Emigration from Russia to Georgia: how to move to live for permanent residence, pros and cons

Pros and cons of immigration to Georgia

To move to Georgia, it is worth studying the features of life. You can rely on reviews from those who have already moved or explore the country on your own.

Pros of moving

The most common advantages include:

  1. Visa-free entry for Georgian residents to Germany, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland and other Eurozone countries.
  2. The cost of living is lower than in Russia. Immigrants estimate the cost of living at $200 without rent.
  3. Favorable climate, amazingly organic natural landscape, warm sea, good beaches.
  4. The Russian language is widely spoken.
  5. The friendliness of Georgians.

Cons of moving

The most commonly cited disadvantages are:

  1. Lack of jobs, low wages and standard of living. In small settlements people live very poorly.
  2. Rising prices during the tourist season for food, services, and rental housing.
  3. Lack of air links with Russia.
  4. Unclear political situation.
  5. A large number of beggars and stray dogs.

How does emigration work?

Georgia is one of the most colorful post-Soviet republics. This state has a warm and gentle climate, and its population is almost completely friendly and hospitable. Residents of Russia are often ready to move to stay there forever, enchanted by the beauty and warmth of this place. Some residents of the Russian Federation have relatives, friends or inheritance there that are worth moving for. But migration to Georgia is not as simple as it might seem at first, and living in this country is not so easy.

Before moving to this country, it is worth living here for at least a month in a residential area not during the tourist season and taking a closer look at the place in which you want to live forever. Even in Tbilisi there are no high salaries; the average wage in the city not in the service sector is only 400 lari. You need to know exactly, or at least roughly imagine, where you will be working, because it is difficult for an emigrant to find a job. You need to issue a temporary identity document in Georgian. More than 100 thousand Russian immigrants live in Georgia, according to the latest statistics.

Ways to emigrate to Georgia from Russia in 2021

According to Georgia’s migration policy, citizens of most CIS countries, including Russia, have a visa-free regime for 365 days. In other words, you can live on Georgian territory for one year, after which you need to leave. To move for a longer period, you must prove the reasons, these could be methods of emigration:

  1. Drawing up a work contract.
  2. Family reunion or marriage with a resident.
  3. Studying at a Georgian university.
  4. Emigration through business.
  5. Investment investments.
  6. Buying a property.

Registration of a work contract

Getting a job in Georgia is very difficult. Due to rampant unemployment, which stood at 25% in 2021, it is not realistic for a foreigner to apply for vacancies in local companies. According to the stories of those who decided to move here, you can only find work with Russian entrepreneurs or in international companies.

Today the Government is attracting investors in construction, tourism, the food sector, education, medicine, and in this regard, jobs are opening up for which any foreigner can apply. Persistence and search certainly bear fruit - those who fall in love with Georgia soon achieve results in employment.

The big advantage is the visa-free period; within a year you can make connections, explore the labor market, get a position and sign a contract. Many Russian emigrants work as freelancers; after the visa-free period expires, they go to Russia for a few days and then return.


When deciding to emigrate to a hospitable state due to employment, you should submit an application and provide documentation to the Diplomatic Office of Georgia. This:

  • a foreign passport with a validity period of at least 3 months;
  • invitation from the employer;
  • photographs of the established sample;
  • diploma of education;
  • a certificate from a previous place of work or a recommendation;
  • health insurance;
  • Bank statements.


Since 2021, the rules for candidates for a residence permit have been tightened; in order to move in this status, you need to have a salary of 5 times the subsistence minimum. Now this figure is around $67, so the contract with a foreigner must specify an amount of at least $335.

A labor immigrant applying in Russia pays about $50 for a work visa. It is issued for the contract period or for a year. Then you are allowed to migrate to a residence permit, the fee for processing the application will be around $72, for urgent consideration the price increases up to 2 times.


A work visa is issued within 2 weeks. In case of emigration for a residence permit, you will have to wait 20 days for a decision with an additional payment, or 30 days in the standard mode. A temporary resident card is issued for 6 years.

Family reunion or marriage with a resident

The Georgian Government values ​​family ties, and because of this, it freely issues residence permits to residents of other countries with Georgian roots. Also, due to the processes of emigration and immigration between neighboring states, there is a considerable number of mixed marriages with Georgians and Georgian women. According to statistics, Russian women more often choose Georgian women as their companions than Russian men choose Georgian women. It must be said that this method of emigration is the most common.


