Is it worth going to the USA to earn money: features, pros and cons

  1. Requirements
  2. Vacancies
  3. Search
  4. Employment
  5. Advantages and disadvantages

The United States of America, a country that was created by emigrants, still attracts foreigners from all over the world. One way to move to the States is through labor migration. Unemployment in the country averages 5%. In 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this figure has risen to 14% in some states. But this is not the only reason why it is difficult for Russians to migrate to America. Obtaining a visa to this country is a rather long and complicated procedure.

The following have the right to work in the United States of America:

  1. Foreigners who come for temporary work. Back at home, they entered into an agreement with the employer and receive a work visa for the period specified in the contract.
  2. Immigrants who are eligible for permanent residence in America. They can change jobs, quit, look for new employers, and for this they do not need to obtain any special permits.
  3. Foreign students can also work, but to do this they need to obtain permission from the university. However, work should not interfere with studies.

Requirements for foreigners

How to get a job in the States? There are certain requirements for foreigners that must be met.

  1. Language. Without knowing English, it is almost impossible to fly to work in the USA - from an interview with an employer and an interview at the embassy to basic communication with other people already in the States.
  2. Education and experience. The level of competence of a specialist is confirmed by the presence of a diploma of higher education, experience and professional skills.
  3. Diploma nostrification. In order for a diploma received at a Russian university to be considered valid, it is necessary to go through the nostrification procedure. It is paid and carried out in special agencies. Specialists check the compliance of the lectures and disciplines listened to. If the candidate’s education meets all standards, his diploma is recognized as valid and he is provided with a corresponding unique number.

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Employment in the USA: popular vacancies

In the United States, there is a great demand for rare professions, as well as blue-collar jobs. Among the most popular vacancies that will always be in price are:

  • doctors of the highest categories - dentists, surgeons;
  • engineers (in America, specialists of this profession from Russia are valued);
  • accountants (as well as financiers and banking workers);
  • teachers in kindergarten or primary school;
  • builders, as well as all representatives of related professions;
  • middle managers;
  • retail salespeople;
  • drivers (taxi drivers and truck drivers);
  • nannies or caregivers;
  • laborers for businesses and farms.

There are also professions where it is very difficult to find a vacancy. Basically, these are the following types of work:

  • architects;
  • designers;
  • journalists;
  • directors;
  • photographers;
  • musicians.

As for wages, the minimum rate is set at the federal level, while each state has its own. The lowest is $7.5 per hour. In Colombia, Washington or, for example, California you can earn twice as much. As for the salary itself, the average monthly salary is $3,800, but this is without taxes (we will discuss them later).

Also, payment depends on the place of work, position, level of qualifications. For example, doctors of the highest categories can earn the most. Thus, the surgeon’s salary reaches $250,000 per year. Lawyers and financiers can earn up to $150,000 per year. Programmers and engineers are a little less – $90,000. Accountants and police officers earn up to $70,000. But these professions require qualifications. Jobs that candidates without a degree can apply for earn less. Office workers, secretaries and administrators earn up to $30,000 per year. Salespeople, couriers and storekeepers receive up to $25,000. For fast food workers and cleaners, the wages reach $20,000 a year. Russians who do not have an education apply for jobs that involve physical labor. Although, for example, experienced workers are hired into the construction industry. While everyone can apply for a job as a handyman.

Job search

Finding a job in the USA is possible using different methods, independently or with an intermediary. The latter is more reliable, but such services are not free.


The fastest and most convenient way to find a job in the USA is to use specialized Internet portals. Job sites can be either American or Russian. The advantage of this method is efficiency and accessibility, as well as a wide selection of vacancies. The downside is that not all employers who place their advertisements are conscientious. There is a possibility of falling for scammers.

Recruitment agencies

This is the most reliable way to find a job. You need to contact a trusted company. The agent will select a suitable vacancy, help with the preparation of documents, and advise on all issues. But recruiters' services are not free. And it’s better to pay for them after the fact - among such companies there are also those who just want to make money.

Direct employment

You can find out if there are any available vacancies in a particular company by contacting them directly. The main condition is that the candidate for the position must exactly meet the requirements and have an accurate idea of ​​what and where he will be doing.

