants mostly speak French.
  3. Vancouver . It is the largest seaport. It boasts a very picturesque location. Differs in ethnic diversity.
  4. Calgary . It is the center of concentration of oil companies. It is home to migrants of various nationalities. The city's topography is made up of numerous skyscrapers.
  5. Ottawa . One of the most green cities. It has 300 landscaped parks. It has a quiet, cozy atmosphere, so it attracts families with children. It gained fame as the Northern Silicon Valley due to the concentration of companies developing high technologies.

Professions in demand

Those people whose profession falls into an occupation that is in demand in Canada have a greater chance of finding a job. Highly qualified workers have their own priorities.

They can make it easier for Russians to find work in Canada in 2021. The federal government is interested in attracting the following specialists:

  • web developers and other IT specialists;
  • construction managers;
  • engineering specialties;
  • oceanographers and geologists;
  • financial analysts.

Jobs in Canada and vacancies are most concentrated in the work sector. Mechanics, electricians, builders, truck drivers, cooks, butchers, mechanics, and CNC machine programmers are in high demand. There are also many vacancies in cleaning companies.

Most vacancies require knowledge of a foreign language. More than half of Canadians speak English. But some provinces prefer to communicate in French. This is Canada's historical legacy to consider before moving.

Many types of work will require additional certification.

For example, no one will allow an electrician to work without a Canadian license. And drivers need to confirm their license.

It's quite easy to get a job as a nanny. They have low wages and few people willing to work. But for migrants, such a vacancy becomes a chance to move. Requirements for nannies are minimal. It is enough for them to be able to handle children and know English.

In-demand professions in Canada for immigration in 2021

Immigration requires solving the problem of employment. The list of professions that the local labor market needs includes specialties from almost all areas of activity. The government's Express Entry system automatically selects candidates from three groups:

  • Tour 0. Vacancies for senior managers, including top managers and general directors.
  • Level A. Positions of highly qualified professionals: marketers, advertisers, lawyers, programmers, insurance agents, web designers, architects, engineers.
  • Level B. Specialties of workers and technicians: mechanics, builders, electricians, mechanics, masons, painters, plumbers.

In addition to this system, labor migration is possible in two more categories, which require the applicant to have a specially issued work visa to enter the country.

  • Level C. Vacancies for service personnel: waiters, teachers, salespeople, drivers, maids, housekeepers, secretaries, tailors, hairdressers, bakers, cooks, watchmakers, carriage drivers.
  • Level D. Unskilled personnel: harvesters, farm workers, foresters, fishermen, miners, truck drivers.

In addition, the following are in demand on the labor market:

  1. Scientists: physicists, astronomers, biologists.
  2. Aviation service specialists: pilots, instructors, flight mechanics, air traffic controllers.
  3. Representatives of law enforcement and rescue authorities: police officers, judges, firefighters.
  4. Jewelers.
  5. Technologists

Requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Canada

Emigration to Canada implies the legalization of the migrant as a resident. To initiate the process of obtaining a residence permit, you must enter the country with an immigration visa, issued in advance at the embassy of your home country. A guest arriving on a tourist permit cannot claim Canadian resident status.

To obtain a residence permit, you must have one of the grounds established by law. For legal immigration today you can use the following methods:

  1. Reunion with family.
  2. Entry through marriage.
  3. Refugee.
  4. Job.
  5. Investment activities.
  6. Business immigration.
  7. Education.

Required documents

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit should begin by collecting the necessary documents. It should include:

  • A questionnaire filled out in any state language;
  • Original and certified color copy of the international passport;
  • Certificate of marriage, divorce and birth of children;
  • Military ID;
  • Four passport size photographs;
  • Conclusion of the medical commission;
  • Certificate of good conduct;
  • Papers confirming the existence of grounds for moving;
  • Information about financial solvency;
  • Evidence of housing: rent or purchase.
  • Medical insurance.

The package must be accompanied by the results of a language test (TOEFL or IELTS), indicating that the applicant has an adequate command of English or French.

Cost of obtaining a residence permit

The service of providing a residence permit in the country is not free for a foreigner. To obtain legal status, he will have to pay a fee of 500 Canadian dollars. Payment is due at the time of application.

Deadlines for obtaining a residence permit

After submitting the documents, the applicant will have to wait for a decision from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is in charge of immigration issues. The law allows 30 days to make a decision.

Canada's migration policy

1,000,000 immigrants from 2021 to 2022 . The country's government provides foreign citizens with the opportunity to obtain various types of visit visas or take advantage of government programs for relocation.