Moving through marriage or through a family reunification program is easier and faster, but you need to prove it with facts. To do this you need to submit:

  • certificates or birth certificates confirming family ties or Georgian roots;
  • certificate of marriage with a resident, holder of a residence permit or permanent residence permit of Georgia;
  • extracts proving the financial solvency of the receiving party;
  • photographs based on the sample;
  • passports of both parties;
  • other information upon request.


To move, you must not only collect certificates and submit them to the Immigration Service, but also pay a state fee. The payment amount ranges from $72-142.


Applicants who plan to move as a close relative or spouse receive a residence permit or permanent residence permit for 3 or 6 years. Then citizenship is issued.

Study at a Georgian university

After the signing of the Bologna Agreement, Georgian education switched to the pan-European system. State, private and international universities offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees to school graduates. The main areas are business, law, economics, medicine, philology, tourism. Training is conducted in Georgian, Russian, English, French, German. All leading colleges and universities are located in large cities - Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi. Popular are: BAU International University, Ilia State University, David Tvildiani Medical University, The Georgian American University and others. Due to such factors, graduates from the CIS countries are showing interest in studying in Georgia.


It is possible to move to a residence permit through training, since after enrollment in a Georgian university you are provided with a special temporary resident card. To emigrate and receive it, you must provide the following to the authorized body:

  • international passport;
  • school leaving certificate;
  • document confirming admission to a Georgian university;
  • the result of a medical examination;
  • insurance policy;
  • confirmation of financial solvency for the entire period of study.


The cost of training depends on the educational institution; on average, a student pays from $1000-3500. Georgian education is considered quite accessible for Russian, Ukrainian, and Kazakh students.


The entire process of obtaining a student visa takes from 1-1.5 months. The decision to grant a study residence permit for the entire period of study is issued within 30 calendar days.

Emigration through business

Today, all diplomatic relations between Russia and Georgia have been terminated, but Russians interested in Georgia are opening businesses on its territory. Due to the weak economy, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development is supporting foreign businessmen. The majority of them are Russian entrepreneurs.

To open a company in Georgia, you need to familiarize yourself with the legislation, choose an organizational and legal form, rent or buy premises, register a company, and pay registration fees. It is worth noting that many niches in Georgia are free, so it is possible to implement your business plan in many industries.


Emigration through business is one of the long processes compared to other methods. To obtain a permanent residence permit you will need:

  • application in a special form;
  • contract for rent or purchase of premises;
  • registration certificates for the company;
  • organizational and legal documents;
  • certificates from the bank confirming the availability of current accounts and sufficient money for living;
  • receipts for payment of fees and state duties.


Georgian innovations also affected entrepreneurs. From July 2019, in order to emigrate for permanent or temporary residence, you must confirm an annual turnover of $18,000, in the educational and medical fields $13,000.

The amount of state fees depends on the organizational and legal form. Currently, the registration fee for an LLC ranges from $50-300; for an OJSC it ranges from $120-600. Residence permit status will cost $72, $115 or $142, the amount depends on the urgency. The price of state fees for permanent residence is from $60-105. Additional costs for translation and notarized copies may apply.


If all documents meet the requirements of the Ministry of Economy and the Immigration Service, then a permanent resident card is issued within 30 calendar days.


According to the Georgian law “On Assistance and Guarantees of Investment Activities”, any foreigner can emigrate for investment. Their size is set at 300,000 lari; they need to be invested in the development of the country’s economy. Today, investment is a promising way of emigration. Investors have the most favorable conditions for obtaining a Georgian passport, and it is now surpassing the Russian one due to visa-free entry into EU countries. This fact has not gone unnoticed among Russians, especially among entrepreneurs and investors.


Migration through investment includes the stage of collecting the necessary documents:

  • a foreign passport with a validity period of at least 3 months;
  • opening and replenishing an account in a state bank of Georgia;
  • certificate of no criminal record obtained in your home state.
  • photographs of the established sample;
  • marriage certificate, birth certificate of children (if available);
  • insurance policy;
  • card account statement proving the availability of funds;
  • other information upon request.


The cost of processing an application for permanent residence in Georgia will range from $72-142. There may be costs associated with translation of certificates. Wealthy people also hire legal support; specialists in such matters will help you emigrate competently, but for a certain amount.