Search for work locally

Immigrants who have already moved to America, but have not yet found employment, can look for work locally. By the way, this can also be done through recruiting agencies or the Internet.

Question 3. What comes first: moving or finding a job?

Caution and foresight tell us that it is necessary to first understand the situation on the labor market, understand approximately what kind of payment for your work we can talk about, figure out where to live, what to drive, where to get treatment and study. But the practice is that a rare employer will be satisfied with an interview via Skype, with the exception of certain vacancies in the IT field.

Prepare a financial cushion in case your job search drags on for six months or a year, and, having completed all the necessary documents, move to your place.

By immersing yourself in a job search and arriving in America, you can simultaneously undergo social adaptation and take a closer look at future offline jobs. Some, realizing the fact that many things work differently in America, give up at the start. In order not to give up everything halfway, an immigrant needs so-called social adaptation. That is, we need the help of professionals, those same immigration lawyers who know the laws and how everything works in America, as well as the sequence of necessary actions that a person who has just entered the country must take.

What is usually included in such a social adaptation package? Not only a meeting at the airport and assistance in renting housing, but also consultations with lawyers, assistance in opening a personal bank account, a credit card, obtaining an ID, a driver’s license and obtaining medical insurance. Help may be needed even in such seemingly simple matters as paying utility bills, renting a car, and choosing a profitable telephone and Internet package. The degree of your adaptation to the new environment can play an important role when interviewing for American companies.

Advice. Be prepared for rejection. Even in your home country, you probably weren’t accepted for every desired vacancy - remember the flash mob #menothired. To avoid giving up, take such refusals as a useful experience that will help you understand how the labor market works in a new country.

Legal employment: step-by-step procedure

How to get a job in the USA? This procedure has its own characteristics.

  1. Search for available vacancies in the USA.
  2. Concluding an agreement with the employer and obtaining a work permit.
  3. Sign up for an interview at the consulate.
  4. Preparation of documents for obtaining a work visa.
  5. Moving to the country and starting work.

Important stages are the interview, at which a variety of questions can be asked, as well as the preparation of documents.


A migrant must be prepared for the fact that he will have to collect a huge package of documents that will allow him to go to the States and work there. Among the obligatory ones:

  • invitation from the employer;
  • work permit;
  • Work Visa.

You cannot do without personal documents - photos, foreign passports, certificates of family composition, as well as documents confirming education - certificates, diplomas, certificates. In addition, in all structures it will be necessary to fill out various forms. As a rule, they have a certain form and requirements for completion. All documents are submitted in English.

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Work permit in the USA

To be able to legally work in the United States of America, a foreigner must obtain a work permit. This document is needed for:

  • students who have an F-1 visa;
  • refugee family members;
  • family members of a working immigrant;
  • university graduates who are going to practice;
  • immigrants who have applied for a Green Card;
  • employees who are employed by a foreign employer;
  • foreigners who arrived in the country on call.

Refugees do not need a work permit. In order to receive this document, you need to submit an application and a package of documents to the Citizenship and Migration Service:

  • completed application form;
  • international passport;
  • a document confirming that the immigrant has already submitted documents to the consulate (or embassy).

This procedure is not free. It costs $380. The validity of a work permit in the United States is one year, with the right to extend if necessary. After receiving the permit, the foreigner is also issued a social security number.

Applying for a work visa

There are different categories of visas for migrants traveling to work in the United States. The type of document depends on the employee’s classification and working conditions.

  • N-1B. This is the most popular visa, which is issued to highly skilled workers with at least 12 years of experience and who, as a rule, go to America at the invitation of their employer. It is issued for three years, with the possibility of extension for six years.
  • N-2V. This visa is received by seasonal workers (except for representatives of the agricultural sector). The document is issued for a year. This visa has a quota – 66,000 permits per year.
  • N-3. The document is intended for those who come to America to improve their skills, courses, educational programs, etc.
  • L-1. This category of visa is issued to executives and valuable specialists. You can get it for a period of three to seven years, depending on the organization and position.

These are not all types of visas. There are also visas for specific professions, for example, for nurses, athletes, cultural figures, etc. As for the process of obtaining a visa, for this purpose the following package of official papers is submitted to the consulate:

  • questionnaire filled out according to the form;
  • international passport;
  • photo;
  • application completed by the employer;
  • invitation from the employer and permission to hire a foreigner;
  • nostrified diploma and a copy of the work record book;
  • license to carry out activities (if necessary).