Since 2015, Canada has had a candidate selection system, Express Entry , which allows you to quickly obtain permanent residence through professional immigration. The process involves online submission, which reduces the time for reviewing documents to an average of 6 months. Canadian permanent resident status is issued for a period of 5 years , followed by the opportunity to apply for citizenship.

Procedure for moving to Canada for permanent residence

Emigration for any person is a serious step that should be approached responsibly. First of all, you need to find out the moving procedure. Despite assistance in emigration from the Canadian authorities, many immigrants face certain difficulties because they are not familiar with local legislation.

Thanks to the transparency of this process, it is not as difficult for migrants from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine or Kazakhstan to make the move as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to provide truthful information about yourself and adhere to the approved algorithm of actions:

  1. Select a province and its corresponding immigration program.
  2. Collect the required documents.
  3. Fill out an application in the Express Entry system to be included in the list of applicants for relocation.
  4. Wait for a response about approval, which arrives within three months.
  5. If necessary, appear for an interview at the consulate.
  6. Be examined by a medical commission.
  7. Send the collected documents and examination results to the Canadian Consulate by mail.
  8. Pay the fee. Family emigration involves paying a fee for each next relative with the applicant, including children.

Once an immigrant visa is issued, the applicant is entitled to enter Canada legally. Upon arrival at his destination, he is obliged to contact the Migration Service and submit an application for approval of a residence permit for him and his family members.

To obtain resident status, the applicant needs:

  1. Pass the language testing exam.
  2. Get a medical examination at your local clinical center.

If the application is approved, the foreigner will receive a residence permit, giving the right to legally live and work in Canada.

What is needed to obtain Canadian citizenship?

Citizenship is the final stage of immigration to Canada. The rules for joining it are regulated by federal laws, the provisions of which are periodically adjusted. Currently, a foreigner has several current options for obtaining a Canadian passport. He has the right to choose from them the one that best suits his situation:

  1. Naturalization . The most affordable way to become a citizen. To do this, it is enough to live in the country with legal resident status for a certain number of years on the basis of employment, marriage or doing business.
  2. Birthright . Children born in Canada automatically become citizens of the country.
  3. Right of blood . Foreigners with at least one parent who is a Canadian citizen are eligible to apply for a Canadian passport.
  4. Military service . Migrants who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces can become Canadian citizens under a simplified procedure. To obtain status, you must serve in the army for at least a year and live in the country for a total of 3 more years.

The procedure involves several requirements that the applicant must meet:

  1. Be of legal age.
  2. Have a current resident status, excluding cases of cancellation or current renewal of a residence permit.
  3. Submit documents in person.
  4. Live permanently in the country for 4 of the 6 years preceding the filing of the application, without leaving the country.
  5. Fluent in any of the official state languages: French or English.
  6. Be able to provide evidence of timely payment of taxes for 4 years.

If the application is submitted on behalf of a minor foreigner, the procedure can be initiated by one of his parents or guardians. In this case, the applicant must have a Canadian passport.

An applicant may be denied civil status for several reasons:

  1. Conviction without imprisonment within the previous three years.
  2. Actual serving of a sentence of any length within a four-year period prior to filing documents.
  3. Being under investigation in the status of an accused.
  4. Revocation of Canadian citizenship in the last five years.
  5. Refusal to approve an application for citizenship due to the provision of false information about oneself.
  6. Presence of diseases dangerous to society.

Learn more about ways to obtain Canadian citizenship

Burlington, Ontario

The average temperature in January is -5°C, in July +23°C.

The city of Burlington is located on the shores of the lake of the same name, 50 km from Toronto. It is part of an industrial area that residents call the "Golden Horseshoe". For the past four years, the region has been ranked as the safest place to live in the Greater Toronto Area and the safest region in the country.

In the region, about 30% of the population came from abroad. Thanks to its central location, unique, fabulous landscapes, the city can be considered a worthy candidate for relocation. You can also take unforgettable hikes along the Niagara Cliffs and the Bruce Trail.

The territory has a continental climate with cold and dry winters. In summer, on the contrary, there is a large amount of precipitation.

Housing is quite affordable for a person with an average income - the average price of a house is about $556 thousand.

The local economy is based on the manufacturing and automobile industries. The largest representatives of this industry are Boehringer Ingelheim, Fearmans Pork, Cogeco Cable and others.

This is a fun and exciting city that hosts two big events every year - Canada Ribfest and a large music festival, which surprise with their scope and interesting program.

You can learn more about life, work, and doing business in the region from a specialized immigration portal.

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