Upon fulfillment of all obligations, the investor receives a temporary resident card within one month. The document is valid for 6 years. For those who already have an investment residence permit, after July 5, 2021, they can change it to an unlimited one.

Buying a property

Buying real estate in Georgia can be considered as an investment or as an immigration option. If you purchase housing for $100,000 (until July 5, 2019, the amount was $57,000), you are allowed to emigrate for temporary residence. Today there is a great demand for apartments, villas, near the sea in Batumi, hence there are many offers from developers. Hotel and residential areas on the first coastline are offered for settlement.

You can contact companies directly regarding the purchase of housing; contacts are published on official websites. Another plus is that there is no language barrier in Georgia, so it’s not difficult to understand all the nuances of the design.


To move to a residence permit or permanent residence, you need to provide the following to the Georgian Migration Department:

  • a statement indicating the reason for migration;
  • international passport;
  • real estate purchase and sale contract;
  • an extract from a card or current account;
  • receipt for payment of the fee.


According to the regulations, to obtain a residence permit, an amount in the range of $72-142 is paid, the calculation is made in Georgian lari. The higher the price, the shorter the application review period. Typically, the applicant receives a temporary resident card after 3 or 4 weeks.


This method of emigration provides a short-term residence permit, it is issued for a year, and subsequently extended. After living in Georgia for 6 years, you are allowed to apply for permanent residence or citizenship.


It’s warm in Batumi, but there are exceptions. For example, at the time of writing this article it snowed in the city -3 °C. We went out to make snowmen. The last time it snowed was three years ago. At such times, one light jacket is enough. Warm shoes, pants, underpants, overalls, knitted sweaters - all this is not needed. In Russia, more than half of the wardrobe was stored for winter.

Sun vs rain

In Batumi there is an eternal struggle between two principles. The sun is shining softly. So far we have found autumn and winter. We'll wait until summer to find out the full range of its capabilities. In November, my son and I swam and managed to get a tan. Locals no longer go into the water in this weather, but it’s just right for visitors.

Local rain is always downpours. If it starts, it will be for at least a couple of days. We get used to the fact that many things in Georgia are in contrast. The proximity of the sea and mountains creates a capricious ecosystem. Balconies in houses are equipped with a hole for drainage. Sometimes it’s just a gutter to the street, sometimes it’s a pipe for draining water into storm drains.

Obtaining a residence permit in Georgia

According to Georgian statistics on immigration, in 2018-2019. There was a large influx of emigrants from Russia and Ukraine. But due to new migration legislation, in 2021 the number of people moving has decreased noticeably. The reasons are more stringent requirements for new immigrants, the size of the financial threshold has increased, and the duration of the residence permit has been reduced.

Now, in order to move legally, foreigners need:

  1. Use one of the methods of emigration - labor, investment, study, acquisition of real estate, implementation of a business project. Upon arrival, register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia within 10 days.
  2. A foreigner has the right to apply for a special quota for immigrants; a certain number of places are provided annually.
  3. When deciding to emigrate, you must contact the migration service, providing a full package of certificates according to the regulations. Pay the appropriate fees, all receipts are attached.
  4. Depending on the method of emigration, short-term, temporary, permanent, and indefinite residence permits are issued. The validity period of the document is from 1 year to 6 years.

How long can you stay in Georgia by car?

The country is distinguished by a compact location of attractions, so traveling by your own car allows you to better see all its picturesque landscapes, and, if desired, make stops in any place you like. A car with foreign license plates can travel through Georgian territory for 90 days when crossing the water border (ferry) and 60 land borders (upper lars). This is indicated on the sticker that is attached to the passport. If the owner of the vehicle (vehicle) is a citizen of Georgia, then the period is 60 days.

Afterwards, the car must leave the country or customs procedures will be applied to the owner of the vehicle in accordance with legislation and instructions. Violation of this rule is punishable by a fine of up to 1000 GEL. If you want to extend the period of stay of the vehicle on the territory of Georgia, you must obtain a temporary (for 3 years) registration of the car by paying 120 GEL. Monetary losses also await the front seat passenger who is not wearing a seat belt.

The legal owner of the vehicle must have a set of documents that he usually carries with him at home. This is a driver's license and a car registration certificate with data written in Latin. From March 1, 2021, car insurance has become mandatory for foreigners.