You will also need personal documents - marriage and birth certificates, bank statements, documents confirming the availability of property, etc. But before submitting documents, you need to pay the consular fee. It will cost $190. You must apply to the consulate for a visa at least three months before starting work. This document is issued for a period depending on the contract with the employer. As a rule, for a year with the right to extend.

Employment with a Green Card

Green Card (Green Card) is a document that confirms a foreigner’s right to reside and work in the United States, and gives its owner all the rights of an American citizen (except for the right to vote). You can get a Green Card through marriage to an American, refugee status, making large investments, or even winning a lottery played by the American government. It can also be obtained by immigrants who arrived in the country on a different visa. This is easiest for H-1B visa holders. If a foreigner receives a Green Card in his home country, he will no longer need an additional work permit.

Internship in the USA

You can also go to work in the USA for an internship. True, it is not available to everyone. The following can take part in such programs:

  • student, from 18 to 25 years old;
  • graduates, from 20 to 32 years old.

There are many programs that provide internships in a variety of companies and enterprises. It could also be social work or community service, for example. You can go on an internship either through such a program or by agreeing directly with the employer. The second option is much more difficult to arrange, but you will need to pay for participation in a certain program. The internship can last from several months to one and a half years. Typically, interns are provided with housing and a salary. It can reach up to $2,000 per month. The advantage of this method of going to work in the USA is that after the internship you can get good recommendations and get a permanent job.

List of popular professions and specialties

Jobs in demand in the United States are represented by the service sector and technical professions. So America needs auto mechanics, drivers, cleaners, waiters, and sales managers.

The best vacancies for foreigners can be found in the field of computer systems, logistics, medicine, and real estate.

In-demand professions in the USA

  • Cleaning company employees and cleaners;
  • Secretaries and administrators;
  • Storekeepers in grocery stores and other organizations;
  • Waiters and service personnel in fast food establishments;
  • Telephone operators;
  • Nurses;
  • Cashiers;
  • Retail salespeople.

The list of vacancies is constantly changing. But some specialists always remain in demand. So programmers, sales managers, and service workers will always find work. You can work in the USA in a cleaning company or car service center. There are minimum requirements for this.

The best paid jobs in the USA for Russians are medical vacancies 2021. So a nurse can earn about $69,000 a year. Pharmacists and physiotherapists are also regularly required. You can make good money as an administrator and operator.

Vacancies for trainees

Internship programs are available for graduates of higher education institutions and students starting from the third year. This is an opportunity not only to gain experience, but also to improve English and learn US culture. Upon completion of the program, you can receive a letter of recommendation. You can only get a job in companies that are registered in the States.

Internship programs do not apply to the fields of medicine, education, service, maritime affairs and aviation.

The internship is arranged by sponsorship companies. The company invites those who are receiving or have already received higher education. Their offices can be found in every state. To participate in the program, you must fill out a special application. A month is allotted for its consideration. After this, those who wish to participate are sent an invitation, which must be signed and sent back. After completing certain forms, a contract is concluded. You need to come with it to the US Consulate. The services of sponsorship companies are paid.


Residents of the United States are considered one of the most law-abiding nations. They regularly pay taxes, which are provided for everyone who is officially employed, including foreigners. The taxes are as follows:

  • federal tax – from 10% to 39% of income;
  • to the social security fund – 6.2%;
  • insurance – 1.45%;
  • tax of a certain state - up to 11%.

Paying all taxes ultimately adds up to a lump sum. This may not suit some immigrants, including Russians, and they try to get a job illegally in order to bypass the taxation process.

What professions are in demand in the United States?

Vacancies in the USA always exist for such qualified specialists as:

  • programmers;
  • engineers of the highest category;
  • doctors.

There is no point in applying for these positions without knowing English. And doctors will also have to obtain a confirming certificate, which is issued in each state by a special commission.

To become the owner of this document, you need to pass theoretical and practical exams. You will also have to undergo an internship in a hospital for at least 3 years (residency) to obtain a license to practice medicine.