As for a power of attorney for a car, the Russian side may not require it, but Georgians will most likely ask, especially if the car is new (up to 3 years old). In a situation where there is no permission, border guards ask some questions, clarify the situation and, as a rule, let you through. At least, there have been no cases where the lack of such a document became the reason for denial of entry into the country. When drawing up a notarized power of attorney, it is imperative to indicate that the car can be exported outside the Russian Federation.

If you intend to stay in the country for more than 15 days, then from March 1, 2021, before entering Georgia, your car must be insured. This can be done directly at the checkpoint. Neither the Green Card, nor CASCO, nor MTPL are valid here. The cost of the service is influenced by: the type of vehicle, the duration of the insurance period. This will provide coverage for damage caused to the victim during an accident. Without insurance, the owner of a passenger car is subject to a fine of 100 lari, and a bus owner of 200 lari. Cars with license plates 82 and 92 regions (Crimea and Sevastopol) are not allowed into the country.

So, the answer to the main question “ do I need a visa to Georgia ” has been given. To clarify information, for advice and legal assistance, tourists should contact the House of Justice directly or go to the police website.

Georgia today is the most accessible of the neighboring countries, to which you can literally fly for a weekend. It attracts with its safety, energy, fantastic climate, incredible nature, new fashionable places, rich culture, warmth and hospitality of its inhabitants, which especially warms the soul. Maybe that’s why many visitors note that it was here that they suddenly felt at home.

Obtaining Georgian citizenship

Any foreigner can emigrate to the country and acquire a resident passport after 6 years of continuous residence. The application is submitted at the House of Justice, operating in large cities, in particular in Tbilisi and Batumi. In addition to collecting documents, each applicant is required to pass an exam in the Georgian language, legislation, and history of the state. All factors influence the decision to issue citizenship. You will also have to renounce your native citizenship; for this, a refusal is written at a Russian diplomatic institution.

To emigrate to Georgia permanently, basic documents are prepared and submitted to the House of Justice:

  • application, it can be downloaded from the official portal;
  • birth certificate;
  • a copy of a passport with residency;
  • international passport;
  • full-face photographs from 2-4 pieces;
  • information about marital status;
  • documentation for all family members (if available);
  • certificate of no criminal record in Georgia;
  • Bank statements;
  • proof of residence for 6 years;
  • acts on the availability of property, real estate;
  • other information upon request.

Citizenship fees are subject to deadlines. If you pay $100, then a decision will come in 20 days, if you pay $70, in 40 days. Although the prices quoted are in US dollars, all payments are made in Georgian lari.

Why we decided to move to Georgia

My name is Marina, I'm 38 years old. I am a native Muscovite.

A year ago, my husband and children moved to live in Georgia. My husband is Georgian, and therefore we often traveled to his homeland and lived for a long time in different places: in the countryside and in the city.

The desire to stay in this country was present from the first trip. An amazingly diverse climate, natural beauty, clean air and water, natural food - all this translated desire into action.

All you had to do was decide:

  • where exactly to move;
  • what will we do there, how to earn money;
  • questions with school, kindergarten.

First things first.

Required documents

Despite the fact that Russia officially does not have diplomatic relations with Georgia, citizens of the Russian Federation can freely come to Georgia without any visas. You can stay in the territory in free flight for up to 365 days.

For those who want to stay, apply for a temporary residence permit and obtain citizenship. Their duration and necessity are based on the reasons for the move: family reunification, employment contract, etc.

In my case, it was a family reunion. All procedures are lightweight, but still quite lengthy for me. Citizenship requires residence for three years, but I heard that this period has been increased to five years.

List of in-demand professions and salaries for immigrants in Georgia

Salaries in Georgia are considered the lowest among the Transcaucasian states. At the moment, the problem is quite acute, so the Government is introducing new reforms to attract foreign capital.

Workers are paid the most in Tbilisi; this is where large companies are active. In other regions you can find the minimum wage – $58 per month. The average income of qualified specialists in the field of IT technology, finance, and scientific and technical activities is noted in the range of $600-800.