When answering the question about who you can work in America without education, you should indicate the following in-demand professions:

  • builders;
  • drivers (including truckers);
  • auto mechanics;
  • gardeners;
  • sellers;
  • nannies and caregivers;
  • maids;
  • couriers;
  • dishwashers;
  • cleaners;
  • farm assistants;
  • general workers at construction sites, factories.

Nannies, caregivers, housekeepers, and farm assistants are provided with housing and food. Drivers with a Russian license will have to take exams in the United States to obtain a new license (a driver’s license issued in Russia can be used for no more than 3 months).

How to go to illegal work and why is it dangerous?

Cases of illegal employment in the United States are not uncommon. Foreigners travel to the country on a tourist visa or go there to visit relatives, without having a work permit, they try to get a job somewhere. This is easier to do in the sense that you can bypass the entire employment procedure discussed above. But the salaries of workers who are not officially registered are much less than the required rates. It is also important to remember that working illegally is a violation of the law. An illegal immigrant can be deported to the country without the right to return. He is also not protected by law - that is, the employer may not pay him extra or leave him without money at all. Most often, the option to work illegally is chosen as remote work, which can be done at home.

How to look for work in America

When searching for a job, you should seek help from relatives, friends, and acquaintances living in the United States. They themselves once faced moving and searching for vacancies, so they have valuable practical experience. In addition, these people are closest to the source of information about the state of the labor market in a certain state or city. Their reviews of local employers will be the most objective.

If you don’t have any acquaintances who have lived in America for a long time, you can find a job in the USA by looking at advertisements in the local press. Newspapers like USA Today, Washington Post, New York Times and others have online versions, so you don't have to be in the United States to read them.

For those who are looking for a suitable vacancy after immigration, there is another good option - submit your own advertisement in the local newspaper. You can also view advertisements in city shopping and entertainment centers, hotels, cafes, salons and other institutions. If there is no notice board in the establishment, you can contact the administrators and ask them about vacancies.

While in the United States, you can visit the Russian community of a particular city. Its representatives will tell you where Russians work in America, give you a list of current vacancies, and help you collect the required documents. They often always have the latest data.

Another option is to contact the company you are interested in directly. To do this, you need to write a resume and send it to a potential employer. It is better to try to get a job in large companies, since they are constantly in need of labor.

The optimal solution for confident Internet users is to monitor American job search sites. A wide base of vacancies is presented on the following electronic labor exchanges:

  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • and others.

If you don’t want to search for a job yourself, you can trust intermediaries – specialized recruiting companies. Many of them charge money for their services at the very beginning of cooperation.

In order not to fall into the trap of scammers, it is better to trust an agency that works without prepayment and asks to transfer the required amount to its account only after a vacancy has been found.

Before entering into an agreement with a recruiting company, you need to make sure that it has a license to provide job search services.

The following employment agencies in the USA have proven themselves to be the most reliable:

  • Russian America INC;
  • Fish Alaska;
  • Employment agency NY;
  • Mariage LTD and others.

Those foreigners who have encountered fraud have the right to file a complaint against a specific recruiting company with the State Bureau for the Protection of Consumer Rights ().

Advantages and disadvantages of working in the USA

If we compare the employment process in the United States with the countries of Europe and the CIS, the main difference is the difficulty of obtaining the right to move to the country and work there. The process of obtaining a US visa has always been long. The situation has worsened with the presidency of Donald Trump, who has tightened rules for migrants. Other disadvantages of living and working in the USA include:

  • difficulty getting a high-paying position;
  • labor legislation, which is not always on the side of workers;
  • expensive medicine, real estate, personal services.

If we talk about the advantages, then these are:

  • stable economy;
  • low unemployment;
  • Almost all areas of activity are developed, where there are many job offers.

Many choose America as a developed high-tech country with many opportunities. However, the path to these opportunities requires patience and time.

Consequences of illegal employment

It is impossible to get a job illegally in highly paid positions and well-known companies. Typically, illegal immigrants work as nurses, construction workers, and laborers. In some cases, an illegal device is a home-based job for a remote freelancer, or an unofficial summer job for a teenager. However, hiring an illegal immigrant is dangerous and unprofitable for companies: they face a fine that is 10 times more than the salary of an unofficial employee. The employee’s punishment is also serious: a ban on legal employment or deportation from the country.

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