Immigrants have the opportunity to find employment in the following professions:

Professionsin USD
Specialist doctor$350
Production worker$325
Agricultural worker$180
Tourism manager$420
Restaurant manager$350

Attitude of locals towards immigrants in Georgia

Political events have not changed the attitude of Georgians towards Russian immigrants. Georgia has always been considered a hospitable state, and therefore remains so. The local population in 90% of cases is ready to provide any support to new residents. According to them, regardless of the relations between the countries, they are happy to welcome Russian tourists and emigrants alike. Also, due to the fact that the Georgian Government has become a member of the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation Eurocontrol since 2014, it is obliged to be tolerant in all matters.

The country is home to 3.7 million people, most of whom are Georgians, Azerbaijanis and Armenians. Russians predominate among the Russian-speaking population; about 30 thousand people live there.

The most disappointing thing is the cancellation of flights from Russia. Now, to get to Tbilisi or Batumi, you need to use other routes.

Old-fashioned method: through Vladikavkaz

DURING A PANDEMIC : relevant only for the return journey (from Georgia to Russia) and only for citizens of the Russian Federation. However, they will be allowed to travel from Russia to Georgia by land if they have a residence permit, an invitation for treatment in Georgia and other valid reasons. You need to order a transfer, which I wrote about at the beginning of the article.

Cheap way to get to Georgia! Let's follow in the footsteps of Lermontov and other travelers of past eras. Well, or almost.

Step 1. We go to Vladikavkaz

Flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg are very cheap - from 2500 ₽ one way. Check prices >> You can also fly to Mineralnye Vody: there are many more flights there, so this route may be more convenient for many. View tickets >> We used the second option.

You can also get to Vladikavkaz by train, but it is more expensive and longer than flying. Check the current cost of train tickets on Tutu.ru. I warn you, the journey from Moscow takes 36 hours, and from St. Petersburg - two days. Let me remind you that trains do not go to Georgia from Russia.

Step 2. Going to Georgia

Then we get to Georgia from Vladikavkaz by land on buses, minibuses or hitchhiking. Having arrived in the capital of North Ossetia, we take a bus to the bus station. There you will find buses and many private drivers ready to take you to Georgia. There are four options:

  1. The simplest and most convenient . Direct bus or minibus to Tbilisi for 1000-2000 rubles. Check out the schedule and prices.
  2. Interesting . A minibus or ride for 400-500 rubles to Stepantsminda, a city in northern Georgia, 11 km from the border with the Russian Federation. The Georgian Military Road begins here, near Mount Kazbek, mineral water springs, resorts, glaciers, paragliding, etc. A minibus to Tbilisi costs 10 GEL.
  3. Economy _ At the city bus station, take the bus to the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint for 40 rubles. Crossing the border on foot is prohibited, so ask to get into cars where there are free seats. Some will refuse, some will ask for money, and some will take it for free. Ask for a ride to Stepantsminda, and then as described above.
  4. Travelers and private travelers . A seat on a ride costs 200-500 rubles. Be careful - there are plenty of scammers on this route: you can be scammed out of money or transferred from car to car before the border, at the border, after the border. Choose rideshare drivers on BlaBlaCar with good ratings and reviews.

The Georgian Military Road, along which you will pass on the way from Vladikavkaz. The beauty is incredible!

A line of trucks waiting their turn to cross the border at the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint.
In the summer, there are also queues of cars and buses - take this into account. I advise you to stay in Ossetia to see Dargavs and other cities of the dead. You can go to the Karmadon Gorge to the place of death of Sergei Bodrov Jr. and his film crew. These places make a strong impression.

Total cost: from 5500 rub.


  1. private drivers are reckless on the road,
  2. There are queues at the checkpoint, and long ones,
  3. If there is snowfall or mudflows, the pass is closed - you can get stuck for several days.
  • What to see in Tbilisi
  • What to see in Georgia

The city of the dead Dargavs is the most famous necropolis in the Caucasus. North Ossetia.

Crypts in North Ossetia.

Georgia visa centers in Russia

The main diplomatic department is the Russian Interests Section at the Swiss Embassy in Georgia . Located at:

  • 121069, Moscow, Maly Rzhevsky lane, 6.;
  • telephone;
  • work schedule: from 10-00 to 18-00 h.

Also, on all questions about how to emigrate to Georgia, you are allowed to consult directly in Tbilisi at the address:

  • Tbilisi, Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue, 51;
  • phone: + 995 32 291 26 75;
  • work schedule: from 09-00 to 19-00 h.
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